
Deeply involved

Ms.Kim, after hearing the argument between us, said Kim Tan to stand up. Actually I can't say that it was an argument because I didn't care what he was saying, it was more like conversation where one is speaking and other one is not showing any interest to the words of that person.

He stood up. She told him to stand still, till the classes are finished. She gave that punishment so that he won't be able to sleep in the standing position.

I was just staring forward. Deep in my heart actually I was enjoying that he is getting punishment. If I was the teacher, then i would have directly told him to get out of my class. I was hoping Ms.Kim to punish him that way. But she didn't, God knows why.

Because I was new to the school, i didn't know anything about this school. I assumed that maybe this is how the punishment would given here. But if it was my home country, then teachers there would be so strict. If anyone did what that guy did, then they would definitely kicked him out of the class.

I was staring at the board untill he kicked my desk with one of his legs. I sighed. What is with this guy? What does he want from me? Why is he being like this to a new comer? I was irritated.

I turned back and looked at him. There was a angry look on my face and the look said 'what is your problem, man?' Anyone could tell that I am angry with just looking at my eyes.

I glared at him and so did he. It was like there will be another glaring compitition between us. But the difference was everyone was seeing us. So i didn't paid anymore attention to him and cut off my glare off him.

While turning back, my eyes accidentally meet with the guy left to me. But i didn't do anything and just turned forward. If I had smiled at him, then i would have to face awkward moment again because I would never smile back at me.

Ms.Kim continued her teaching. And i again got spaced out in her teaching. I forgot everything that has happened a moment ago. She was so good at her work. Maybe because of her teaching, she had became one of my favourite teacher.

Unfortunately bell rang. Tring tring. Usually the sound of bell would be pleasant to ears, but today it was like loud unnecessary sound. I really didn't want to stop hearing her teaching. However, the bell rang and she wished everyone and left the class.

I totally forgot that guy behind me was staring at me a moment ago. I turned back to see him, but guess what, there was no one. I guess he left the class as the class was over.

I turned back. I was just blinking eyes not knowing what to do. I wanted to talk to classmates. I was going to look around and talk to someone. Then, a group of two to three girls came there.

They stood right in front of my bench. There were exactly three girls. Two of them were crossing their hands around them. And one of them was just standing looking at me. They all were looking at me.

Oh my god, Why are they standing there and staring at me like that? Are they here to bully me? I don't want trouble on my very first day. Should I just go from here? But will not it be a little rude? How should I deal with them?

These thoughts were all over my mind. I didn't know what to do.

Then one of them suddenly sat on the desk in front of my bench which was empty. And other two were just standing there. Their expression changed from cold to full friendly mood.

The girl who was sitting there, said that

" Hey. I am So-a , Han So-a. It's nice to meet you." I was surprised at that moment. Just a moment ago I was thinking that these girls are bullies and now they are completely different. I guess I have judged them very soon. And I should not have judged them. Now they were looking like they were totally here to make friendship with me.

They smiled at me. And i smiled back.

" Hey. I am Ria. It's nice to meet you too" I said. "your name is Ri-a or Ria" the other girl who was standing there said. There is a very slight difference between these names. Infact only the pronounciation was different. I didn't realised that my name can be spelled like this too, till now.

"It's Ria." i said. They nodded with agreeing expressions. I continued, "It's Ria, but if You feel difficult to pronounce, then you can call me Ri-a. There's not much difference anyway."

I didn't wanted to tell this but i don't know how it can out of my damn mouth.