
I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 74

Chapter 74: The old acquaintance of Impel down (please customize! Please complete!)

Impel down.

This deep-sea prison known as the iron wall.

In front of Bai Yu, there is tofu dregs.

He came in silently, and no one noticed.

This is the power of Transformation Technique.

The ability of Clone-Clone Fruit simply cannot be compared with Transformation Technique.

After all, one is an imitation and the other is a transformation.

Not one dimension at all.

As soon as he entered the first floor, Bai Yu saw an acquaintance.

Clown Buggy!

"Buggy, long time no see."

Bai Yu looked at no one around, and appeared directly in the cell.


Buggy was taken aback.

But after seeing Bai Yu, his eyes immediately burst into flames of anger.

"Bastard! It's you who is wrong! How did you appear here!"

Buggy was about to scold when he suddenly thought that this was a deep-sea prison.

And Bai Yu was not wearing handcuffs and shackles.

"Want to go out? Say something nice."

Bai Yu smiled and looked at Buggy, wouldn't it be boring if Summit War didn't have Buggy's participation?

"How can you, a handsome man all over the body, appear here?

Buggy's face changed instantly.

"Go and see your old captain's son."

Bai Yu said with a smile.

"Old Captain? Son?

Buggy looked puzzled.

"Portgas·D·Ace, that's Roger's son, isn't Roger your old captain?"

Bai Yu looked at 150 and pointed to Buggy, "You won't even forget your old captain."

"How did you know this!"

Buggy's face suddenly became solemn.

"I know more than you think, by the way, when Marine executes Ace, your old redhead Shanks will come too."

Bai Yu said and waved, "Goodbye then."

After he finished speaking, he disappeared in place.

"Bastard! Aren't you going to let me go!"

Buggy roared angrily.

But Bai Yu had already left.

Even if he released people, it was not now.

This time he came to step on the point first.

When the time comes, let it all go directly, not only to make Summit War more lively, but also to destroy Blackbeard's plan, serving multiple purposes with one stone.

He didn't stop all the way, and came directly to the sixth floor.

After reaching the sixth floor, the prisoners here are obviously different.

Even if their abilities are limited, these people are very terrifying.

Cowardly people don't even have the courage to face these people.

Bai Yu saw another acquaintance here.


"Lao Sha, it's a good life here."

Bai Yu appeared in front of Crocodile.

"Have you hallucinated?

Crocodile looked up at Bai Yu.

"How much you (bcdg) hate me…"

Bai Yu is also very helpless, how cruel is this guy in his heart?

Really "it's you bastard!"

Crocodile's eyes were blood red and he looked at Bai Yu hatefully.

"You really don't understand my good intentions. I want you to recognize yourself. I am helping you. You will know in a few days."

Bai Yu sighed and shook his head.

"Then do I still want to thank you?

Crocodile gritted his teeth.

"Then you don't have to, just remember it in your heart, just like this, go first.

Bai Yu said and disappeared in place.


Crocodile roared angrily before realizing, how did Bai Yu get in?

"Ace, Jinbei, how are you doing here?"

Bai Yu appeared in front of the two of them.

"White Bai Yu?!"

Ace's eyes widened.

"Bai Yu?

Jinbei was also very surprised. He didn't expect that the person Ace said would appear in front of him, and he even knew him.

"I said, I won't let you go to Blackbeard, how come it's overturned now?"

Bai Yu looked at Ace, also a little helpless.

"Are you here to mock me?"

Ace's face was very ugly.

"I came in just to tell you that Marine is going to execute you publicly, to expose your identity in front of the world, and kill you!

Bai Yu really had no interest in mocking Ace.


Ace was surprised.

"But don't worry, your father Whitebeard will bring the Whitebeard Pirates to rescue you."

Bai Yu said again.

"Father! It's not worth it for someone like me!"

Ace's tears kept coming out uncontrollably.

"Think about it now?"

Bai Yu shook his head, Ace was still too young.

Bai Yu "When you come here, you must be able to get out, right? I'll trouble you to find Dad and tell him not to come and save me! People like me shouldn't appear in this world!"

Ace growled loudly.

"Little devil, wanting to die at such a young age is really worthless. There is a coward like you on the Whitebeard ship."

A rough voice came from the deepest part of the cell.

"Dawks Bullet, you were here and thought you were dead."

Bai Yu said with a smile.

"Anyone else knows me.

Bullet was a little surprised. He was imprisoned for so many years, and he thought that people outside had long forgotten him.

"Have you figured out how to beat Roger for twenty years?"

Bai Yu asked with a smile.

"Who are you?!"

Bullet's voice changed.

"You'll know soon enough, think about what to do after you go out these days. Be quiet now, I still have things to do."

After Bai Yu finished speaking, he looked at Ace, "Your brother Luffy is going crazy and wants to save you, I didn't let him come, but we will all go there when you are executed.

"There are still a few days, think about it, and tell you by the way, if you join our pirate group, I can let you out now.

Bai Yu smiled and looked at Ace.

"Impossible, even if I don't want to die, I'm still a member of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Ace refused outright.

"Forget it, Jinbei, what about you, we still lack a helmsman on board, our captain is the man who is going to become the Pirate King, will you come?"

Bai Yu smiled and looked at Jinbei.

"You invited me? I'm a murloc.

Jinbei didn't expect that Bai Yu would suddenly invite him.

"What's the matter, there are many monsters in our pirate group, and it's not bad for you."

Bai Yu shrugged, Jinbei was bound to win anyway.

"Thank you for your invitation, I will consider it.

Jinbei said very seriously.

"That's fine, you also prepare, it is estimated that Ace will be sent to Naval Headquarters in the next two days, and it is time for you to leave here.

Bai Yu knew that Ace would not be kept here forever.

Otherwise, Whitebeard wouldn't be able to come and grab people?

Really "arrogant boy, do you want to let us all out?"

Bullet said disdainfully.

"Bakudō No. 3 Close!"

Bullet's voice stopped abruptly.

"Don't you want to go out?"

Bai Yu appeared in the corridor and shouted loudly.

"Think! Save me out! I'll join your pirate group!"

"I offer a reward of 280 million! You save me out, and I will listen to you!"

"Boy, hurry up and save the laborers and go out!

"Let me out, I won't kill you!"

The pirates who were detained on the sixth floor heard Bai Yu shouting, and immediately went crazy.

Waiting for "Come on, the time is almost up! A new era is coming!"

After Bai Yu finished speaking, he disappeared directly in place, he already felt someone coming.

And the people who should be seen have also seen, and the people who shouldn't have seen have also seen.

Then wait for the start of Summit War.

at that time.

Water capital.

Ten large warships have surrounded the water capital.

The Demon Order is about to launch!,