
I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Kill the princess, the mysterious Marine strikes!

"Those bastards!"

Smoker gritted his teeth at the thought of Straw Hat Crew.

I never thought that I would be rescued by pirates one day.

shame! It's a shame!

So he decided to go back to Naval Headquarters to practice for a while, and then come to catch Straw Hat Crew.

"Colonel Smoker! Something seems to be flying over!"

Tashigi shouted loudly.


Smoker turned his head and glanced up.



The figure hit him directly.


Smoker feels like he hasn't had a good time since he met the Straw Hat Crew.

But when he saw the people on the boat, he was stunned.


At that time, Alabasta, which had not rained for three years, finally started to rain because the Crocodile was knocked out.

The warring rebel and king armies also stopped.

The people saw the rain in the sky and shed tears of excitement.

It's been three years! Three full years!

Finally saw the rain fall!

"Okay, the matter is settled, King Cobra, you should fulfill your promise, take me to your treasury."

Bai Yu said with a smile.

"Ah, good, good!"

Cobra recovered after hearing Bai Yu's words.

After seeing the terrifying strength of these people, how could he dare to go back on it?

Instead of worrying about how much treasure Straw Hat Crew took, he was thinking about how much treasure was in the treasury.

After all, he had been arrested for a while, and he had no idea what was going on in the treasury.

"Bai Yu, do we really want the Vivi's money?"

Sanji said with some reluctance.

"Shut up!"

Nami knocks Sanji away with one punch.

Whoever dares to prevent her from obtaining the treasure is her enemy.

A group of people came to the treasury.

Luffy immediately rushed in excitedly.

But after entering, I found out that this is the national treasury, it is simply an abandoned factory warehouse.

Not even a Bailey…

"King Cobra! Are you kidding me?"

Bai Yu's eyes narrowed, murderous, "Vivi, what do you think I should do?"


Vivi was so nervous that she couldn't speak.

"Otherwise, you will be our maid on the pirate ship in the future, and wash and clean all of us to pay off the debt."

Bai Yu smiled and looked at Vivi.

"Bai Yu…"

Vivi looked at Bai Yu, tears streaming down her face.

It turned out that everyone has always regarded her as a partner.

"Impossible! How can Her Royal Highness become a pirate!"

Bell immediately refused.

"How dare you make the princess a maid! Absolutely impossible!"

Gaka immediately drew his sword and prepared to fight.

"I do!"

Vivi shouted loudly.

"Captain, how are you?"

Bai Yu looked at Luffy.

"Hehe, so be it."

Luffy nodded with a smile.

"your Highness..."

"Okay, don't talk about it, let's solve the problem of war first."

Cobra could also see that these people did this on purpose.

The purpose is for Vivi to go out to sea with them.

Although he knew that if a princess of a country went to sea as a pirate, it would have a great impact on the reputation of the kingdom.

But as long as the daughter is willing, all this does not matter.

The king's order was issued, and everyone walked out of the treasury.

The treasury is now empty, and there is absolutely no need to be guarded.

Only the Straw Hat Crew remains in the treasury.


Vivi looked at everyone, "Thank you!"

"You don't need to thank your partners, little maid, you have a lot of work to do in the future."

Bai Yu smiled and looked at Vivi.

After this battle, Vivi has also matured a lot, and his understanding of Transformation Technique has also deepened a lot.

It must be a lot of fun to be with a woman who knows Transformation Technique.

"I, I'm afraid… I'm afraid I won't be able to sail on an adventure with you all."

Vivi cried again, she knew very well that if she was a pirate, the reputation of the kingdom would be damaged, after all, she was a princess.

"The princess definitely can't go out to sea with us. We are pirates. If we don't get the money, then can we just kill the princess?"

Bai Yu had long known that Vivi would say this.

So he had already thought of a way.

"Kill the princess?"

Nami's eyes widened.

"Well, our partner is Vivi, not the princess."

Luffy's IQ is back online.

"What a bunch of villains!"

Zoro also understood what Bai Yu was going to do.

"Another riddle…"

Nami glanced at a few people with dissatisfaction.

"Robin, the other senior agents of the Baroque Work Society have worked hard for you."

Bai Yu would never forget those people.

Although those guys are not very strong.

But it is still very dangerous for this riddled Alabas.

However, he also has no interest in taking action against those people.

Now those few people are not even qualified to train them.

So it is more appropriate to hand it over to Robin.

The unrest was quickly dealt with.

Straw Hat Crew was also invited to the palace of the Royal Palace.

"Thank you very much for helping Alabasta, but you are pirates after all, so hurry up and leave this country, this country does not welcome you!"

Cobra said very seriously.


Vivi was very surprised, did not expect his father to say such a thing.

"Let's go then."

Luffy said indifferently.

"Vivi, go."

Nami called out.


Vivi looked at Cobra, "Father, I'm sorry, I'm going to sea with my friends!"

Turning to leave.

"Catch the princess and don't allow her to go out to sea!"

Cobra gave the order directly.


The guard immediately took orders and stepped forward to grab Vivi.

"Do you regret it? If so, don't blame me."

Bai Yu disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Vivi.


Bai Yu's hand went into Vivi's heart!


"your Highness!"

The people in the palace exclaimed, and even Nami was startled.

"The princess is dead, and the account between us is settled."

"Captain, let's go."

Bai Yu left without saying a word.

Luffy didn't speak either, and the group walked out directly.


"Don't stop them, we are not their opponents, let them go! The princess has already sacrificed for this country, I don't want anyone to sacrifice for this country!"

Cobra fought back tears, hugged Vivi who was lying in a pool of blood, and roared loudly.


The guard immediately gave way.

Everyone looked at Straw Hat Crew with hatred.

But no one took action.

Cobra picked up Vivi's body and turned to leave.

"Your Majesty the King!"

"Do not bother me!"

Cobra called everyone away and took Vivi into the room alone.

"Father, I'm sorry."

Vivi opened his eyes, nothing happened.

"I'm the one who wants to say sorry. I've worked hard for you over the past few years. Go and find your partner."

Cobra said very gently.

"Well, father has to take care of himself and wait for me to come back!"

As Vivi spoke, his body turned into a butterfly and flew out of the room.

It was just an illusion created by her and Bai Yu using the Transformation Technique.

Alabasta's princess died at the hands of pirates, and Alabasta has no princess since.

And this time, Going Merry.

Usopp has just cleaned all the blood stains.

Before he could lay on the ground to catch his breath, a tall figure appeared on the pirate ship.

He also wore a white cape.

There are two large letters on the back of the cape.


ps: It has been ten days since the new book was uploaded, and it will be on the shelves soon. I also ask readers to support it a lot! I beg for a first order!

There are at least ten chapters on the shelves! ! *