
I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 161

Chapter 161: Raftel's Information!

"Revolutionary Army?"

Golden Lion frowned.

Although he lived in seclusion for twenty years, he did not know everything.

"Yes, the relationship between the dragon and me is not bad. Although he is not a pirate, he does something similar to yours. I feel that you should be able to talk. As for whether you can talk to him, it is up to you."

Bai Yu knew the character of Golden Lion, and if he was asked to join the Revolutionary Army, he would definitely not go.

On the other hand, it is completely different.

"The strength of the revolutionary army is really good, are you sure he can help me?"

Golden Lion was a little moved.

This is "It depends on you, I can only recommend you, I can't guarantee the others."

Bai Yu said.

"Okay, as long as you let me see the dragon, I'll let him join me."

Golden Lion nodded immediately, with the help of the Revolutionary Army.

His desire to dominate the world will soon be realized on June 27.

"Then don't move here, this is the place I like, you go to Dressrosa now, go to Luo, he will connect your hands and feet for you, you are there waiting for my news."

Bai Yu didn't want the Golden Lion to continue destroying here.

"You better not lie to me!"

Golden Lion's eyes are faint, and he is more optimistic about the revolutionary army than the fur tribe.

Because the people of the revolutionary army are fighting against the world government.

"What else do you have to deceive me now?"

Bai Yu smiled disdainfully, if it wasn't for the Golden Lion's use, he wouldn't waste so much energy.


Golden Lion snorted and immediately got up and flew away.

Twenty years of plans were destroyed, and he was in a very bad mood.

"Can you two die?"

Bai Yu looked at a cat and a dog lying on the ground and said.

"I can't die, thank you for saving us and Zou!"

"Thank you very much!

The two knelt directly on the ground and thanked them.

"Okay, you two are people who have seen the world anyway, so you don't have to."

Bai Yu waved his hand to get the two of them up.

"You know us?"

Cat Viper and Inu Arashi looked at each other and looked at Bai Yu with a strange expression.

Only after Roger died, they never went out since they returned to Zou, how could anyone know about them.

"Having been with Oden, with Whitebeard, and with Roger, you have seen the strong, but your strength is really too weak.

Bai Yu shook his head.

Golden Lion is already in an old state of injury, and can't show the strength of the winning period at all.

And the two of them joined forces, and they still couldn't beat the Golden Lion.

"Who the hell are you?

Cat Viper looked at Bai Yu vigilantly.

"You don't know me?"

Bai Yu asked curiously.

"We haven't been here for a long time, and seagulls can't fly here. We know very little about the outside world."

Inuarashi said.

"Shut up, I'm talking to my benefactor, don't interrupt!

Cat Viper said dissatisfiedly.

"Then you don't know about Oden's death, do you?"

Bai Yu was silent for a while.

"Master Oden is dead??

Cat Viper and Inuarashi's eyes widened.

"Dead for many years, now Wanokuni is ruled by Kaido.

Bai Yu sighed, Oden is also a character, but unfortunately he died so tragically.

"Impossible! Lord Oden is so powerful, how could he die!

"Kaido! How can Kaido rule Wanokuni: Where are the retainers of the Kozuki family!"

The two of them seemed to be going crazy and were very excited.

"calm down!"

Bai Yu gave a cold drink.

"How did you know this!"

Inuarashi calmed down and asked.

"Bai Yu! What's going on here? I think I just saw the Golden Lion!"

Luffy ran over and shouted.

"The Golden Lion came here after being defeated by Marine."

Bai Yu said.

"Wow~ What a big cat! What a big dog!"

Luffy's eyes lit up instantly.

"Is this the fur tribe? Like Chopper."

Robin glanced at Chopper.

"Where does it look like!"

Chopper growled.

"That hat?"

"Well, that looks familiar.

Inuarashi and Cat Viper saw Luffy's hat and their eyes jumped.

"Chopper, help me get some treatment, there are a lot of people injured.

Bai Yu said.

"Ah, good!"

Chopper ran over immediately and treated the fur tribe.

"Thank you so much! Karuqiu!"

"Hahaha! You're welcome!"

Luffy laughed and said very generously.

"You don't seem to have done anything, do you?"

Zoro said aside.

"He's eating, he's been eating.

Enel said and took a bite of the apple..

"Bastard, aren't you eating too!

Usopp shouted loudly.

With the help and rescue of Straw Hat Crew.

The injured fur tribesmen also recovered.

Mainly, the Golden Lion didn't make a heavy hand either, just tied them up.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so fast.

"Deputy Captain! Help!

Brook is surrounded by a group of canine fur clans.

dog to bone

"Mr. Bai Yu! Thank you for saving us, but please forgive us for an unkind request!"

Inu Lan said and knelt on the ground.

Cat Viper also knelt down.

"You want revenge on Kaido?"

Bai Yu said.

He knew it would be like this, these two people are both affectionate and righteous people.

And there is still such a deep relationship between Zou and Wanokuni.

It makes sense that they would seek revenge on Kaido.

"Yes! We used to be the retainers of the Kozuki family, but we didn't even know about Oden-sama's death. It's a dereliction of duty."

"We're going to attack Kaido! Avenge Oden-sama!

The two said firmly.

"Let's talk about this, let's take a look at the historical text first."

Bai Yu didn't answer directly.

"Is there any historical text here?"

Robin was surprised.

"And it's still a red historical text.

Bai Yu smiled slightly, he would not forget the historical text of Zuowu.

After all, Raftel could not be found without the historical text of the 5.9 road sign.


Robin looked puzzled, she really didn't know this.

"By the way, I haven't told you about this yet.

Bai Yu said: "There are two types of historical texts, one is the four red historical texts that record Raftel's location information, and the other is 26 historical texts that record the history of the blank 100 years, of which nine are A block is a historical text that records important information."

"Combining all the historical text information together can form a complete article that records the history of the blank 100."

The makers of these "historical text steles are the Kozuki clan of Wanokuni."

Hearing Bai Yu's words, Robin was also very shocked.

She did not expect that the historical text was actually related to Wanokuni.

"Raftel? Can we get Raftel?"

Luffy immediately ran over excitedly.