
I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 158

Chapter 158: The cause of this world

"Are you looking for me?"

Zephyr's voice sounded.

"I have prepared a present for you, you must like it.

Bai Yu said with a smile.

He wasn't surprised that Zephyr found him.

"Aren't you afraid that I will catch you?"

Zephyr said coldly.

"If you wanted to arrest us, you would have caught up long ago, and I also happened to meet a Shichibukai, and I caught it by the way, so that I will think of you later.

Bai Yu said with a smile.

Zephyr was silent for a while, before speaking immediately, after a while, "I'll go to you right away!

After speaking, the phone hangs up.

"Bai Yu, although this translation used to be very good, but now it's very scary. If Luffy didn't stop him last time, we'd be finished!"

Usopp shouted hastily.

Don't worry, "Okay, he won't do anything to us, maybe we can become our own people in the future."

Bai Yu smiled. Although the current Zephyr hates pirates, he is not a fool.

The strength of the Straw Hat Pirates is simply not something that anyone can handle.

Even Marine wouldn't take them lightly.

Not to mention the new Marine, which is still on the ground.

"The new Marine is here!"

Enel said.

"You are waiting on the boat.

Bai Yu grabbed the fool Wilbur, lifted it up, and flew directly over.


Wilbur's huge body fell directly on the warship.

"It sure is him!"

After Ain saw Wilbur, she thought of the darkest day.

Zephyr also glanced at his right hand.

That day, he lost more than his right hand

"Mr. Zephyr seems to be in good shape."

Bai Yu appeared on the deck of the warship with a smile on his face.

"Tell me your terms.

Zephyr said coldly.

"If I wanted to make conditions, I wouldn't have brought this fool directly here."

Bai Yu shook his head, he wouldn't be stupid enough to make a condition directly.

Sometimes, no condition, that is the biggest condition.

Especially to deal with these old stubborn, is the most effective.

"No conditions? Will you help me?"

Zephyr looked at Bai Yu suspiciously.

"As I said, this is just a gift, not a help."

Bai Yu smiled slightly.

"I can't believe you have such a good heart!"

Ai Yin looked at Bai Yu angrily.


Zephyr scolded, then looked at Bai Yu Xiang, "I don't care what your purpose is, you can hand this person to me, I am here to thank you for my dead students!"

Saying that, Zephyr bowed his thanks to Bai Yu.

"You thank me and I accept it, but don't you even give me a glass of wine?"

Bai Yu did it directly on the ground.

"Go get two bottles of wine!

Zephyr said.

Ai Yin glanced at Bai Yu angrily, then turned to get the wine.

"I'm going with Sherry, TioPepe!"

Bai Yu shouted.

"Drink you to death!"

Ai Yin said angrily.

"If you want to drink to death, I'd better take more, if you don't have it, you won't kill me."

Bai Yu said with a smile.

He found this Ain quite interesting.


Ain snorted and walked into the cabin.

"The old man has been in the sea for decades, and he has caught countless pirates, but I have never seen a pirate like you, you are really hard to see.

Zephyr said very seriously.

Thank you "Mr. Zephyr for your compliment, I'm actually a very simple person, it's just that you have less contact with me.

Bai Yu said with a smile.

"Give you wine! Poison you!"

Ai Yin threw the bottle to Bai Yu angrily.

Bai Yu laughed, not angry, opened the bottle and took a sip, "This wine is good."

Zephyr also opened the bottle and took a sip, "This is the best wine."

"Mr. Zephyr, have you thought about the future? Or for your students?"

Bai Yu asked suddenly.

Zephyr froze for a moment, then looked at Bai Yu, "Are you here to teach me this old guy?"

"I didn't mean that, I was just stating some facts.

Bai Yu took another sip and continued: "Now that Marine's strength has not recovered, you are not a threat to them, and you can help them suppress the pirates. Naturally, they will not touch you."

"But, have you ever thought that when Marine's strength is restored, will the World Government allow you, the new Marine, to exist?"

"Or, can you fight Marine's three Admiral by yourself?"


Folding method directly crushed the wine bottle, his face was extremely gloomy, "What do you mean!"

"The pirates are indeed not good people, but compared to the dark corruption of the World Government, the pirates are already good.

Bai Yu said and took another sip of wine, "Is this world really so chaotic because there are so many pirates?"

"What do you want to say!

Zephyr looked at Bai Yu seriously.

"Actually, Mr. Zephyr understands what I mean, he just doesn't want to think about it, doesn't he?"

After Bai Yu finished speaking, he drank the whole bottle of wine, and then threw the bottle directly to Ain.

", "This wine is really good, I hope I can drink it with you in the future. "

After Bai Yu finished speaking, he flew up.

"Wait a moment!"

Ain suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong with Miss Ai Yin?"

Bai Yu asked with a smile.

"Please save Mr. Zephyr! As long as you can cure Mr. Zephyr's illness, I will do whatever you want!"

"Ai Yin! How can you ask for help like a pirate!"

Zephyr yelled loudly.

"Any conditions?"

Bai Yu looked at Ai Yin, her figure was perfect, and her face was very delicate.

"As long as you can heal…

"Ain! Shut up!!

Zephyr's forehead burst with blue veins.

"You better go to sleep first!

Bai Yu instantly appeared beside Zephyr and put his hand on Zephyr's neck.

Zephyr collapsed instantly.

"Mr. Zephyr!!

The soldiers around (Wang Dehao) immediately became nervous.

"Don't move!

Ain immediately shouted.

Bai Yu ignored the others and checked Zephyr's body.

"I can cure Zephyr, for the price…

Bai Yu appeared beside Ai Yin as he spoke, and whispered in Ai Yin's ear, "It's you."

Ain gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, "Okay! I promise you!"

"very good!"

With a smile on Bai Yu's face, Ai Yin's ability is very strong.

Appearing next to Zephyr, Kaidō and Tang Xianshu are activated together.

After a while, Bai Yu disappeared without Jian.

It appeared again that he had taken out several bottles of medicine.

"Okay, just wait for him to wake up and take medicine for him, once a day, come to me when he runs out of food."

Bai Yu said and handed a phone bug to Ain.

He whispered in Ain's ear, "I'm waiting for you."

Immediately after that, the activation ability disappeared.