
I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 04

Chapter 4: A three-person pirate group! [Ask for flowers! Ask for collection! Ask for all support! ]

Everyone on the execution grounds, except Luffy.

All eyes widened and their jaws dropped to the ground.

Nami was also scared to death.

Jumping down from such a high place, there is nothing at all.

This is simply a monster!

"Damn rebels, one after the other!"

After Mengka came back to his senses, he was extremely angry, "What are you doing! Shoot them!"

Ka Ka Ka!

All of Marine's guns were aimed at Bai Yu and the others.

Pull the trigger!

bang bang bang…

Dense bullets flew out.

One of Bai Yu and Luffy blocked Zoro and the other blocked Nami.

"Haha! It's useless!"

Luffy laughed and shot all the bullets out.

Bai Yu just patted the clothes lightly, unscathed.

The Marine soldiers were startled again.

Mengka was also frightened, because he knew that it was the power of the devil!

"Even if you have the power of demons, if you dare to resist this uncle, you will die!"

"Since the gun doesn't work, hack them to death with a knife!"


Marine soldiers rushed over with a knife in hand.

"Zoro, are you taking up the knife and becoming our partner now, or are you waiting to be hacked to death?"

Bai Yu walked up to Zoro.

"Are you demons?"

Zoro said helplessly: "Forget it, it's better to become a pirate than to be hacked to death here."

"Wow, that's great!"

Luffy jumped up happily and said excitedly: "Bai Yu, we have another partner!"

"Idiot Luffy, now is not the time to be happy, untie Zoro first."

Bai Yu looked at Luffy speechlessly.

The enemies are charging over with knives, and they can still laugh…

"This rope is so hard to unravel!"

Luffy grabbed around, not only did not untie the rope, but tied it tighter.

"Can't you use knives?"

Zoro is very speechless, he doesn't need a knife, he must use his hands.

"Then it's not exciting."

Bai Yu smiled.

"Stimulate a fart! Hurry up and give me the knife!"

Zoro's face turned dark, and he was convinced when he met these two lunatics.


Bai Yu saw that the Marine soldiers had rushed over, and handed the knife to Zoro.

After Zoro took the knife, his temperament changed immediately.

He held a knife in one hand and a knife in his mouth.


Zoro blocked Marine's knife and looked at Marine with murderous eyes.

"If you dare to move again, I will hack you to death!"

The murderous look in his eyes made Marine suffocate for a while.

Really dare not move.

"So handsome! So awesome!"

Luffy's eyes lit up.

Zoro looked at Luffy and Bai Yu and said, "I promise to join your pirate group, but I have to make it clear first, I have my own ambitions, if you two hinder me, you will apologize! "


Luffy asked curiously.

"I want to become the world's number one swordsman!"

Zoro's eyes are very firm, this is his ambition and his commitment!

"Not bad, as a partner of One Piece, that's what we want!"

Luffy nodded in satisfaction.

"Zoro, I only have one question for you."

Bai Yu looked at Zoro very seriously.

"what is the problem?"

Zoro looked at Bai Yu suspiciously, not knowing why he suddenly became serious.

"Have you been tied to the toilet these days?"

Bai Yu asked the question he was curious about before crossing.

The veins on Zoro's forehead bulged one by one.

"What are you doing! Don't even hack them to death!"

Monka's roar interrupted Zoro's soaring rage.

The Marine soldiers who received the order raised their knives again and prepared to attack.

"Zoro! Squat down and let you see my new move!"

Luffy shouted, and threw his right foot back, making it very long.

Seeing this, Zoro squatted down quickly.

"Rubber… cyclone!"

The long legs of more than ten meters swept out, like a hurricane.


All the Marine soldiers flew out at this moment.

Even Monka was kicked out.

Zoro? ? ?

"They are so strong, I don't know if they can beat Arlong…"

Nami couldn't help thinking, then shook his head, throwing the thought out of his mind.

Then he glanced at Bai Yu, "Since you are pirates, let's meet again."

"Did you forget something?"

How could Bai Yu let this little thief cat go.

"what do you want to do?"

Nami's brow wrinkled, sure enough, there are no good people in pirates!

"You should be able to sail, right?"

Bai Yu pointed to Luffy and Zoro beside him, and continued: "The three of us don't know sailing skills. I want you to take us out of here and go to the next island, and then our grievances will be written off."

Nami hesitated, but thought that Bai Yu had really helped her just now.

And these three people are powerful, maybe they can help her make more money, so they nodded immediately and agreed.

"Bai Yu, you are so powerful that you were able to find a navigator."

Luffy was very excited. He was worried about how the three of them would go to sea before.

"I'm not your partner, it's just a partnership at most. Of course, if you give me money, maybe I can be your partner temporarily."

Nami looks like a money fan.

In her opinion, such a powerful pirate should have a lot of money, right?

"Wait a minute, you said that our pirate group doesn't even have navigators, right?"

Zoro found the problem.

"Well, strictly speaking, there are only three of us in our pirate group right now."

Bai Yu nodded.

"Do the three of us dare to be called a pirate group?"

Zoro felt like he was really on a pirate ship.

"So what can we do, anyway, we are so strong, and our partners will be found soon."

Luffy said confidently.

"Don't worry, although this guy is unreliable, he is still very trustworthy."

Bai Yu patted Zoro on the shoulder.

"Help! Colonel Monka! We are not pirates!"

"Help! Colonel Monka is crazy!"

"Help me!!"

"Dare to resist this uncle! Damn it!"

There was a sudden call for help outside, as well as the frantic roar of Monka. *