
I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 07

Chapter 7

Chapter Seven: Eight Inner Gates! open! [New book set sail for support! ]

Chapter Seven: Eight Inner Gates! open!

"Wait a moment!"

Bai Yu shouted.

"Do you want to ask for forgiveness now?"

Buggy is very proud, daring to run wild on his territory is simply courting death!

"beg for mercy?"

Bai Yu smiled, "How is that possible, I just want to tell you, it's better for us to leave after eating, otherwise, you will be miserable."

"Bastard! How dare you threaten me!"

Buggy's face darkened, "Little ones! Kill them for me!"

"Yes! Captain Buggy!"

The pirate minions immediately took orders, picked up their weapons and prepared to start.

"I'm full, leave it to me."

Zoro stood up, unsheathed his three knives, and looked at these pirates coldly, "Better don't move, or I'll hack you to death!"

These pirate minions were immediately frightened.

Zoro's notoriety is still a deterrent to these pirate minions.

"Roronoa Zoro, are you here to take my head?"

Buggy's eyes narrowed slightly, he had heard something about Zoro.

"I'm no longer a pirate hunter, and I'm not interested in your head."

Zoro turned to look at the two people who were eating and drinking.

It was also a little speechless. At this time, these two people could still eat so much.

"You are not interested in me, but I am very interested in you. If you kill you, you should be famous in East Blue."

A smile appeared on Buggy's face.

"Captain Buggy!"

"Captain Buggy!"

The pirate minions immediately started shouting and cheering.

"I advise you to listen to our deputy captain and let us finish eating and leave, otherwise you will be really miserable and may die."

Zoro shook his head and opened his mouth to persuade.

The main thing is that in the face of Buggy, he has no desire to do anything at all, too weak.

"Gorgeous to die!"

Buggy shouted excitedly, took out two Short Swords and rushed towards Zoro.

Looking at Buggy rushing over, there were flaws all over his body, he shook his head helplessly, and rushed over quickly.


Buggy's body was immediately split in two and fell to the ground.

The audience immediately fell silent.

Zoro frowned, thinking how strong this so-called undead pirate was.

In the end, it was over…

"Are you still going?"

Zoro's eyes turned to the pirates of the Buggy Pirates.


The pirate minions laughed loudly.

"The captain was killed, how can they still laugh, saying that this guy is too weak?"

Luffy looked at the laughing pirates strangely.

"Luffy, remember, don't underestimate anyone, especially your enemies."

Bai Yu naturally knew that Buggy would not be killed so easily.


Luffy nodded knowingly.

Just at this time.

Buggy, who was lying on the ground, moved, and one of the hands holding the knife flew out quickly.

"Zoro! Be careful!"

Luffy yelled immediately.

Zoro turned his head and saw the flying hand, and was also startled, and quickly avoided it.

Although barely dodged, he was still scratched.

"Who the hell are you!"

Zoro covered his wound, his face a little ugly.

"I ate Chop-Chop Fruit, a man who can't be chopped to death! Your knife is useless to me!"

As Buggy said, he split his body into many parts.

"It turned out to be a divided person, is that guy a monster?"

Luffy groaned.

"You're not going anywhere, are you?"

Bai Yu looked at Luffy speechlessly.

It's too embarrassing to say that others are monsters…

"Sneak attack from behind is too despicable! Big red nose!"

Luffy growled.

Buggy's face turned black immediately, and what he hated most was when people said his nose.

With a gloomy face, a flying knife flew out directly.

Luffy dodged easily.

"Okay, it's time to work when you're full."

Bai Yu stood up and walked over to Zoro, "How is it?"

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury, it won't die."

Zoro waved his hand, indicating that he was fine.

"You better take a rest and lend me a knife."

Bai Yu helped Zoro sit on the chair and took one of Zoro's knives.

"Idiot! Laozi is a splintered man who can't be cut to death, and he wants to fight me with a knife?"

Buggy looked at Bai Yu's face full of mockery.

"Who said I was going to fight you?"

Bai Yu smiled, "Luffy, I'll leave this guy to you, I'll take care of the others."

"no problem!"

Luffy clenched his fists excitedly and walked towards Buggy.

"What a shame!"

A man appeared on a unicycle with a knife in his hand, "Buggy Pirates Chief of Staff Acrobatic Kabbage…"


"Too much nonsense!"

Bai Yu put away the knife, and Kabbage fell to the ground.

Turning to look at the other pirates, "It's your turn!"

As soon as the voice fell, Bai Yu rushed into the crowd.

Like a wolf entering a flock, no one can stop it!

"Little Kabbah! Asshole!"

Buggy roared and was about to attack Bai Yu.

"Your opponent is me!"

Luffy stops Buggy.

"Looking at your straw hat, I thought of that damn red-haired man!"

Buggy looked at Luffy very angry, as if he had seen a life-and-death vengeance!

"Redhead? You know Shanks?"

Luffy asked in surprise.

"go to hell!"

Buggy took advantage of Luffy's absent-minded moment and immediately launched a sneak attack.

The fist holding the three knives is very fast.

"Sneak attack again, too despicable!"

Luffy roared and ducked.

But the speed of Buggy's sneak attack was too fast. Although Luffy dodged the attack, the straw hat was cut open.

"You bastard! How dare you hurt this hat! This is my baby!"

Luffy was heartbroken when he looked at the straw hat that was cut, and looked at Buggy even more with anger.


Buggy sneered, "Since it's a baby, it needs to be better protected!"

The voice fell, and the fist that flew past flew back again.


The blade on the fist went straight through the straw hat on Luffy's hand and flew to Buggy's hand.

"This tattered and tattered straw hat is still regarded as a treasure, it's really laughable! Hahaha!"

Buggy laughed wildly, then threw the straw hat on the ground and stepped on it with his feet.

"Damn you!"

Luffy clenched his fists and looked angry.

"Eight Inner Gates · Open! Open!"

"Eight Inner Gates · Hugh Gate! Open!"