
I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 94

Chapter 94: The big melee begins! Super Iron Man Franky!

Join the battle with Impel down, a group of vicious criminals.

The battlefield was even more chaotic.

The surrounding wall of Marine has now become the landing ground for pirates.

Ace didn't know why he ran away, and he ran away under the eyes of several of them.

Copy "People Bai Yu! This bastard, he must be dealt with! If he escapes, the sea will not be calm in the future!"

Sengoku gritted his teeth angrily, and the sudden appearance of Straw Hat Crew disrupted all his plans.

He knew that behind all this, Bai Yu was playing tricks.

"Gu la la la~ little ones! Ace has been rescued! Our goal has been achieved! Now we can retreat and go back to New World!"

Whitebeard immediately gave the order to retreat.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to continue fighting.

"Retreat! Haha! Walked back to New World!"

"Speaking of which, how did Ace rescue him?"

"No matter how he was rescued, as long as Ace is fine, we will withdraw!"

"Listen to Dad, get out!"

The pirates were immediately excited.

At this time, a large number of warships appeared at the entrance of the bay.

There is also a PX pacifist who looks the same as the storm-kun bear.

"Ice Age!"

The originally melted sea froze again.

This time even the sea around Naval Headquarters was frozen.

The pacifists enter the bay and start the slaughter!

Ordinary pirates simply cannot resist the laser cannons of human weapons.

The pirate ships were destroyed.

167 at this time!

"Super Iron Man Franky is here!


As Franky's exaggerated voice sounded, a huge robot rushed out of Thousand Sunny.

That size is no smaller than a pacifist.

"Great! Super Iron Man!

Luffy's eyes twinkled with this golden light.

Chopper didn't get any better either, his excitement was about to fall out, and his mind was already imagining himself sitting on this huge robot.

Bai Yu's eyes were a little weird after seeing the steel battle suit made by Franky.

This steel suit is neither like the Mark 1 nor anti-Hulk armor.

The upper body is very bloated and huge, but the lower body is very thin.

Bai Yu was very helpless, he guessed that this was Franky's aesthetic.

When the pacifists saw Franky, they didn't attack immediately.

They are also distinguishing between friend and foe.

Franky "Laser Cannon!"

Franky didn't care about that, two huge arms raised and came together.

Dazzling white lasers shot out, heading straight for the pacifists.


A human weapon exploded instantly and shattered!

This huge power shocked the people around.

The human weapon that made them helpless was destroyed like this?

"Super Iron Man (bcdg)!!

"Super Iron Man! Super awesome!"

"Super Iron Man Franky is so handsome!"

"Everyone rush out with Super Iron Man!

The pirates shouted excitedly.

"Bastard! This kind of bizarre thing, dare to compare with PX!

Zhan Taomaru hit the axe and roared, "PX destroy them!"

A dozen pacifists immediately started firing laser cannons.

Dazzling golden rays of light, shaking eyes can not open.



A loud explosion sounded.

The pirates suffered heavy casualties.

"Humph! How dare you go against Marine!"

Zhan Taomaru snorted, very proud.

"Franky missiles!"

Franky raised his arm, and a finger-thick missile flew out.

"You call this a missile?

Zhan Taowan's face was full of disdain. In his opinion, this thing was just a special bullet.

"The ignorant are fearless."

Franky was about to shake his head.

The voice fell.


A huge explosion sounded, and another pacifist was destroyed.

"PX! Attack!"

Zhan Taomaru is very angry, this is the first time a pacifist has appeared, how can he be defeated so easily!

Dense lasers struck.

Franky smiled and a blue fire appeared under his feet.


Huge body, soaring into the sky!

"Franky Cannon!"


Hit a pacifist again.

"It's not a laser cannon!"

Zhan Taomaru shouted angrily.

"Do you know what name I like?"

Franky scoffed, "Franky flamethrower!

"Stop cheating!"

Zhan Taomaru didn't believe it this time.

But after the raging flames drowned him, he believed!

"Damn bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

Zhan Taomaru was scorched black, stepping on the Moonwalk and thinking of Franky.

"Franky flamethrower!

"I don't believe you still spit fire!"


The flames surrounded Zhan Taomaru again.

"Franky Iron Fist!"


Laser shot out.

Zhan Taomaru fell to the ground.

"You despicable bastard!"

Zhan Taomaru has never been so aggrieved.

"We are enemies, don't say such naive words, if you don't want to fight, just get out of the way!

Franky said coldly.

"Don't think about it! PX! Attack!"

Zhan Taomaru roared and attacked Franky with all the pacifists.

the other side.

That group of vicious prisoners began to frantically destroy Naval Headquarters.

Their purpose is simple, to destroy this Marine symbol!

Ordinary prisoners are easy to deal with, and none of the prisoners held on the sixth floor are easy to deal with, only Vice Admiral can stop them.

And Vice Admiral at Naval Headquarters is so much.

If all these people are dealt with, no one will deal with the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.

There is also Straw Hat Crew, although their people are small, but their combat power is very strong.

The one that gave him the most headache was Bai Yu!

"What about the Bai Yu people?

Sengoku suddenly discovered that there was no trace of Bai Yu on the battlefield.

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead instantly, he didn't think Bai Yu would run away first.

"I won't let you spoil things unscrupulously here!"

A female voice sounded.

Then a pink slash rushed out.

The prisoners who were vandalizing Naval Headquarters were killed!

Zoro immediately looked up to where the slash appeared.

Such a powerful swordsman, his fighting spirit immediately rises!

Not only Zoro, others were also shocked by this powerful slash.

Just at this time.

Uzumaki immediately appeared at the feet of the pirates in the square.

It devoured a lot of pirates in an instant.

"Admiral Candidate Momousagi!"

Admiral "Alternate Tea Dolphin!"

"Great! Helped!"

Marine immediately became excited when he saw the person coming.

Although he is an Admiral candidate, his strength is completely Admiral level.

With the strength of two Admiral class, Marine's disadvantage was immediately pulled back.

"Wow la la la~ Sengoku is still hiding a trick!"

Whitebeard had expected it.

However, it doesn't matter now, and now Ace has been rescued.

All they have to do is withdraw.

As for destroying Naval Headquarters, he really had no interest.

All he cares about is his family.


Bullet roared and rushed directly to Ace.


Ace was shot and flew out in an instant, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Roger's son? Too weak! Or die!"

Bullet's voice fell and disappeared in place.


Luffy roared, and Conqueror's Haki cast, shaking the surrounding Marines.

Armament Haki wrapped around his body, instantly opening Eight Inner Gates.

Shocked! Open!

Appeared in front of Ace in an instant, blocking Bullet's fatal blow!