
The Best Department in Sumitomo Construction

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Kazuma slammed the table. "That's ridiculous!"

"How can you say that?" Ito smiled kindly. He looked as sincere as ever. "Our humble company has taken your situation into serious consideration. Seven million is enough for the two of you to rent a decent apartment in Tokyo for 300 months.

"In 300 months, both of you should have graduated from high school and could earn money on your own."

Kazuma was shocked.

It had only been two weeks since he transmigrated to 1980, so he did not know much about the rent in Tokyo in this era. However, in the 21st century, 30,000 yen per month could only get you one of those shabby apartments in the backward areas of Tokyo.

Such as those in the "countryside" of Tokyo like Mitaka or Hachioji.

Ito was basically provoking them.

Kazuma was furious. At this moment, Ito Yuusaku was more like a "refined scum" to him.

Ito, the refined scum, looked at Kazuma with the same smile on his face.

"Ogasawara-san said that your department saved a lot of money for the company. So that's what happened!"

"That's right. Our department has the best performance in Sumitomo Construction." Ito looked as if Kazuma's words were a compliment.

"We will not sign this contract! Get out of my dojo now!" Kazuma said angrily.

"No problem." Ito put the contract back in his bag. He was still as polite as usual. "We will visit again another day."

"Don't come again!" Kazuma roared.

"I'm afraid that's not possible. We will keep coming until you decide to accept this price."

Kazuma wanted to punch him.

However, his rationality told him that that might be exactly what Ito Yuusaku wanted.

After all, he had brought a karate expert with him. It was obvious that he was prepared to be treated with violence.

But there would be no other way to vent his anger if Kazuma didn't hit him.

Just as Kazuma's rationality had forced him to give up, Ito spoke again.

"By the way, our Sumitomo Construction has been expanding our business recently. We need some young girls to entertain our clients at night clubs. If you really need money, I can introduce your sister to my colleagues."

Kazuma snapped.

Although he had just beaten Chiyoko up yesterday, he and his sister had become more connected after that.

In the past, he did not feel any family connection with his sister. He had only treated her as a pretty girl and nothing more. However, it was different now. He was Chiyoko's elder brother, and he wanted to protect Chiyoko with all his strength and dote on her like a princess.

It would be stupid not to pamper such a sensible sister.

But now, Ito actually dared to ask Chiyoko to sell herself, and he'd said it so brazenly?

Screw you!

Kazuma flipped the coffee table and slammed the entire thing toward Ito's face.

The karate fighter behind Ito reacted at once and pushed the coffee table away from him before it reached his face.

The coffee table was knocked down and fell to the ground with a clang.

Kazuma thought that the coffee table would break, but it seemed that a Karate-4 fighter did not have such strength.

"KISAMA!!" the man roared. This sentence could be loosely translated to "you motherf*cker." Usually, only delinquents and members of the yakuza would say something like this.

Sure enough, this Relocation Department was colluding with the yakuza.

Ito was still sitting on the cushion, as steady as a mountain. "I heard that the young master Kiryuu has violent tendencies and is a delinquent. It seems like it is indeed the case. I believe that compared to the school, the juvenile detention center is more suitable for you. Yamada-san, go and call the police. The police watchhouse that we passed on our way here seems good enough."

"Yes!" Yamada glared at Kazuma and turned to leave. He even pushed Chiyoko when he walked past.

Kazuma thought of an idea at once. He gave Chiyoko a look.

Chiyoko immediately understood and loosened her grip. The tray, along with the tea set and teapot, fell to the ground and shattered, spilling tea all over the floor.

Then, Chiyoko pulled off the top two buttons of her sailor suit and shook her hair.

"Molesters!" Chiyoko shouted!

The Japanese police and the Prosecutor's Office were very strange. The latter would drop any case that they didn't seem likely to win, whereas the former would usually choose the easiest way possible when solving cases.

A case of attempted rape was much easier to handle than fighting.

