
I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 137

Chapter 137: Sengoku? Second grandpa? Second grandma?

"I know! I know what Bai Yu means!"

Luffy immediately shouted loudly: "What Bai Yu means is that you don't need to care about any enemies, just shoot them away, am I right?"

"Idiot, how could it be so simple, this sentence must have deep meaning!"

Sanji said aside.

"The vice-captain's meaning should be to say that from the overall point of view, any enemy can be defeated, but in the implementation of tactics, we must be cautious.

Robin said aside.

"Isn't that just a version of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

Vivi said aside.

"No, it should be said that the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength."

Nami said.

"Actually, what you said is good, but only Robin's answer is the closest. Since you are all interested, let's talk while having a banquet."

Bai Yu said.

"Okay! Have a party!"

Luffy jumped up immediately.

We "just finished eating!

Nami's face turned dark, she noticed that he had gained weight during this time

"It's okay, Long treat.

Bai Yu said.

"No problem, I'll treat you! Everyone eats whatever you want, how much money is mine!!

Long said quickly that he was looking forward to Bai Yu's words.

"Sanji, it's over to you, remember to list the bill to Mr. Long.

Bai Yu said with a smile.

Anyway, idle is idle, eat and drink, blow cows for a while, and then sleep.

"Wait a minute, someone is approaching.

Enel said.

"Looks like it was discovered."

Sengoku's voice sounded.

Hearing Sengoku's voice, the people who put it on became nervous.

After all, they had a war between these two old men before.

"Don't be nervous, it's alright, come up and sit down, it just so happens that your family will be reunited."

Bai Yu said.

"Aren't you afraid that the two of us are here to arrest you?"

Sengoku spoke up.

"If I'm afraid of two retired old men, this voyage will be over.

Bai Yu said with a smile.

"I see! This is what Bai Yu said about despising the enemy!"

Luffy shouted loudly.

"Stinky boy! Haven't you tasted my iron fist of love!"

Garp jumped on the pirate ship and looked at Luffy with his fist clenched.

"Don't bully Luffy!"

The dragon stood in front of Luffy.


Garp punched the dragon aside, "The old man will bully you! Let you taste the iron fist of love!"

bang bang bang…

"If you break something, you will lose money!"

Bai Yu said.

"Let this bastard pay!"

Garp sat down very comfortably.

The dragon is full of big bags, very miserable.


Bang! Bang!

"Grandpa, Dad, why did you hit me!"

Luffy was very dissatisfied with the two large bags hanging on his head.

"Luffy is calling someone, your second grandpa is here.

Bai Yu said with a smile.

"Second grandpa?

Luffy looked at Sengoku suspiciously.

"Don't yell!"

Sengoku's mouth twitched.

"It's wrong, let's call your second grandmother."

Bai Yu said again.

"Second grandma!"

Luffy gave a very obedient cry.

Click! Click

The veins on Sengoku's forehead bulged one by one.


Garp rolled on the ground laughing, tears coming out of his eyes.

The others wanted to laugh too, but looked at Sengoku's face that was darker than the bottom of the pot and held back.

"Dad, should you give me an explanation?"

The dragon looked at Garp.


Bai Yu directly spit out a mouthful of water.

Long's words are really shocking.

The Monkey family really doesn't have a normal…

"Mr. Sengoku, did you also bring a sheep? I'm very good at roasting whole sheep."

Sanji's eyes lit up when he saw Sengoku's goat, and he could tell that it was definitely a very good ingredient.

The goat was frightened by Sanji's eyes, and quickly hid behind Sengoku and barked twice.

"It says get out of the stinky chef!"

Chopper immediately acted as a translator.

"Who is the stinky cook!"

Sanji was instantly furious.

"I didn't say it, the goat said it."

Chopper hides behind Bai Yu in fright.

"I roasted you!"

Sanji looked at the goat angrily.

The goat barked again.

"It says you can't beat Sengoku

Chopper said cautiously.

"Old man Sengoku, come and fight, if you lose, the sheep will be mine!"

Sanji was so angry that he had to roast the goat.

"Forget it, I'll eat it next time."

Bai Yu said, in fact, he also wanted to eat Sengoku's goats.

The goat shuddered suddenly and dared not speak again.

"Can you understand animals?"

Sengoku ignored these people and looked at Chopper curiously.

"I am the reindeer that ate the fruit of everyone."

Chopper said.

"I see, I thought you were a civet cat."

Sengoku nodded, a look of understanding.

"I'm not a civet cat! You are a civet cat! Your whole family is a civet cat!"

Chopper immediately shouted loudly, and hid behind Bai Yu after shouting.

Sengoku's face darkened.

"By the way, the monster that slapped you in the air is Chopper."

Bai Yu said with a smile.


Sengoku's eyes widened, surprised.

He himself is a person with the ability of the fruit of everyone, and there are only three changes at most. This is fixed, how could someone have more than four changes?

"That's the secret."

Bai Yu smiled secretly, he just deliberately revealed a little bit of information to Sengoku.

"Didn't you say there was a banquet?"

Garp said aside.

"Of course, tonight's consumption will be paid by our son Long."

Bai Yu said with a smile.

"Come here to help."

Sanji shouted.

The others immediately went over to help and began to prepare the banquet.

"Are you missing someone on board?

Sengoku asked.

"He's working, leave him alone."

Bai Yu said something and raised his glass, "Let's drink first!"


The people of Straw Hat Crew immediately raised their glasses with excitement, and the three of them, Long and Sengoku Garp, could only follow along.

"Well, Bai Yu, you'd better talk about the revolution."

Long was very anxious, and he wanted to know what Bai Yu thought about the revolution.

"You boy! Are you still awake?"

Garp was instantly furious.

"It's Dad, you haven't woken up yet.

The dragon shook his head, "Marine upholds justice, it's not wrong, but now the justice upheld by Marine is the justice of those idiots Celestial Dragons."

"Dragon, your thoughts are too dangerous!"

Sengoku said.

"Well, we have no position here tonight, just small talk."

Bai Yu interrupted the three.

Then he said: "I will tell you what a revolution is."