
I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 198

Chapter 198: Refueling Tactics

"Come and experience the power of God! Qinghai people.

Enel, who was holding the golden rod, squinted.

After Bai Yu fainted from strength and no one restrained him, the soul of this guy started to burn again.

"30 million volts Thunder Beast!"

"30 million volts Thunder Beast!"


"60 million volts Thunder Dragon!"

The golden stick frantically struck the drum behind him, and the raging thunder turned into fierce thunder beasts.

In the blink of an eye, he occupied Enel's side, setting him off like a thunderbolt.

Although the mouth is incomparable, but Enel who actually played against this wretched man.

However, he clearly knew that this guy, like himself, who was also the holder of the elemental Devil Fruit, was definitely not to be messed with.

"Oh, it's really scary. I'm so scared. I haven't seen you for a long time. It seems that your strength seems to have reached a new level."

Kizaru rolled his dead fish eyes and said fearful words without any sincerity.

At the same time as the salted fish on his face, he quietly exerted the greatest strength in his hands.

Last time, he had not forgotten the experience of taking so many punches inexplicably!

"Eight-foot Qionggou jade!"

Endless brilliant golden light bloomed from him.

The whole person turned into particles and jumped up, exploding in the sky and turning into infinite dazzling light bombs.

After pulling the distance, start a long-range covering strike directly towards Enel.

For Enel's last move, Pegasus Meteor Fist, Kizaru can be said to be quite afraid, and he won't be stupid enough to go head-to-head until he thinks of a solution.

The thunder beast collided with the light bomb, the photon and the thunder collided, and the powerful force caused a loud noise that shattered the sky and the earth, which lasted for a long time.

The solid ground, in front of this kind of heaven and earth, looks extraordinarily fragile.

After being devastated by Bai Yu, BIGMOM, and Kaido, he soon ushered in a new test.

The gravel flew around, the sand and dust were everywhere, and everything was razed to the ground when the impact passed.

On the ground, even large and small cracks began to appear gradually, and a lot of sand and gravel at the edge slipped directly into the sea.

A huge island, as if it was about to disintegrate.

"It can't go on like this, the situation has to be broken,

With his eyes closed, Fujitora's heart sank when he saw that the color covered the audience.

"Let them all shoot!"

Don't come when the opportunity is too late, and finally wait until both sides are hurt, and those who are most afraid of Bai Yu fall into a coma.

Although the sudden appearance of Enel, and Zoro were somewhat unexpected, but not to the point of being irreversible.

It's still under control!

Fujitora condensed in his heart and made a judgment.

"Get that thing back!"

This time, the main purpose of recruiting so many people from Naval Headquarters is that this supreme knife must not be missed.

Momousagi, who followed Fujitora, and Tashigi quickly shot.

Although they lost Jin Kunluo and their weapons, their strength was greatly reduced.

Especially Momousagi, even the strength to cut Kaido, no longer exists, can only tickle him.

However, with their superb swordsmanship, as elite Vice Admiral, they can still do it by abusing a weak rookie.

"Hey! As I said, the deputy captain hates him the most. Others touch his things!

Thinking of Bai Yu's expression when someone else stole his things, Zoro couldn't help but shudder.

"One Sword Row, Ihe, Lion's Elegy

The Second Generation Onitoru inserted into his waist, holding Zoro with the word "Waichi" in his hand, and swung it forward vigorously.

In the flash of light and flint, a slash that was hard to see even the blade flashed, sounded like this on the field, and slashed towards Momousagi who was abusing vegetables.

"Boy, but I can't tolerate your distraction when fighting!"

The slash that was so close to being refracted by light was indeed not detectable by the naked eye, but it was still difficult to escape Fujitora's perception.

Gravity "Swordsmanship!

"Gravity Knife Tiger!"

The powerful gravity was released from his hand, and while he was accumulating gravity with the help of the knife, he cut it out with the help of the sword.

Every slash hit is attached with a powerful gravity.

Although it is not as crisp as Zoro's kendo, the skills are excellent.

But the strange gravity perfectly makes up for these shortcomings.

Every collision of slashes carries a powerful and strange gravity attack.

Weightlessness, overweight, attraction, repulsion, alternately.

Obviously, the level of kendo is not weaker than the opponent, and even stronger.

But there was a kind of feeling that a punch hit the cotton, and the force couldn't be tested, which made Zoro hold back the internal injury for a while, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

He wanted to break through the blockade with a sword Asura, but the guy who was like a candy bar on the other side just didn't fight him.

Every time he rushed forward, he would be affected by his gravity.

Although his self-confidence has really risen, he can definitely beat him.

But in this situation, at least in a short period of time, it is difficult to find a breakthrough.

", "As expected of a swordsman who can defeat Hawkeye, his strength should not be underestimated, and today's young people are really getting more and more powerful…

Fujitora clenched quietly, his trembling hands, and couldn't help but admire in his heart.

"However, fortunately, the timing was chosen in time, and Kizaru also used all his strength seriously. With me and him holding these two guys, Momousagi should be fine."

Fujitora's plan is just right, and he is ready to happily receive Jin Kunluo.

Abrupt mutation!

Several jet-black bullets pierced through the void.

bang bang bang —

If it weren't for Momousagi's keen sense of swordsmanship.

The body is faster than the mind, struggling to splash the water swung with the long knife in his hand, these jet-black bullets will definitely penetrate their eyebrows.

Rao is so, and also left several gaps on the long knife.

After losing Jin Kunluo, her strength declined more than a little.

"Who is it? You, Upso?"

Looking in the direction of the bullet, a familiar figure came into view.

Sniper (Qiannuo Hao) goggles, light brown turban, long nose…

Each feature is exactly the same as the one in the bounty, but something strange makes Momousagi afraid to confirm it.

In my impression, I was so angry that I cried Upsoe at every turn.

Now his face is extremely cold, and his body exudes a strong murderous aura, like a killing god who came out of a sea of corpses and blood.

"How dare you touch the vice captain's things, do you like your death?

A cold voice sounded from him, Momousagi hadn't had time to speak.

The muzzle lit up, and several jet-black bullets cut through the void and appeared in front of them.

The two people who had seen the power and hardness of bullets did not dare to fight hard after losing the Supreme Great Knife and the Great Knife, so they could only turn around to parry.

"Things… are getting more and more troublesome, no, you can't use the oil-filling tactics anymore!"

The sight is not inferior to Enel's Fujitora.

Naturally, the two people who were only able to parry under Upso's attack had a panoramic view.