For a rape case, as long as the victim was able to identify the culprit, the police would have the power to arrest the suspect. On the other hand, a fighting case required a complicated procedure that involved collecting further evidence.

Therefore, the Japanese police would definitely treat the case as rape unless there was something more serious, such as murder.

Ito Yuusaku finally stopped smiling.

Just when he was about to speak, Kazuma stepped forward and slapped him.

It was an astonishingly hard slap. After all, Kazuma was a kendo fighter, and practicing sword swings was part of the compulsory daily routine for him. As a result, his arms were extremely strong.

Ito's jaw was knocked to one side, and a red mark appeared on his cheek at once.

"How dare you molest my sister?" Kazuma grabbed Ito's collar. "I'll beat you to death, you gui sun!"

Ito probably did not know what "gui sun" meant because it was a Chinese phrase. It seemed that he wanted to say something, but Kazuma's second slap made him shut up.

Now, both of Ito's cheeks had turned red.

"I would have sold it to you even if you offered only 50 million. After all, we missed the opportunity because we were too hesitant. But seven million?! Did you think we are beggars? And now you even want to rape my sister?"

Ito could hardly breathe as his collar was being pulled. He shouted desperately, "Yamada, what are you waiting for?"

Yamada was standing at the door, petrified by the commotion before him. During this past year that he had been following Ito Yuusaku, he had only seen him extort others. But this was the first time Ito had become the victim.

Ito's shout for help pulled him back from his shock. He rushed forward, wanting to pull Kazuma away, but he had failed to notice that Chiyoko had secretly stretched out her foot before him.

In the next instant, he tripped and knocked his front teeth on the coffee table. His teeth broke off immediately.

However, he's a fighter after all. The man flipped over and jumped up. Then, he immediately grabbed Chiyoko's neck.

"Ah! Molester!" Chiyoko shouted like a fragile little girl, but she had already raised her leg and kicked Yamada in the groin.

Yamada fell to the ground, unable to get up.

Kazuma was overjoyed. He spat on Ito's face. "Your thug must have scratched my sister's neck. The police will find her skin under his nails. Look, her neck is red! You'll have to come with me to the police station!"

Ito shouted, "Idiot! Why did you touch his sister!"

Kazuma gave him a third slap.

Ito couldn't speak anymore. He might have bitten his tongue.

When Chiyoko heard Kazuma say "police station," she immediately retreated and ran off to call the police.

Kazuma let go of Ito, who had given up resisting after all the beating. He turned to give Yamada another kick before he managed to get up.

It would land them in a difficult situation if the hooligan managed to fight back. Without a bamboo sword in Kazuma's hand, a Karate 4 would definitely have an advantage over a Shinto Style 6, especially in close combat.

After kicking the thug to the floor, Kazuma quickly retreated and grabbed the feather duster in the living room. Although it was shorter than a bamboo sword, he could make do with it.

At this moment, Yamada was struggling to get up again. Kazuma came forward and hit his face with the feather duster. "Face!"

The feather duster was much thinner than a bamboo sword, which meant that the impact force would be concentrated over a smaller area, thus giving greater pressure.

In the next instant, a horizontal line appeared on Yamada's face, as if he had been whipped.

Kazuma attacked again, leaving many straight lines on Yamada's face.

At this moment, Chiyoko returned with two bamboo swords in her hand.

"The police will be here soon. Brother, catch!" As she spoke, she threw one of the bamboo swords to Kazuma. Then, she held the other sword in her hands and took a stance.

Kazuma shouted, "Don't! If the police see you, it'll become a fighting case!"

"Oh, right." Chiyoko threw the bamboo sword away and kicked the door pillar in the living room.

Kazuma flinched at how hard she kicked.

Chiyoko cried from the pain.

Then, she sat on the ground with tears in her eyes and started crying.

'I must be careful around her. She's ruthless.'

Kazuma made up his mind to treat his sister well.

At this moment, the sound of sirens came from outside the dojo.