
The School (Part 1) (Chapter 2)

Mum constantly goes on about how if you never make mistakes, then you never try anything new. Thing is, at my last school, I never did anything new, and I still made mistakes, so I don't understand the point of going to a new school. It been a couple of weeks since the move and I still don't feel any better about leaving my friends behind. When we were in kindergarten, we promised "eachother together forever, no matter whatever," and I was the first one to break it. I hope they understand, but it still doesn't make me feel any better. Don't get me wrong, the house was amazing, it was at least twice the size of our last house, which was massive, but still, you could give me everything that the world had to offer, and I still wouldn't feel any better, a promise is a promise, and I broke mine.

My sister and I are going to the new school, and we're going to be in the same department, Highschool. The only bad thing about this is that I'm a senior and she's going to be a junior.

As soon as we walked in through the front doors of the school, everything stopped, the chatter died down, an people were staring at me and my sister. Lets get ine thing straight, I'm not attracted to my sister, and I'm not full of myself, but my sister was a cheerleader at our last school, so she had a decent body, and I was the quarter back at my last school, so my body was quite built up and bulky. I cleared my throat and motioned to my sister to just walk and find the reception desk, I didn't want to get caught up in highschool drama on the first day ... oh, too late.

I was thrown against the locker by a guy in school colours, with two guys behind him, and everyone then started to crowd around, tryign to see wha was going on,

"Hey lads, we have fresh meat," he said to the guys behind him, which then got some kind of snigger from them.

"Fuck off prick," I said.

"Oooh, we have a big boy in the room, three more guys in school colours came around the corner, who then saw what going in, and grabbed my sister, who started wriggling.

The guy who had me pinned against the locker pulled me closer to him, just to slam me back agaist the lockers, which got a grunt from me. He looked at me with murder in his eyes, "Listen fucker, you're in my school now, which means I get to do what I want, when I want, to who I want, you got me?" He asked, but I felt like I didn't have the answer. He slammed me against the locker again, "do you get me?" He repeated. "You know what," he nodded to the group the guys who had my sister and they took her into the closest janitor's closet, with my sister kicking and screaming. That was a big mistake, you do whatever you want to me, but as soon as you bring in my family, you are fucked. I relaxed,

"Let her go," I said, keeping my voice calm.

"And why would I do that?" He replied, with a retarded smirk on his face.

"Because if you don't, this will happen," I slammed my forehead against the bridge of his nose his with a sickening crack which confirmed that I had broken his nose, he stumbled back, but I wasn't finished, I grabbed his jacket and threw him against the lcokers, just like he had me a minute before, and just laid into him. After a minute or two, I got hit across the back of the head by something hard, but that didn't do anything, I just turned around, with murder in my eyes. It was one of the pricks that had been behind the guy that was no knocked out and a bloody mess propped up against the lockers. The fucker had hit me with a fold-up chair. A FUCKING FOLD-UP CHAIR, what are, WWE wrestlers now? He saw my eyes and visibly pissed himself. He tried to hit me again, but I caught the chair, pulled it out of his hands, and then returned the favour by hitting him across the face with the chair, he fell down, but then didn't get up. The last guy was running down the hall, probably to go get a teacher, but I didn't care, I'll deal with it later. I went to the janitors closet where the other pricks had taken my sister. I didn't even bother to check ti see if they had locked the door, I kicked the door open to see the three guys on the floor in crumpled messes. I smirked, I'm so glad dad made us go to the self defence classes.

"You took your time," said Grace, with a smirk on her face.

"Nice to see you too, c'mon kiddo, lets get these pricks to the school nurse and then get signed in," I said, ruffling her hair.

"Ok," she said, smiling.

"Ok, so we're going to need some volunteers to get these fuckers to the nurse," I said, walking out of the closet, surpised to see everyone still watching. 8 people stepped forward, "fantastic, lets go then". I didn't need anyone to help me with the guy I was carrying, but I didn't have the heart to tell the guys that I didn't need his help, so I let him help me carry the guy I was carrying. Once we got to the nurses office, she had a panic attack, so I gave her a paper bag, and waited for her to calm down.

"What happened to them?" She asked.

"They assaulted me and my sister, and ended up getting themselves hurt," I replied calmly. "Where do you want them, anyway?" I asked.

"Oh, put one on the bed, see if you can get some benches from the gymnasium, put some chairs in a row and put on those chairs. The rest of you, put the person that you are carrying on the floor, and go get the rest of te stiif that ee need," She said urgently, realizing that everyone was waiting for her to take charge. We did what she said and within a few minutes, everyone hurt was on some kind of bed, either a proper bed or a make-shift bed.

"Can we go now? Me and my sister need to get signed, get our schedules and our locker numbers," I asked.

"Yeh sure, I can take it from here. Thanks for bringing them in, by the way, most people would have just left them until a teacher found them." Replied the nurse.

"Yeh, sure no problem, we did this anyways, so we thought that it was only right," I said, and then left the room. On my way to the reception, I recieved strange looks from people I passed in the coridor. I got to the reception, and said that my sister and I were new to the school, and that we wanted to get our schedule and locker numbers before first period.

"Sure honey, I just need your names, and then I get someone to come and give you a tour of the school," said the old receptionist, who looked like she might crumble to dust at any second.

"Yeh, I'm Danny and she's my little sister, Grace," I replied, which made Grace give me a pouty face.

"I'm only younger than you by a month," she said.

"Exactly, a month, which means I'm the older one," I said with a triumphant smile on my face.

"Can Mikayla Parker, please come to Reception, I repeat, can Mikayla Parker please come to Reception, Thank you," Grace and I heard the receptionist's voice come over the whole school speaker system.

"Someone will be hear to give you a tour shortly," the receptionist said, and then went back to typing on her computer. "Oh, here she is now," the receptionist said and nodded behind us. We looked behind us to see the most amazingly beautiful girl, who wore barely any make-up, but looked like she belonged in a modeling magazine, there was no other way to decribe her, she was amazingly beautiful.