
I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Once Yuki woke up, he suddenly became a Konoha's new Lord of Fourth Hokage. What about Minato Namikaze? Oh, he was looking at himself in the audience with envy and regret. Looking at the time again, now is already at the end of the Three Wars, and there is only one year left before the Nine Tails Rebellion. Yuki was flustered immediately. There is a great crisis of life and death outside, and an old man who led three-generation of Hokage has elevated power inside. This situation is very bad! Does Yuki wants to be a short-lived Hokage like Minato? Fortunately, the cheat system ability arrived on time. As long as Yuki's Hokage's reputation continues to increase, Wood Release Jutsu, Senjutsu, Flying Thunder God Technique, and so on can be exchanged. One year later. "Nine tails, you finally appeared! Eat my Sage Art Wood Release: True Thousand Hands - Top Transformed Buddha attack!" Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/KonohaHokage Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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228 Chs

Yuki VS Orochimaru

"Hehe, then I'll wait and see."

Orochimaru smiled coldly. He stuck out his snake-like tongue, licked his lips, and immediately began to attack.

"Shadow Sword Clone Technique!"

He threw out the sword in his hand first, and then the Shadow Clone quickly sent out hundreds and thousands of swords in his hand. Like a rainstorm, it continuously attacked Yuki.

As an A-level ninjutsu created by Hiruzen Sarutobi, Orochimaru, as his direct disciple, naturally had learned it before.

Facing the overwhelming attacks, he calmly put his hands together and said:

"Wind Style - a major breakthrough."

An incomparably violent wind blew out from his body, instantly blowing the incoming sword shadow clone into pieces.

Although the breakthrough of Wind Style was only a basic level C Ninjutsu, it was different from the ability of the caster who created the wind.

When an excellent ninja used it, the wind could blow down many trees.

If he used it with Chakra in the body, it would be more like a typhoon that could destroy everything.

Seeing his own ninjutsu being broken, Orochimaru, who had long black hair that was blown into a mess, licked his lips excitedly and sighed, "What an enviable amount of Chakra! With such a powerful physique, I really want to dissect and study it."

As he spoke, his hands did not slow down in the slightest.

"Fire Style - Head Work Hard."

The blazing fireball was spat out from Orochimaru's mouth to the ground, and the flames that fell to the ground instantly expanded, turning into a sea of fire instantly. Under the influence of the strong wind, it rolled forward even more violently.

Regarding the research of Ninjutsu, Orochimaru was not at all under the control of Hiruzen.

The fire's damage would only be greater with the wind's characteristics.

In the blink of an eye, the whole situation was reversed.

Seeing the huge fire wave drowning Yuki, Orochimaru thought about it for a while and then left with a trace of regret.

He did not think that this ninjutsu could kill the Yuki Senju, but it would bring trouble to the latter, so he could still drag sometimes.

Although he was very envious of Yuki's body, he was still on the run, and there must be many Konoha pursuers behind him.

In order to prevent unnecessary accidents, he had to escape first successfully.

However he wanted to escape, but someone was unwilling.

The moment Orochimaru turned around, Yuki suddenly came out from the ground behind him, and the Kunai in his hand swept straight toward his neck with a cold edge.


The feeling of different flesh and blood was transmitted back to Yuki's hand.

In the next second, Orochimaru's entire body turned into a mud clone, and with a boom, he collapsed.

"The fourth generation really can't forget me."

At this moment, Orochimaru's signature voice rang out from behind Yuki.

Immediately after, the hissing sound of a poisonous snake was heard.

Hidden Shadow Snake!

A dozen poisonous snakes suddenly emerged from Orochimaru's sleeve, baring their sharp fangs as they fiercely bit Yuki's back.


Just like Orochimaru before, Yuki's body had also turned into an earth clone, but on top of it, there were a few crackling Explosive Talismans.

Rumble! Rumble!

Continuous explosions rang out.

As dust flew, dozens of shattered snake bodies scattered in all directions.

Yun Ting, who had revealed his true form, looked into the dust without blinking. His hands were about to form another seal.


A rapid sound of air breaking rang out, and Orochimaru's eye-catching head flew out, spitting out a long sword and stabbing at him extremely fast.

The corner of Yuki's eyes twitched slightly. Although he already knew about Orochimaru's infinitely long neck flying head technique, seeing it with his own eyes still made him feel extremely strange and horrified.

His opponent's speed was very fast, so he could only give up forming seals.

He pulled out Kunai to deal with it.

Clang ---

The sound of metal clashing rang out several times in an instant.

In the end, Yuki's Kunai was cut off by the sword in the other party's mouth and had no choice but to retreat.

"What great strength." Orochimaru, whose head had returned to his body, twisted his neck and looked at Yuki, "Unfortunately, in the end, I still can't compare to Tsunade, that strange woman."

Yuki's answer to this was a bold fireball.

Orochimaru easily dodged it, and then the two fought again.

Right now, Orochimaru's physical body had been modified by a soft body, and his body's flexibility and flexibility had been greatly enhanced. Because of this, his melee ability had become strange and changeable. Coupled with his rich combat experience, if it was in the past, Yuki would not be his opponent.

However, now that he had Wood Style, the physical fitness of the Senju race had greatly increased. Although his strength could have been better than Tsunade, he had already surpassed her in other aspects. Thus, when facing Orochimaru, he could deal with him very easily.

Except for that sword.

This should be Kusanagi Sword.

Although Kusanagi Sword in Naruto could be graded and measured, being able to be brought with him by Orochimaru and personally tested by Yuki just now, this sword must be one of the highest quality Kusanagi Swords.


Yuki threw a heavy punch forward, and once again, his flexible body, which even Orochimaru couldn't beat, twisted away.

Just at this moment, taking advantage of the moment when Yuki's old strength had just gone away, and before the new strength could even come out, Orochimaru, who was already prepared, once again flew his head out. With a turn, his Kusanagi Sword flew straight toward the back of Yuki's neck.

"I was waiting for you!"

Yuki laughed instead of being shocked. His whole body suddenly erupted with a dense electric current. It was the Lightning Style: Physical Stimulation Method.

In an instant, his speed suddenly increased by a lot.

He turned around and faced the incoming Kusanagi Sword. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it regardless of the injury in his palm.

Orochimaru's face instantly changed. He felt that the situation was not good and was about to leave, but it was too late.


The Chakra in Yuki's body instantly boiled, and the hand holding Kusanagi Sword suddenly burst out with intense lightning.

Metal was conductive, and the speed of lightning was extremely fast.

Thus, Orochimaru could only watch as the dazzling lightning gathered in Yuki's hand, followed the sword, and swept toward his whole body.

Sizzle ---

It was as if countless birds were chirping in Orochimaru's body.

At this moment, he had no time to react before his entire body trembled endlessly, and a strand of charred gas emerged from his body. Soon, his originally deathly pale skin became charred black.

The effects of the lightning in the hands of different people were also different.

It was just like Sasuke Uchiha's lightning Style jutsu that was very effective against Deidara.

However, in the 4th great war of the Ninja World, in the face of the bound latter, a Ninja of the United Army used lightning to paralyze the opponent, but it was ineffective.

Although Yuki's lightning style was used sparingly.

However, with the foundation of his strength, when he used it, the effect he displayed was no weaker than that of a powerful lightning Ninja.

Otherwise, with Orochimaru's good resistance to ninjutsu, he would have already escaped.

A minute later, seeing that he could no longer feel Orochimaru's vitality, Yuki stopped.

Continuing was just a waste of Chakra.

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