
I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 96

Chapter 96: Red Dog Waste! Only One Move Aokiji!

"What's this?!"

"Could it be Marine's secret weapon?"

"Look! Naval Headquarters has become human!"

It turned out that "Naval Headquarters can also be deformed! What the hell is this!"

Everyone on the battlefield stopped fighting and looked at the ever-changing Naval Headquarters.

"Douglas Bullet!"

Sengoku immediately recognized this ability and roared, "Stop me!"

Instantly turn on the Buddha mode!

The golden Buddha was raised high and shot with a palm.


The powerful shock wave hit the Bullet, which had not yet fully fused, and blasted a huge hole out of his body.

But the void soon recovered.

"Sengoku, it's too late! Naval Headquarters I'll take it! Hahaha!"

Bullet has merged the entire Naval Headquarters, and the fusion fruit capacity is still expanding.

Seems like it's going to devour everything.

Bullet turns into a supergiant, with a giant fist wrapped around Armament Haki.

One punch to the ground!


The huge impact flattened the location of Marine's "167" department.


Ace saw Luffy being knocked out by the shock wave and rushed over immediately.

"You brothers have such a deep relationship, so let's die together!"

Dark Hound.…


"Uncle Ming! You really don't take me seriously!"

Bai Yu kicked Akainu out with one kick.

"Bastard! I'll kill you first!"

Akainu immediately looked like Bai Yu.

Bullet starts to attack indiscriminately.

Whether it's a Marine or a pirate, as long as he sees it, it's the enemy!

"Quick! Stop him!"

Sengoku let out a roar, if Bullet was allowed to mess around here.

It's not just about the destruction of Naval Headquarters.

Instead, the entire Marineford will be destroyed!

"Ice Age!

Qingxiong immediately took action to completely freeze the Bullet.

Bullet directly fuses all the ice.

"Bone Fist!

Garp appeared on Bullet's head and punched out.


The enormous force made Bullet's body fall backwards continuously.

"Eight-foot Qionggou jade!"

Kizaru was raised high, and the dense light bullets fell on Bullet's huge body like a torrential rain.


The huge body fell to the ground.

But Naval Headquarters was also completely destroyed.

"Iron Fist!"

Garp went straight down, punching the Bullet.


The ground cracked, and a huge pit of hundreds of meters appeared!

"This is the power of Marine hero Garp!"

"It's terrifying! As expected of the person who was able to chase after One Piece Roger back then."

"It's so strong, but fortunately I didn't shoot when I rescued Ace,

Bai Yu was also a little surprised to see Garp's shot, this old guy is so old, he still has such terrifying strength.

Sure enough, none of these remnants of the old era was easy to mess with.

Ace "! Get on board! We withdraw, Jinbei! Go!"

Bai Yu shouted loudly.

Now Naval Headquarters has also been destroyed and Ace has been rescued.

They have no need to fight anymore.

Of course, he also wanted to kill the red light.

"None of you try to run away today! Unless I die!"

Akainu roared, and the huge fist formed from the lava went straight to Bai Yu.



Bai Yu directly activates the exclusive skill Shura!

Energy fluctuations visible to the naked eye emanate.

It's like a remake of Super Saiyan.

Bai Yu clenched his fists, Armament Haki wrapped around, and the power of lightning flashed.

One punch!


The shock wave swept all around.


The fist formed from the magma shattered.

Bai Yu's hand was on the handle of the knife.

"One-knife Ryu Ihe · Thunder Light!!

"There is no way, if you let you run away, then Marine has failed completely this time, and you mustn't let you run away!"

Qingxiong shook his head, if he could, he didn't want to do it.

"Sengoku! You're too embarrassed to shoot at a group of goblins?"

Whitebeard's presence blocked Sengoku's soaring hall.

Yesterday noise.

Whitebeard shattered the frozen sea with a punch, "Little ones! Go! Back to the New World!

"Don't think about it!

Ice Age