
I, The Destined Villain, Start With The Saintess!

I'm not a traditional villain, how can I play according to the routine!!! Xiao Fan traveled through the fantasy world and became a brainless villain. In the original world line, he would be ravaged by the protagonist and killed ruthlessly. Fortunately, with the Awakening Villain System, as long as you make the right choices, you can obtain treasures and survive. In order to survive, Xiao Fan had no choice but to strike hard at the protagonist. ······ Protagonist's Master: "My apprentice is Xiao Fan. I don't have you as my apprentice." Protagonist's childhood sweetheart: "Don't contact me again, I'm afraid Xiao Fan will misunderstand." Protagonist's sister: "You don't know brother Xiao Fan at all, he is the best person in the world." ······ Steal the protagonist's source of information, seize the protagonist's secret treasure, and intercept the Hu Taoist couple. Relying on the protagonist of fate, Xiao Fan reached the pinnacle of his life. Tens of thousands of years later, Xiao Fan has become the biggest mastermind behind the scenes, dominating all realms. Xiao Fan: "You are called the Son of Destiny, right?" ~~~~~~ THIS IS A MTL TRANSLATION!!! Doesn't belong to me~ Author: Wuhu Takes Off 11 [Strong background] [Lao Liu] [Refreshing article] [No moral integrity] [Only 100 million female protagonists]

TheBoredWriter69 · Anime & Comics
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The Purple Dragon Appears On The Way



Xiao Fan looked satisfied as he looked at the various storage bags scattered in the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest. The harvest was not bad, and in the next moment, he also shuttled out.

Outside the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest, Xiao Fan looked at the huge Ten Thousand Dragon Nest suspended in the void. With a thought, he wanted to use the Dragon King Order to collect the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest.

At this moment, a purple dragon flew from the sky.

Behind the dragon, there was also a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

"Hahaha, the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest is still here, I'm not too late, little ones."

This purple dragon in the Mahayana realm spoke as if no one else was present: "Set up the formation, take down the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest, and all of you can transform into true dragons."

The sudden appearance of the Mahayana dragon made everyone present feel heavy in their hearts.

How could a Mahayana dragon from the human realm enter here?

But no one dared to question it, they just retreated.

Seeing this group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals surrounding the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest in the sky, wrapping it into a spherical shape.

Xiao Fan held the Dragon King Order and could freely control the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest. He didn't want to cause too much commotion. His original intention was to quietly hide the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest in the void and then take it away.

Unexpectedly, a mixed-blood dragon suddenly appeared, trying to snatch his Ten Thousand Dragon Nest.

Xiao Fan glanced at the forces present, and no one dared to speak. He couldn't help but shake his head. They were all silent, unable to even shake people?

'This is my Ten Thousand Dragon Nest. Where did this mixed-blood dragon come from? How dare it snatch my things!'

The Mahayana dragon acted as if no one else was there, commanding the shrimp soldiers and crab generals to set up the formation, as if he had already regarded the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest as his own.

Xiao Fan was ready to step forward and stop him.

However, he was stopped by an elder beside him.

"Saint Child, don't be reckless."

"Yes, Saint Child, I know this dragon. It's a dragon from the East Sea Dragon Race, powerful. We can't defeat it with our strength."

"But don't worry, when we return to the Sacred Land, we can directly report to the Elder and have the Elder send someone to deal with him."

Xiao Fan glanced at them and shook his head: "If you endure for a moment, the more you think about it, the angrier you get. If you retreat, the more you think about it, the more you lose. Today, I will slay the dragon!"

Well, he was just joking. Slaying a dragon was not his place, but he couldn't lose his momentum.

However, since he knew this guy's background, it would be easy to deal with him.

Xiao Fan flew up and shouted at the Mahayana dragon, "This Ten Thousand Dragon Nest is mine. If you want to snatch it from me, be prepared to die!"

He was not afraid at all. The small tower hanging around his neck had already started to shine, protecting his whole body.

Even at the Immortal level, it was impossible to break through Xiao Fan's defense.

The dragon's expression also turned cold. Where did this Nascent Soul trash come from? How dare he flaunt in front of him?

Without even looking at him, the dragon directly spewed out a breath of dragon fire, scorching flames rushing towards Xiao Fan's body without any hesitation.

Then he continued to collect the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest.

Just a Nascent Soul cultivator, he could be easily killed with a casual breath.

This scene directly shocked all the forces present.

This dragon was too bold. Can't he distinguish between the big and small kings? In the realm of the Supreme Profundities Sacred Land, he dared to make a move against the Supreme Profundities Saint Child.

You're amazing!

An elder from a major force said, "Today, a Mahayana dragon will die."

Among the other forces, there were elders who could see the situation clearly, and they were also terrified.

"The last time someone was so arrogant, it was the Mahayana Silver Moon Wolf King from the Northern Region. Because he accidentally killed a disciple from the outer sect in the realm of the Supreme Profundities Sacred Land and refused to apologize or compensate."

"As a result, the elder of the Supreme Profundities Sacred Land skinned him, pulled out his tendons, peeled his skin, drained his blood, and cut his flesh. After a series of operations, the grass on his grave grew several meter high."

As for Xiao Fan's life and death, these elders of the other forces were not worried. A Saint Child from a major force must have some unknown means of self-preservation.

When facing a high-level cultivator's attack, it would definitely trigger protection.

Xiao Fan also didn't expect that a mixed-blood dragon would dare to kill him.

Fine, your dragon's life ends here!

