
I Think I Transmigrated Into A Japanese Romantic Comedy

When I woke up, I was in a classroom. I tried to get a hold of my raging headache and looked around. It looked oddly familiar to stuff I'd usually see in anime and light novels. There's red, green, blue, pink, golden and various other types of coloured hair on the heads of these teenagers who are supposed to be my classmates. The clues say it is a Romantic Comedy. Yet I do not have a single inkling as to whose body this is and how I have landed here. 'System, give me my goddamn starter pack with the original body's memories and a damn Japanese Language package' Neither is any System reacting to my sincere request. 'You damn incompetent god or goddess that has dropped me in the middle of a damn classroom with no fucking support, respond for fucks sake or I'll burn your damn shrines' Nor are the gods or goddesses responding to my earnest pleas. And this bloody headache won't go away either. Fuck, I need to get my memory before someone realises something's off. ◆ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❴✪❵ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◆ Tags - (alternate world , beautiful female lead , caring protagonist , curious protagonist , calm protagonist , depression , early romance , love interest falls in love first , male protagonist , past trauma , proactive protagonist , transmigration ) ◆ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❴✪❵ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◆ First time writing a novel (rip me apart but please valid criticism) Ok so main features of this novel are: - No beta MC, just a normal person who's been through shit. - It is my take on a transmigration. I chose realism. - No NTR or any wierd shit here. This is a long and steady journey. - alot of internal monologue. This novel is truly going to be from the perspective of the MC. We will get to hear his true and complete thoughts no matter how stupid or irrelevant they may sound. I have done this to build character and give an insight into how MC thinks. - romance but no harem. Have main FL kind of figured out and main points of focus - the story will also try and focus on the original novel the MC transmigrated to.. - wanna try character development and see what I do in my first try. This will take alot of chapters. How many? I don't know. Each chapter will be meticulous, The issue is that it takes 20-30 mins to get the general plot and filling out the whole chapter takes like 5+ hours. Proof reading isn't an issue and that only takes about 20 mins. Either way I do hope you enjoy reading the novel as much as i enjoyed writing it

ObsidianRevenger · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

V1C10 - Cosplayers, Idols & Angels

(Note: Surnames are used to address people close to each other. First names are used to address people close to each other. I am going to use this too since I feel comfortable with it since it can be used as an indicator for checking if two people are close to each other.)

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Today is Sunday.

The first day I exercise.

I wake up at 5 in the morning, freshen up.

I was oddly not feeling tired despite going to bed late.

This might be a good thing.

One of the things I despise about being human is sleep; I mean a healthy human is supposed to sleep for like 6-8 hours a day.

Doesn't seem much at a glance but that's like one fucking third of our whole lives.

I could have read so many novels in the time I designate for my sleep and yet I'm unable to do so since sleep is vital.

Well not being tired might have something to do with the weird assimilation process and the whole mess around mine and Yuuta's souls merging but that is a rabbit hole I am not willing to dive down right now.

Anyways I put these thoughts aside and leave the house to enjoy exercising in the fresh morning air.


It didn't even take 30 minutes to drain all my energy.

Jesus fucking Christ!

Did this fucker never leave the house?

Did he never do some activity?

I mean, how can he be this fucking inactive that I can't jog for 20 minutes.

Yeah, it looks live I'll have to drain my energy to the limit every day, of course to the point that I don't damage my muscles.

My muscles will surely hurt moving them like this after they become in active.

I returned home vowing not to ever miss even one day of exercise for invalid reasons.


In the afternoon, I cleaned up my room: tore all the posters, cleared the messy cloth pile Yume created yesterday.

After she returned home yesterday, I did give her a few headchops an warned her not to make such a mess again.

Of course I did rub her head later and promised to take her out for waffles again if she behaved well.

Haah I might be a sis-con but who cares.


Anyways while cleaning I found Yuuta's hidden stash.

Well most of the stuff was just big-breasted neighborhood sister types and some generic vanilla.

