
I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 133

Chapter 133: Invincible ability! Luo's condition!

Dressrosa, Royal Palace.

The Straw Hat Crew came together.

Bai Yu took out two Devil Fruits.

For him, taking Devil Fruit by the crew is no different from absorbing it himself.

If someone wants to take these two fruits, then he does not recommend it.

"This is the fruit of silence. After eating it, no matter what you do, even if you shoot or bombard it with cannons, there will be no sound, and you can isolate any sound around you."

Bai Yu briefly introduced, "Of course, it can also improve sleep quality.

Hearing the introduction, Usopp was a little moved.

This is simply the fruit tailored for snipers.

What a horrible thing silent sniping is.

But for others, this ability is completely useless.

Of course, it is still useful for Zoro, at least it can improve the quality of sleep.

However, after eating Devil Fruit, it means turning into a landlubber.

This is the price of getting the Devil Fruit ability.

"Usopp, in fact, this fruit is more suitable for you, but it's up to you to eat it or not."

Bai Yu said.

"I eat!

Usopp hesitated a little, then made up his mind.

Bai Yu smiled slightly and threw the fruit directly to Usopp without saying anything.


Usopp took a direct bite.

"It's so delicious!

Usopp swears he's never eaten something so bad!

Afterwards, everyone saw Usopp's mouth moving, but no sound came out.

But soon recovered.

"Although the fruit of silence seems useless, if you develop it well, it is also very powerful."

Bai Yu said and took out the transparent fruit, "This fruit is the fruit that Sanji wants most, the transparent fruit.


Sanji immediately stood up excitedly.

This was the fruit he had always dreamed of.

With this fruit ability, he can enter the girls' bathroom

"Want a girl?

Bai Yu smiled.

In fact, he knew that the main reason Sanji wanted this Devil Fruit was to be able to enter the girls' bathroom.

As for other abilities, he absolutely didn't care, or simply didn't think about it.

"Hoo~ Forget it, I will use my own abilities to enter the girls' bathroom!"

Sanji took a deep breath before making a decision.

Other "Does anyone want?"

Bai Yu didn't speak, in fact, this was what he expected.

The others also shook their heads, no one wanted this fruit.

Bai Yu put away Devil Fruit, ready to absorb it later.

dong dong dong~!

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

"Everyone is here, the dinner will start soon."

Doflamingo came in.

Behind him, Violet was carrying a plate covered with a piece.

"Brother Ming, you are such a good person!"

Luffy was immediately happy when he heard the meal.

"Thank you so much~ Captain Luffy praised, this is what I should do.

Doflamingo smiled and gave Violet a look.

Violet immediately removed the cloth from the plate.

A Devil Fruit appeared in front of everyone.

"This is a Paramecia fruit. Devil Fruit is very hard to find recently. I just found this one, and I sent it first. The Devil Fruit of the Eudemons type will also be sent after the game is over. Please also ask Bai Lord Yu, wait a few more days."

Doflamingo's posture was very low, and he was called an adult.

There is no way, this is the gap in strength.

"Okay, leave the fruit, you can go out."

Bai Yu waved his hand, completely taking Doflamingo as his subordinate.


Doflamingo nodded and motioned Violet to put the fruit down.

Then the two went out.

"Damn it! Sooner or later I will kill you!"

Doflamingo clenched his fists and gritted his teeth angrily.

As long as his plan is successful, not only Bai Yu is going to die, but Kaido isn't going to be any better!

"There's another Devil Fruit, who do you want?

Bai Yu said with a smile.

As for Doflamingo, in his eyes, he is nothing more than a tool man.

"I have no interest in Devil Fruit."

Zoro shook his head, even Logia wasn't interested.

"I'm not interested either.

Franky shook his head as well, he just wanted to make a stronger steel suit now.

Sanji even refused the transparent fruit, so naturally he won't ask for it again.

Neither Nami nor Vivi wanted it either.

Jinbei cultivates Water Style and naturally won't eat Devil Fruit.

Everyone else is capable.

"You go to dinner first, I'll be there later."

Bai Yu planned to absorb Devil Fruit first, which would be valuable after turning it into his own strength.

Luffy couldn't wait for a long time, Bai Yu ran out as soon as he finished speaking.

The others also walked out one after another.

Bai Yu was the only one left in the room.

Take out Devil Fruit and start absorbing directly.

Getting all three abilities today is very practical.

The door door fruit can not only carry out space transfer, but also can be used to avoid enemy attacks, as an emergency shelter.

Needless to say, the transparent fruit, combined with the ability of the silent fruit, is simply invincible!

Moreover, he felt that the ability of the fruit of silence was not as simple as blocking the sound.

Observation Haki is also the power of listening, and the fruit of silence can completely block the perception of seeing and seeing.

Bai Yu pushed it casually, and a door appeared in the air.

Inside is a green space.

As a man, I really don't like this color.

Immediately change the color of the alien space to white.

Well done) that's about the same.

Close the door, this ability should not be exposed for the time being.

Although he felt that he was almost invincible now.

But it's always good to be careful.

After absorbing the abilities of these three fruits, the Shura skill became much stronger.

He just wanted to go to dinner.

Luo suddenly appeared in the room.

", "I thought you wouldn't take the initiative to come to me. "

Bai Yu was not surprised at all.

He knew Luo too well.

Rosinante's death has a great impact on Luo, and he will never let go of Doflamingo's handsome.

"I know you don't care about Doflamingo's life or death, you just want to use his power, as long as you help me kill Doflamingo, I can do the surgery for you!

Luo directly set out his own conditions.

He believed that even a strong man like Bai Yu would not refuse this condition.