The purple dragon also noticed something. Huh? I couldn't kill a Nascent Soul cultivator with just one breath of dragon fire?

He turned his head and looked coldly at Xiao Fan. When he saw Xiao Fan's attire, his heart skipped a beat.

It seemed like attacking just now was a mistake.

He put away his cold expression and said in a casual tone, "So it's a junior from the Supreme Profundities Sacred Land. I won't bother with you. Just go back."

Xiao Fan was stunned for a moment. He's pretending now, huh? He tried to kill me and now he says he won't bother with me?

"Submit or die."

"You choose."

Xiao Fan didn't back down. He looked calmly at the purple dragon in front of him and spoke with an unquestionable tone.


Not a single sound could be heard.

No one among the forces present dared to speak.

Ye Tianwei also had confidence, but his back was cold. Moreover, the gazes of others were filled with mockery, making him feel ashamed.

He wished he could find a place to hide now. How could he dare to speak?

Purple Dragon was also taken aback by the words.

"I see that you are young and I am unwilling to bully the weak. Don't underestimate me," Purple Dragon restrained himself.

If Xiao Fan is really killed and escapes back to the East Sea, he will still not be able to avoid death. If they only take away the Dragon's Nest, there may still be room for a turn of events.

Everyone stared at the confrontation in the sky, unable to help but worry for Xiao Fan.

So brave, a Nascent Soul cultivator dares to speak to a Mahayana cultivator like this?

"Is this the Supreme Profundities Saint Child?"

"Damn, such a domineering demand, submit or die."

"As Saint Children, why is there such a big difference in how they conduct themselves?"

"Be careful with your words."

Someone unknown made a sarcastic comment.

Ye Tianwei fainted directly, even the elders around him were somewhat disgusted. If it weren't for their status, they wouldn't want to stand beside Ye Tianwei.

How embarrassing!

Xiao Fan and Purple Dragon were locked in a stalemate, and the atmosphere became tense.

At this moment, nine golden dragons, exuding a majestic dragon aura, flew from the sky.

Golden light shimmered as the nine golden five-clawed dragons soared through the sky, pulling a luxurious carriage, traveling thousands of miles in an instant.

The one driving the dragon carriage was a child-like boy. He had a high ponytail and a petite body with tender skin. He also wore a golden necklace around his neck.

He looked like a naughty child.

But no one underestimated him. Anyone who could ride on nine golden dragons must be extraordinary.

Purple Dragon snapped back to his senses and looked at the nine golden dragons flying towards him, his heart pounding.

Damn, why did the five-clawed golden dragons come? Could it be that the Dragon's Nest attracted them?

If that's the case, he definitely wouldn't be able to contend with these golden dragons.

As the aura of the superior dragons approached, the aura of this purple dragon became more restrained.

Monster Race values bloodlines, and high-level bloodlines naturally have an advantage over low-level bloodlines. In front of the golden dragons, this purple dragon couldn't even lift its head.

It could only stand aside obediently, not daring to speak.

The child on the carriage looked around with a leisurely gaze, happily shouting and waving his hands, "Xiao Fan, I've come to see you."

Xiao Fan turned around and looked at the child on the carriage, a smile on his face.

"Nineteenth Uncle, why are you here?"

Everyone was dumbfounded. What did he just call him, Nineteenth Uncle?

The person who came was from the Xiao Family.

And the carriage was the five-clawed golden dragon carriage that Xiao Fan's father had withheld from him.

The child instantly appeared, leaping up and landing perfectly on Xiao Fan's right shoulder with his 1.2-meter-tall body.

He complained in a childish voice, "You said you would come back to play with me after entering the Sacred Land, but you didn't even send any news."

"I was just about to come back home. Some things delayed me a bit."

No one expected that these two were actually uncle and nephew, which was quite surprising.

Purple Dragon's scalp went numb. It seemed that this guy was not just the Supreme Profundities Sacred Land Saint Child.

"By the way, why are all of you gathered here?" Nineteenth Uncle asked.

"I was bullied by this mudfish. Nineteenth Uncle, help me deal with him," Xiao Fan pointed at the purple dragon and said.

The smile on the child's face disappeared, replaced by an angry expression. It seemed interesting, but when he saw the purple dragon, his anger subsided a lot.

"He seems very strong, I can't beat him. Should we just forget it?" he said timidly.

"If you can't beat him, then call for help. Didn't I teach you that? Why fight alone when you can gang up on him?"

"Oh, okay, I'll listen to you," Nineteenth Uncle cutely nodded.

"You guys, kill him," he said to the nine dragons casually.

With a command, the nine golden dragons roared, their sound echoing through the sky.

Purple Dragon wanted to escape, but the pressure from the bloodline and the oppressive aura made his movements sluggish.

He wanted to beg for mercy, but a lowly dragon like him didn't deserve to have lines.

With just one claw, this purple dragon was split in half, and then the nine dragons returned as if nothing had happened, continuing to pull the carriage.

They seemed like a group of docile little dragons.

If it weren't for the fact that the purple dragon had just been killed with a single claw.


You could hear a pin drop.

They thought that this purple dragon was invincible, but unexpectedly, a little kid appeared out of nowhere and commanded the dragons to carry him away with a single claw.

They didn't expect that the previously domineering purple dragon couldn't even resist, and was killed with a single strike.

The gazes of the forces present became even more awed as they looked at Xiao Fan.

This Saint Child's depth is becoming more and more unfathomable.


(~˘▾˘)~Don't forget to send your power-stones!~(˘▾˘~)

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