
The School (Part 2) (Chapter 3)

"Hi, I'm Mikayla Parker," said the girl of my dreams, holding out her hand when she got to me and Grace. I just stood there, dumb-founded, and possibly looking like a fish, I don't really know. She gave me a type of weirded out look and took back her hand,

"This is my brother, Jake, and I'm Grace," my sister said, shaking her hand. "Don't worry, he's not always like this, he's only like this when he is nervous." Grace continued.

"That's ok, its completely understandable. I was like that when I first joined this school as well, it can be quite intimidating." Said Brooke. "So, tell me about yourself," Brooke said to me, eyeing me up and down.

"Well, we're from Florida, I used to be the Quaterback of the football team over there and Grace used to be the head cheerleader, but our dad was posted over here, and we had to come with him." I explained.

"Yeah, I could tell that you were definitely on the football team," said Brooke, making me blush, "and Grace was on the Cheerleading Squad, but I had no idea that your dad was military."

"Yeah, we don't like to move around much, so, tell us about you." Said Grace.

"Well, like yourself, I'm from a military family, my Dad, but we've managed to do it so that we don't have to move around anymore," she explained.

"That sounds like a fun life," I said.

"Yeh, it is I guess," said Mikayla. "Anyways, lets see your timetable and locker numbers."

"Nice, we have all the same classes together and our lockers are right next to eachother," she said to me. "Grace, you have the same classes to us, but when you have Maths, we have Calculus, and your locker is to the left to mine but one, so that's good," said Mikayla. "Anyways, we have Calculus now, we should get going," said Mikayla, dragging me. "The math room is 2 lefts and right that way," she said, pointing away from us.

"Ok, thanks, see you guys next period," said Grace, walking away. On the way to class, Mikayla and I started talking.

"So, tomorrow, there is a party, do you want to come?" Asked Mikayla.

"Yeh, sure, just let me know the day and the time and I'll be there," I replied.

"Nice, here we are, Calculus," she said, as we reached a classroom. "Hi Mrs Lathington, this is Jake, he's new," said Mikayla.

"Oh, how nice, does Jake have a last name?" Asked Mrs Lathington.

"Yeh, it's Jake Hills," I said.

"Its yesssss, there is an 'S' on the end," said Mrs Lathington. "Anyways, go find a seat."

"Yes miss," I said, heading towards the back of the class. There were quite a few pretty girls in the class, and as I walked past them, they gave me some kind of look, and I didn't know what it meant, so I just kept moving. The seat I chose was right next to a girl that looked like she was auditioning to be a clown because of the amount of make-up she had on, but, I was at the seat now, and I couldn't try to move to another seat without looking rude, so I just sat down. As the lesson moved on, I was taking notes, but this girl was just trying to hand me notes, and I was trying to be polite and just leave them alone, but it started to get annoying, so I would read them, hoping that it would make her leave me alone, but it didn't, she just kept on handing me the notes, so I started to hand them back, but, of course, I was caught and she wasn't.

"Mr Hills, would you care to share what you have written down with the rest of the class?" Asked Mrs Lathington asked. I knew what she was talking about, but I didn't really want to get into trouble, so I read out the class notes that I had written, hoping that she would accept it. As I was reading it, I got a few snickers and giggles, especially from Mikayla, which was good. "Very good, see me after this lesson is over, I would like to talk to you," she said, but being kept behind after class was never good. The rest of the lesson went by really quicky, which meant that in pretty much no time, I had to go to see Mrs Lathington. As I got up, I stuffed the notes into my pocket, I was gonna read them all later and then burn them.

"Its ok, she won't bite, I'll wait for you outside," said Mikayla, giving me a little reassuring smile. That made me feel a little better because it let me know that I wasn't on my own.

"You said that you wanted to see me," I said as I walked up to Mrs Lathington's desk.

"Yes, I think that you understand this topic very well, but don't think that I didn't notice what you were doing with Candace. Make sure it doesn't happen again, or otherise you will have to go to the principal's office." Said Mrs Lathington.

"Yes miss, sorry miss," I said. I walked out, and saw Mikayla and Grace talking. "Hey, what's going on?"

"Nothing, we were just waiting for you," they boyh said together.

"Hey, is it ok if Grace comes to the party tomorrow?" Asked Mikayla.

"Yeh sure," I replied. The rest of the day up until lunch went by really quickly and very uneventful. So, lunch finally came and I was starving. Grace and I had a lunch from home, so we went straight to a table and sat down and started eating. Mikayla came over and sat down with us.

"Actually, it's "yessss", there's an 's' on the end!" Mikayla joked.

"Yes miss, sorry miss," I replied smiling.

"Hey guys, is it ok if me and my friends sit with you guys?" She asked.

"Yeh sure," we both said.

"Nice, oi, guys, over here," she shouted across the room. A group of six other people came to sit at our table, 3 boys and 3 girls. "So, that is Brooke, Miley and Dani," she said, pointing to the girls, they were all like Mikayla, pretty, and not wearing much make-up. "And that is Mike, James and Lou," she said, pointing to the guys, they were all wearing plain shirts and jeans, and they looked like they were on the football team. "You know that girl that was sitting next you in calculus first period today, she's Candace," she said, and for some reason, that name made everyone cringe.

"Wait, what's up with that group cringe thing?" I asked.

"Well, she's the head cheerleader, and little miss popular. She has the most influence in the school, even more than the teachers, and her dad is some big shot millionaire," explained Mike.

"Yeh, you need to stay as far away from her as possible," said Brooke.

"So, you guys coming to the party tomorrow?" Asked Lou.

"Yeh, we'll be there," Grace replied. Suddenly, there was the shreikiest (I'm not even sure if that's a word. If it is, then she defined it perfectly. If it isn't, then it looks like I've just created a word, just for her.) of voices, that made the whole cafeteria cringe

"Louis, come back here," the voice almost ordered.

"It's Lou." They all muttered under their breath.

"And that, is Candace," said Dani. The girl I sat next to in Calculus suddenly appeared at our table.

"Oh, it's you," Candace said, giving some kind of wink. "You should definitely come to my party tomorrow," she said with a smile.

"Sounds like an idea, but I already have plans," I said.

"Oh, yeah, well, I didn't like you anyway," she said, becoming pathetic. "See you around, loser," she said. Then trying her best to give Lou a flirty look.

"Dude, what have you done? You just turned down the most beautiful and influential girl in the school, and you just turned her down without a second thought." Asked Mikayla.

"I said what I thought, I have better things to do. I know I've just met you, but you guys seem like some cool cats, I want to get to you know you guys," I said the last but looking at Mikayla, who looked away blushing. The others must have picked up on this, including Grace because they started looking back and forth between us trying to figure out what was going on.

"What?" Mikayla and I asked the same time.

"Nothing," they all said together. We all finished our meals and the rest of the day went by really quickly.

"Oi, do you guys want to come over ours after school today?" I asked. The end of the day came and we all got the bus to mine and Grace's.