

Around the year 2020 Ara Roxanne Black-Lupin is a sixth year student at Hogwarts along with the Weasley twins. She has great singing and guitar skills, that the twins and Lee could use for their band, "Trolls in the Dungeon". Will she agree to take part in the band? Will anything interesting happen between her and her boyfriend, Cedric Diggory? Read it to find out... DISCLAIMER: I absolutely love Cedric and will write fanfiction about him I just was in need for a character in the 6th year. Sorry about that.

gostreamwalls · Fantasy
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13 Chs


The days went on pretty quickly and before I knew it we were on Platform 9 and ¾, holding my Uncle Reggie's hand as he walked me to the train.

"Alright." He said, then hugged me as soon as we arrived at the entrance to the wagon. "Take care kiddo, see you soon!"

"See you Uncle Reggie," I said, and left, waving at him.

I entered the train, and saw my friends who immediately ran to hug me. They filled my head with kisses and bombarded me with questions about how I was feeling. To be honest, I felt like shit for not feeling like shit. I had spent all the holidays avoiding George since the breakup, and Bill, his older brother, became a very good friend who had kind of become an older brother to me, sort of like James.

I sat at the wagon with May, Jane and Carolina. I sat down beside the window, staring at the floor, thinking about how things would go when I saw Ced, Cedric.

"That boy was a dick. He didn't deserve you." 'Ina said, raging with anger.

"I don't care. I love him."

"For fuck's sake, Ara Roxanne Black-Lupin, you better take that back right now. You know you deserve better."

"I won't. I was, the problem, not him, he was perfect and didn't deserve to feel like he couldn't trust me with that one guy around." I still hadn't told them about the role George played on the breakup.

"It's not your fault he's an insecure little bitch."

"I guess," I said, not really convinced, but not wanting to talk about it anymore. I rested my head on May's shoulder, as she gently caressed it.


I woke up to Carolina and (surprisingly) Jane yelling, of course I didn't open my eyes after Jane said, "She's asleep. Get out of here!"

"Please, I need to talk to her," said a male voice, but it wasn't Cedric like I expected.

"George, can't you talk with her at any other time?"

"I'll come back later, but do you know why she's been ghosting me?" He asked.

"No idea."

I accidentally sneezed, and then they noticed I was awake.

"Hey," George said. "How long have you been awake?" He asked.

"A couple of minutes," I said.

"Could we go outside a minute?" It'll be quick."

"I'd rather just sleep if that's okay with you?"

"Sure, goodnight." He said, seriously. I could tell he was disappointed, mainly because he didn't end his sentence with Bub, like he usually does. He left, and waved awkwardly.

"What was that?" May asked.

"What was what?" I asked, playing dumb.

"You know, you being totally rude to George."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said.

"Stop playing dumb. What's up with you and George?"

"He's the guy," I said.

"What guy?" Jane asked.

"The one Cedric was jealous of."

"You're fucking kidding us. You are, aren't you? I mean, of course you are, he wouldn't leave you just because of your best friend. He wouldn't, that would be fucking stupid. It would be like if Cho left Rodge just because he's close with us. Even CHO wouldn't FUCKING do that, and she's CHO!" Carolina's jaw was tightening, and her hands were trembling with anger.

"He did. He was that fucking stupid. And now I can't even look at George's face without feeling like a complete bitch. I know I'm being so fucking shitty to him, and that he doesn't deserve this, but I don't think I'm ready to talk to him."

"Honey, you take as long as you need, and we can distract George." Said May, wiping tears from my face.

"Yeah baby, remember we're here for you." Said Jane, and Carol held my hand.

We arrived at around 4, and instead of hanging out at the common room I changed into a pair of sweats with my blue and bronze tank top and went to the pitch.

I flew in my broom (yes I'm a Quidditch player, a Beater) for about an hour, until my vision was kind of blurry, not from the air, but from the tears. I laid on the grass, and had a whole inner monologue.

I said to myself that I had to stop being an emotional little crybaby, and I needed to grow up. I was tired of getting my heart broken. I was going to be the one who broke hearts, and that if I wasn't okay emotionally, I'd fake it till I was. I was tired of taking bullshit from men.

I made up my mind, and knocked on the Slytherin Quidditch Captain's door, Marcus Flint. Of course, he was two years older than me, but that was what made it better, and what would piss Cedric off the most.