
I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 02

Chapter 2: Can't even fly with his father? [New book for collection! Ask for flowers! Ask for a review ticket! ]

"Skill matching completed, generating…"

"Crew Monkeyd Luffy, exclusive skill: Eight Inner Gates."

[Eight Inner Gates: A powerful physical technique from the world of Hokage, which unlocks the limitations of the body and obtains powerful power in a short time. Due to the different rules of the world, the effect of the skills will change. Please understand it by yourself. ]

Bai Yu was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Luffy's first exclusive skill turned out to be Eight Inner Gates!

The strongest body technique in the world of Hokage!

none of them!

Luffy's Rubber Fruit, with Haki and Eight Inner Gates…

What will the effect be?

What kind of abilities do you get when you wait for the others to get on board?

What will Summit War become with the addition of the Straw Hat Pirates?

"Bai Yu, what's wrong with you?"

When Luffy saw Bai Yu who was in a daze, he asked in confusion.

"It's okay, I remembered something, it seems to be a method of cultivation, do you want to learn it?"

Bai Yu knew the danger of Eight Inner Gates, but he couldn't resist the temptation to become stronger.

"Want to learn!"

Luffy blurted out without thinking.

"Okay, then I'll teach you the Eight Inner Gates Technique!"

Bai Yu said, raised his finger and placed it on Luffy's forehead, thinking in his heart, "Teach skills!"


An invisible wave of power entered Luffy's mind along Bai Yu's fingers.

Luffy closed his eyes and stood motionless on the boat.

After a moment, Luffy opened his eyes.

"Eight Inner Gates, the first door! Open!"

A powerful breath burst out instantly.

The boat made an overwhelmed sound, as if it could shatter at any moment.

"So strong!"

Bai Yu was shocked. He didn't expect that Luffy could open the first door in seconds.

At the same time, he found that Luffy only opened the first door, and his strength was so strong.

And now Luffy's body is a bit like the second gear in the original book.

But something is different, Luffy's skin in second gear turns red and steam appears.

Now this state is just a little red, and there is no steam.


Luffy took a deep breath and returned to normal.

"Eight Inner Gates are very powerful, but also very dangerous. Don't use them lightly. I'll sleep for a while when I'm tired."

Bai Yu didn't really want to sleep, but made a plan in his mind.

Because his strength is directly linked to the crew.

The stronger the crew is, the stronger he is.

While thinking about it, I fell asleep unconsciously…

When he opened his eyes, the boat was already docked at the dock.

"Mr. Bai Yu, you're finally awake, hurry up and persuade Luffy, he wants to invite a devil to be his partner…"

Kirby stopped halfway through his words, because he remembered that the man in front of him was also a monster.

Luffy looked at Bai Yu and said, "I haven't decided yet. Let's take a look first. They all say that the pirate hunter is very strong. If he is a good person, how about we invite him to be our partner?"

"No problem, you are the captain, you can make a decision."

Bai Yu waved his hand, and now he just wanted to persuade Luffy to get more crew members.

The more crew members he has, the stronger he will be, so whatever Marine Admiral, New World Four Emperors, he will be killed!

"You… the people you invite Naya to become partners are very dangerous! Maybe you will all be killed by him!"

Although Kirby was very scared, he still wanted to persuade Luffy and Bai Yu. After all, these two people saved him.

"Luffy, let's go eat, I'm a little hungry."

Bai Yu ignored Kirby, he was really hungry.

"Okay, let's eat first."

Luffy nodded, also ignoring Kirby.

The two left in good agreement.

"You wait for me!"

Kirby quickly followed, and he wanted to eat too.

The three came to a restaurant.

Just as he walked in, Bai Yu saw a familiar figure.

Little Thief Cat Nami!

Nami also found Bai Yu, but he just glanced at it and started eating on his own.

Bai Yu didn't speak either, this little thief cat couldn't run away, and he wasn't in a hurry.

After ordering some food, the three of them started to eat.


The door of the restaurant was violently kicked open.

A yellow-haired boy stepped in, followed by two Marine soldiers.

"This young master is here, don't hurry up and entertain for free!"

Belumebo shouted arrogantly.

The expressions of the few people eating in the restaurant changed, and they quickly got up and left.

"Don't be in a hurry, this young master has something to tell you."

As soon as Belumebe spoke, the person who was about to leave immediately stopped.

Seeing all these people stop, his face was full of smugness, "My young master has been very bored recently and is about to execute the criminal Zoro. You must all go to the scene to watch it then!"

"How can you say nothing! You told the big brother before that if he persists for a month, you will let him go!"

A little girl ran out and pointed angrily at Beiru Mabel.


The proprietress quickly rushed out of the bar and held the little girl in her arms.

"I said let him last for a month, but I didn't say I wouldn't kill him within this month, a bunch of idiots! Haha…"

Beilu Mabe laughed proudly, and then the smile disappeared, looking at the mother and daughter, "covering up criminals to death!"

"What are you still doing! You haven't arrested anyone yet!"

Hearing this, the two Marine soldiers behind him frowned, gritted their teeth, and walked over to arrest someone.

"Wait a moment!"

Luffy stood up.

"Do you want to fight Marine?"

Belumeb looked at Luffy.

"Little sister, what did you just say about persisting for a month?"

Luffy ignored Belumab.

"Big brother Zoro in order to save me and my mother…"

The little girl quickly said this matter.

"Bai Yu, I've decided, I want Zoro to be our partner!"

Luffy clenched his fists and said very seriously.


Bai Yu nodded.

He found that the butterfly effect is real, because of his arrival, the plot has begun to change.

And he is also very clear that this change will only get bigger and bigger.

To cope with these changes, we must have strong strength.

"How dare you fight against Marine…"


Before Bellumeb could finish speaking, Luffy was knocked to the ground.

"Luffy! Don't be impulsive! He's Colonel Monka's son, and you'll be in trouble if you hit him!"

Kirby hugged Luffy quickly.

"Then why don't he even fly with his father?"

Bai Yu said from the side, "Let's go, let's meet our future partners."


Luffy nodded and followed Bai Yu out.

The two Marine soldiers glanced at the two, and took the initiative to move out of the way, letting the two leave.

They are looking forward to this moment, expecting that these two can really knock Colonel Monka flying!