Hmm at least he doesn't have any weird ones but it's best to throw them away.

If I need material, I'll just use the internet and avoid any awkward situation of my family members finding the stash.

So I plan to throw all of them.

Apart from one that was different from the others.

Of course, it doesn't exactly cater to my tastes to the point that I wish to buy multiple copies of it and store them safely at multiple locations in case of them being damaged by a fire or weathering.

I simply feel the art in it needs to be studied in depth.


*poke* *poke*


I open my eyes and get up.

I see an empty class room instead of multi-colored hair on the heads of the people who are my classmates.


I turn my head to my left.

I see a cute pink haired angel.

Did she come to bless me?

"Yuuta, did something happen? Why did you change your hair and looks of a sudden?"

She asked me with a tone of worry.

Wait, why is she worried?

Do I look bad in this or what?

I mean it did look quite good, plus I also had Yume's seal of approval.

I remove my headphones from my eyes before answering.

"Huh? Nothing, I just felt like I needed a change and my old hair. Does it look bad?"

"No, it looks quite good. But I read that people usually change when something traumatic happens. I thought you may have been rejected after confessing to a girl or something."

My eyes twitched at that response.

I might have said a thing or two to another person, but it was Minami Aoki who was asking me, and she had genuine concern in her tone.

"Nothing of the sort Minami. I don't even have a crush on someone so how can I confess. But still, you still act like our mother, just like the old days."

I remembered something from Yuuta's memories.

Back in middle school, it seems like me and Shinji fought over something irrelevant even Yuuta couldn't bothered to remember.

Man was Minami pissed after listening the ins-and-outs of the matter that me and Shinji since then we've been under her watchful eye.

And on top of that Minami's mom and my mom seem to know each other so she took care of us naturally without our permission.

Of course, neither of Yuuta and Minami seemed to have a romantic interest in each other, and neither do I intend to think of her romantically.

"Of course I have to. Otherwise who knows how you might stray onto the wrong path."

She says, trying to make a serious face that looks more adorable than serious.

"You know, Minami, We have grown up now. You can't keep treating us like kids when you're the one who looks like a kid the most."

I get up, place my hands on her plump cheeks and start playing with them.

"Uggh, Yuuta, stop playing with my cheeks. You'll leave some marks on my skin."


While I was unilaterally having fun, the class door opened and another person entered the class.

She looked at me, who was toying with Minami's cheeks.

"What the hell are you two doing in the morning? And did you get rejected or something?"

My eyes once again twitched.

Does a new make over really have to do with something traumatic?

Can't a guy simply transmigrate and have a new make over?

"Nothing, Hachi-"

She looked over to me with a look that said I wouldn't be alive if if I continued with what I was saying.

This was Hina Hachifuji; long brown hair tied in twin tails, brown eyes, Minami's best friend and someone who had a complex over her surname after she got teased for it in elementary school.

I'm sure it wasn't that bad but it seems like the teasing left an impact on her.

"Nothing Hina, I was just telling Minami that she can't treat us like children when she look so adorable herself."

"Look at this Hina. He's treating me like a complete child. You need to help me here."

Minami complained.

Hina put down her bag and smacked my hands off her cheeks.

No why is she getting all violent in the morning?

"Kazama, you shouldn't treat her like a child. Minami is a grown teenager."

She said it with a face as serious as a dead man walking.

That would have been believable if she hadn't placed her hands on Minami's face and started pulling her cheeks like I did.

"Not you too, Hina"

Minami grumbled, yet did not attempt to remove those hands.

Was she a tsundere?

"But Hina don't you think Minami might be popular if she became an idol?"

I start stroking Minami's hair while turning my head towards Hina.

"Agree, but I think we should start small first, Kazama. How about we get her to cosplay in Comiket and sell posters to see the reception?"

Hina agreed while feeling bliss at the sensation of discovering Minami's bountiful cheeks.

"Stop making me and idol and cosplayer without my permission!"

While Minami was grumbling and acting tsundere.

And that's how we started Monday morning.