
I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Once Yuki woke up, he suddenly became a Konoha's new Lord of Fourth Hokage. What about Minato Namikaze? Oh, he was looking at himself in the audience with envy and regret. Looking at the time again, now is already at the end of the Three Wars, and there is only one year left before the Nine Tails Rebellion. Yuki was flustered immediately. There is a great crisis of life and death outside, and an old man who led three-generation of Hokage has elevated power inside. This situation is very bad! Does Yuki wants to be a short-lived Hokage like Minato? Fortunately, the cheat system ability arrived on time. As long as Yuki's Hokage's reputation continues to increase, Wood Release Jutsu, Senjutsu, Flying Thunder God Technique, and so on can be exchanged. One year later. "Nine tails, you finally appeared! Eat my Sage Art Wood Release: True Thousand Hands - Top Transformed Buddha attack!" Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/KonohaHokage Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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In the Hokage's office.

Yuki, who had returned from his speech, opened the crystal ball again. He naturally noticed this scene when he deliberately turned the picture to the classroom.

The corners of his mouth could not help but slightly curl up.

It seemed that this child would be shocked for a long time.

Bi was a thought that had been perfected by countless capable people in a previous life and had long since become a system. Now, Yuki Senju has combined the current situation of the Ninja Realm to make certain changes. It was more suitable for the current generation of thoughts. In this era, where even the Will of Primordial Fire could influence many people, it was unknown how advanced it was.

Among them, Yuki also thought of adding Unity and peaceful concepts to the teaching materials. However, he thought that his current position was too sensitive. In addition, Konoha had just recovered from the end of the third battle. It was still not able to achieve this goal. To prevent the outside world from being on guard, it was better to remove it first and wait for the future.

Of course, although he could not publicize this idea on the surface, in private, he would teach people who recognized the new fire's will to gather more like-minded people.

For people who did not care about any thoughts at all and only had knives in their eyes, even if this book was not the complete version, it still looked like reading a heavenly book and casually throwing it to the back of their heads.

But to people like Itachi, who really wanted to improve this ninja world, it was undoubtedly a dimensional attack.

For the next time, Itachi stared at the book and refused to let go.

Even if a teacher found out that he was distracted and asked him to get up to answer the questions, under the latter's perfect answers, over time, he no longer cared about this genius who had just shown off his talent.

It was not until the ideological lesson arrived that Itachi raised his head again and earnestly listened to this new teacher, who looked very young.

Of course, the teacher was very important.

Before that, Yuki specially recruited a group of young and energetic Ninjas with the courage and responsibility to change everything. He first passed his thoughts to them.

Then they taught the next batch.

The one currently teaching Itachi and other students was the most outstanding one.

Yuki was very relieved about this person's teaching level, so he didn't look at it anymore. Instead, he looked out the window thoughtfully.

As for his newly made will of fire, not only did he begin to teach in the Ninja Academy, but he also began to spread it.

However, there were very few people who paid attention to this.

After all, among the Ninjas, more liked to use knives to cut people.

Philosophers like Itachi end, there were only very few of in the end them.

Because of this, this new wave of thoughts only spread in a small area and had not attracted much attention.

However, it seemed that this day would not be too far away.

After all, good things would always attract people to pursue them.

When that day comes, I'm afraid many stubborn people will stomp their feet.

However, with his power and influence, as long as he did not really do anything, these people would not try to strike a stone with an egg.

Yuki was not in a hurry.

He was very clear that power could kill one person but not conquer one.

But thoughts can.

So, for the sake of the future, let the bullet of the trend of thought fly first.

Fly to Konoha, the Kingdom of Fire, and even the whole Ninja Realm, to the large group that the famous nobles and ninjas ignored.

Only wait to ignite the flame.

Then a single spark could start a prairie fire!


Konoha, the Uchiha Training Ground.

Swish! Swish!

The sky was full of kunai, and the sword in his hand dazzlingly shot toward Shisui.

At this time, the latter didn't activate his Sharingan, just relying on the ninja blade in his hand. He accurately blocked the incomparably crafty attacks again and again.


Suddenly, another kunai threw a flying kunai, and its speed suddenly shot toward the head of Shisui.

Shisui narrowed his eyes,

Compared to before, he took a step back and then suddenly twisted his body, and the kunai in front of him barely passed by his hair.

However, it was not over yet.

The next second, the kunai seemed to have already hit the previous shot, but it ended up with another kunai.

The latter suddenly spun and magically changed direction and shot towards the dead angle of the water.

This was just the beginning.

Next, the swords in kunai's hands seemed to be controlled by an invisible hand. With a series of clinking sounds, they changed directions beyond imagination and shot toward the water from all directions, leaving no gaps.


The unavoidable Shisui did not attack again. Instead, he looked at the initiator of all this with a face of admiration. Then, just as the swords of kunai closed in, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in an instant.

"Itachi, your throwing skill is really amazing. I'm afraid there are not many people in the whole clan who can surpass you." Shisui walked out from the other side the next second and was praised sincerely.

The Uchiha clan was famous for throwing skills, especially after opening the Sharingan. That powerful dynamic capture ability could make the ninja in their hands play unimaginable tricks.

Even so, in the eyes of Shisui, this six-year-old clan brother who hadn't even opened the Sharingan was already stronger than most of the clan members.

What an unparalleled talent.

Especially this talent, not only in terms of throwing skills, chakra cultivation, ninjutsu, and physical skills but also illusion skills, Itachi had a speed that made people stare blankly.

The current Shisui was called the number one genius of the Uchiha.

But he was very clear that it would not be long before the title of number one genius would be transferred to Itachi.

In this regard, not only was he not jealous, but he was also very happy.

Because of his talent, not only could he make the Uchiha powerful, but he could also make Konoha stronger.

It seemed to him that this was the best thing.

Similarly, Itachi also respected the gentle and selfless Shisui, especially the latter, who was like him, had a broad vision that far exceeded his clan, and was extremely fond of the village.

Therefore, when things are gathered, people are divided into groups.

It was very normal for the two Uchiha species, Shisui and Itachi, to be able to get together.

"Take a rest." Shisui put away his ninja knife and looked at the puffing Itachi.

Although he was talented, the latter was only six years old. After a high-intensity battle, his physical strength still could not keep up.

"Okay, brother Shisui." Itachi did not show off his ability and immediately replied.

Then, he sat down on the bag he had put down before and took out the book he had been reading for a long time, "The Will of Fire," and continued to read it seriously.

This was already his normal state.

In the past few days, apart from the ninja training and caring for his younger brother, he spent most of the time reading this book.

Even if most of the time he went to the Ninja Academy to attend classes had become his shadow clone, if only the ideological lesson was there, he would be there personally and seriously ask the teacher many questions in the book that he could not understand.

For this scene, Shisui was already used to it.

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