
The Move (Chapter 1)

I don't understand this, I have to leave everything behind; my mates, my house, my whole childhood, EVERYTHING!

My mom keeps on saying that it's for the best and that we should be celebrating, not being all moody, but the thing is, I don't have anything to celebrate. Don't get me wrong, I'm seriously happy for my dad, like this is the best thing that has happened to him, and he honestly deserves this, but it doesn't take the pain away at all. Frank, my best friend since kindergarten keeps saying that he'll come over to meet me at least once every semester, but I know that it won't happen, ever since Frank got hurt when we went to the last rally, his mom hasn't really been the same since. Frank got hit by an out of control rally car, which crushed his legs and his face got hit by some flying debris, I think it was a piece of a wing mirror or something like that. Frank still has both his legs, but he walks with a slight limp, but on the right side of his face, there was a scar that ran from his chin to the bottom of his ear. Everytime I see him, I apologise to him about it, but all he says is,

"Dude, don't worry about it, I still have both my legs, I'm still alive, and you gave me an awesome story to tell. It's my fault anyway, I shouldn't have climbed over that fence in the first place, and then I probably wouldn't have been in that situation anyway."

His dad is the best, he shows up to everyone of my matches that I've ever had, even if Frank wasn't there; which pretty much makes him a second dad. Frank's dad serves with my dad, and takes my dad out for a drink about once a week. Frank's dad is the largest man child I've ever met as well, which is always a plus. I spent last night at Frank's after staying out with all my mates for the last time before I moved, and don't get me wrong, it was one of the best times I've ever had, but everyone seemed a bit off, like they knew that the night had to end. Once the night did end, it killed me, but no-one else was crying, so I felt like I couldn't cry either. Don't start thinking that I'm a massive woosey for crying, but you probably would have wanted to cry as well if you were being forced to leave your best memories, and your best friends.

At the end of the night, the people who I didn't have saved in my phone gave me their numbers incase I ever wanted to call them and talk, or just to meet up. After everyone gave me their number, Frank's dad picked us up and let me stay at their's. I slept for a bit longer than usual, hoping that my parent's would just forget about me, but even I know I'm not that lucky, and they showed up at around 8.

"Hey, kiddo, your Dad's here, you gotta go," Frank's dad said.

"Thanks, Mr Fernandez," I replied as I put my plate in the dishwasher. I then went over to Frank and gave him a final bro hug before walking over to his parents to shake their hands. "Thank you for having me last night, Mr and Mrs Fernandez."

"You don't have to call me that, kiddo, just call me Chris," Frank's dad replied, shaking my hand and giving me a mock salute, which I then returned. His mom, however, just fixed me with a cold glare, and reluctantly shook my hand, she then pulled me in for a fake hug, but during that, she whispered in my ear,

"I'll never forget or forgive what you've done to my baby boy, he still has that scar, just so you know." I pulled away a bit quicker than I probably should have, because when I did, Frank and his dad were giving me weird looks. I walked out the front door, a bit quicker than usual, but not as fast as a jog. When I got into my dad's moval truck, mom and dad sold the car because everyone knew that they wouldn't be able to last the journey, and because they were the only two people able to drive the trucks, and they don't like waiting for other stuff to show up, if they know that they could have made it get to the new house quicker. I looked back at Frank's house, and saw him, his dad and his mom, all at the front door, all giving me smiles and waves, and his dad gave me one last mock salute, but his mom's was clearly fake, only because her eyes looked glad to see me go. I smiled and waved back, and I returned Frank's dad's salute, and then we drive away, with Frank's house behind us. We drove home to finish packing up the trucks then, my dad turned around to me and said, whilst ruffling my hair,

"Hey, Jake, cheer up, this is a new chapter we're about to start, how about, instead of driving straight to the hotel, we stop off at an Ice Cream shop and a candy store and get some supplies for the journey, it can be our little secret, you mom and Grace will never have to know." He only said it because he new that Ice Cream and Candy always cheers me up, and that I love knowing stuff that neither mom nor Grace know. We both like the same flavour of Ice Cream and my dad always buys bigger portions than my mum, which is always a good thing, especially on a day like this.

"That sound's like a good idea," I said, starting to smile.

"Good," he said. "Because that's what we were gonna do anyway," he finished with a cheeky grin, we did a fist bump and off we went. Next stop, California!