
I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Harvest Two Crew at a Time

"What's your choice, Nico Robin."

Bai Yu asked very directly.

"Do I have a choice now?"

A smile appeared on Robin's face.

Over the years, she has gotten used to it, and she is even a little tired.

"Luffy, is there any problem for her to join our pirate group?"

Bai Yu turned to look at Luffy.

"Is she a good person?"

"Should be a good guy."

"Oh well."

"Thanks to the captain and vice-captain, please give more advice in the future."

Robin said with a smile.

"How can something so simple!"

Nami yelled from the side, completely unable to understand what Bai Yu and Luffy were doing.

Inexplicably, the enemy joined the pirate group.

Others also couldn't understand what Bai Yu and Luffy were doing.

"Nico Robin, welcome to the Straw Hat Pirates. Although I know you, others don't. You'd better introduce yourself."

A smile appeared on Bai Yu's face.

"My name is Nico Robin, as the co-captain said, I'm called the Devil's Son, I'm an archaeologist, and I just want to live and explore the history of this world."

Robin was very generous and made a self-introduction.

"No problem now, let's go."

Bai Yu said and jumped on the boat.

Luffy also immediately returned to his exclusive special seat, "Set sail!!"

"Miss Robin, have some love for breakfast!"

Sanji came to Robin with a plate of delicious breakfast.


Robin was not polite either, he took it and ate it.

As soon as he ate it, his eyes widened.

She found that after eating this meal, all the cells in her body seemed to come alive, and even Devil Fruit's power seemed to be enhanced.

"Although Sanji is a bit lustful, his cooking skills are definitely the top in the world. If you eat it regularly, you can strengthen your strength."

Bai Yu said aside.

"It's really amazing."

Robin wasn't polite either, he ate the whole plate without leaving anything behind.

"Princess Vivi, this is for you."

Sanji ignored Bai Yu's words and brought a plate of breakfast to Vivi.


Vivi is also very curious, what is the meal that can enhance his strength.

Sanji then brought another one to Nami, and then gave Bai Yu another one after thinking about it.

Then he ate it by himself.

"Bastard! Ours!!"

Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp shouted in unison.

"Go to the kitchen and get it yourself."

Sanji said and started eating.

"Bastard! It's too discriminatory!"

"Hack him sooner or later!"

"I'm off to eat!"

After Usopp finished speaking, he rushed directly to the kitchen. He didn't dare to speak harshly to Sanji like Luffy and Zoro did, and some of them were already very good.

"Well, although it's a bit presumptuous, can I eat it?"

Ikalem said cautiously.

"Of course, feel free, there's a lot more, but you have to hurry up, they'll be finished when it's late."

Sanji said very gentlemanly.


Ikalem rushed over immediately.

"Luffy! It's mine! You spit it out for me!"

"Cough cough, I have eaten it, how can I spit it out!"

"Zoro! Why did you rob me!"


The three rushed out of the kitchen and scuffled together.

"You three bastards! Didn't I tell you not to fight in the kitchen!"

Sanji rushed over angrily and joined the fray.

Both Vivi and Robin had odd expressions on their faces.

They have never seen such a pirate group.

The captain does not have the majesty of the captain, and the crew does not have the appearance of the crew.

Even for a breakfast, you can fight.

The deputy captain and the navigator were still so calm.

"Don't make a fuss, we're all used to it."

Nami was eating very calmly.

"What an interesting pirate group."

Robin smiled and looked at Bai Yu, "Are you going to go directly to Alabasta?"

"I'm also considering it."

Bai Yu was also a little tangled in his heart, Chopper must not be left behind.

But in the current situation, it is really difficult to go to Drum Island.

"you do not believe me?"

asked Robin.

"of course not."

Bai Yu said, and put his finger on Robin's eyebrows.

When Robin got on the ship, Bai Yu had already acquired Robin's exclusive skills.

And this skill made Bai Yu a little shocked.

[Sage Art·Thousands of Real Hands·The Buddha on the Top (Modified Version): A modified version of Wood Style fairy art from the world of Hokage, Sage Art that can be performed based on the fruit ability without Chakra and Sage Mode! ]

Bai Yu was also taken aback when he first saw this skill.

He thought that when the big pillars used this ninjutsu, Nine Tails were pressed to the ground and rubbed.

And before using this trick, you can still say something like 13.

I give you a hand…

And Vivi's skills are a bit embarrassing, he doesn't know whether to give or not.

[Transformation Technique: From the world of Dragon Ball, it can be transformed into all creatures and objects. Due to the different rules of the world, the effect of the skills will change. Please experience it yourself. ]

This skill can be said to be useful, but it can also be said to be a tasteless skill.

Originally, he thought that the system would also give a skill similar to Cannon Sister.

Although this is considered a superpower, its usefulness is really limited.

But it's better than nothing. Maybe after modification, there will be unexpected effects.

"Vivi, since we got on the boat, although we just signed an agreement, we are half a partner. Let's give you a gift."

Bai Yu pointed his finger on Vivi's head.

Let him see how the Transformation Technique in the Dragon Ball world will change in the Pirate World! *