
I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 154

Chapter 154: The mysterious power of destruction

After 230, Bai Yu's physical strength also reached the limit, and he fainted directly.

When he woke up, the Straw Hat Crew were all around him.

Bai Yu"! You are awake!

Nami saw Bai Yu woke up and hugged him excitedly.

"How long have I been in a coma?"

Bai Yu shook his dizzy head and asked.

"You've been in a coma for three days and three nights, scaring us to death!"

Nami wiped her tears and said.

"How is Whitebeard?

Bai Yu asked quickly.

Don't make him so miserable, Whitebeard is still dead, that's a big loss.

"Whitebeard is recovering and is fine.

Chopper said immediately.

"It's fine."

Bai Yu breathed a sigh of relief, finally not wasting his efforts.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Bai Yu found that everyone looked at him strangely.

"Bai Yu, are you really okay?"

Luffy asked quickly.

"What can I do?"

Bai Yu is very strange, he is better than ever before, and he feels that his strength has increased a lot.


(bcdg) Robin took out a mirror.


Bai Yu was frightened and directly swears.

Because his black hair has turned into white hair!

"Gu la la la~ You saved my life again, boy Bai Yu."

Whitebeard came in.

"Then you owe me two lives.

Bai Yu smiled, ignoring the hair thing.

White is just white, and it looks pretty cool.

"Woo la la la~ Let's go out and talk.

Whitebeard laughed.

"It just so happens that I also have a lot of things I want to ask you."

Bai Yu had many questions in his heart.

The force of destruction in this passage is too strong.

And it's just this, if there are more, he will die.

He always thought that his strength could stand at the top of the world.

But he never thought that just this force would make him almost die.

The two walked to the abandoned town.

"This is my hometown. I used to be a place of nowhere because I couldn't pay the gold in the sky. When I was a child, it was destroyed by pirates."

Whitebeard said as he walked, "I left here and became a pirate.

"Okay, I know all about you. Let's talk about the result of your battle with Auntie and Kaido."

Bai Yu interrupted Whitebeard's chatter.

"Although I can't exert my full strength, I still have no problem dealing with the two of them, and they are also afraid of me, so they withdrew directly.

Whitebeard said proudly.

"Then where did your injury come from?"

Bai Yu's brows furrowed, since he didn't get hurt from Kaido and Aunt Ma, who the hell is he!

"After the war, our pirate ship was also damaged, and we were going to find a place to repair it, but we encountered an island that was not recording the pointer.

Whitebeard paused.

"You old man, keep talking!"

Bai Yu asked anxiously.

"The island is full of life and there are many magical animals. We repaired there for seven days. Just when we were about to leave, an unusually terrifying force erupted on that island."

"Just in an instant, all the life on the island was completely deprived!"

"I have never seen such a terrifying power, it is a power full of destruction, and my Shock Fruit ability is completely incomparable!"

"In order to protect the children, I can only use all my strength to resist the power of destruction. Although I finally blocked it, this power also entered my body. I know that I won't last long, and I can only disband the pirate group. Don't let outsiders know that I'm dying."

"I originally wanted to wait for you to come, because I wanted to ask you to take care of my stupid sons, but I didn't expect that you would save my life again.

Whitebeard also looked at the distant sky with some emotion.

"Do you remember where that island was?"

Bai Yu asked quickly.

"After the destructive power erupted, the island disappeared, and I didn't notice any other aura."

"That is definitely not the power of a human master, and even in the Devil Fruit illustrations, there is no record of that terrifying power of destruction.

The only "explanation" is that it is the force of nature, the force that really destroys the world!

Whitebeard looked at Bai Yu very seriously, "I know what you're thinking, don't try to control that kind of power!"

"I'm not that stupid yet, and you're fine now, what are you going to do?"

Bai Yu changed the subject.

"You should know my physical condition. Even if I get better now, I won't survive for a few years. It's good to rest here."

There was a look of exhaustion and relief on Whitebeard's face.

"Okay, whatever you want, since things have been clarified, we'll leave."

Bai Yu waved his hand and was about to leave.

He still has to go to Auntie's place, and he has not forgotten the three historical texts.

"If there is a need for me, and I am not dead, I will definitely be there."

Whitebeard said very solemnly.

"Then don't die too early, the real New World hasn't arrived yet."

Bai Yu smiled, his purpose has been achieved.

The next step is to put the other three emperors aside and find Raftel!

Take a look at what the legendary treasure is!