
I take charge of the story

A simple story in which the main character gets reincarnated into their favourite fantasy story, but why is the plot deviating from the original?

canous00 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Mother's Worries

As his mother, I've always suspected that my son was brilliant; even at the age of two, he speaks extremely fluently, even though his wording isn't always perfect. I'm worried that the children around him might misread him since I don't understand him either.

He does some of the most questionable things.

Perhaps it's because he's an adventurous and imaginative child at heart. But it's worrying when he likes to experiment to the point where it does him harm; it's almost as if I'm taking care of a rat instead of a child.

Not only that, but this child always questions everything, and it can be difficult to respond to him, especially when it comes to questions about morals and tradition.

Besides that, he becomes upset if I give him an unsatisfactory answer.

I feel sorry for whoever will be his future teacher. What did I give him that caused him to behave this way?

I'm afraid that if he keeps up with this type of behaviour, he will just end up disappointed in the world.

"Being a mother is hard, oh what should I do?"

My hands continue to work while my mind wanders aimlessly. Tasting the food to ensure that it's edible and enjoyable.

The savoury aroma spread as it reached a certain child that was roaming around the forest with a stick in his hand.

When the cooking is done, I set up the table nicely. "What a delightful sight! I wish I had a camera so I could keep this moment forever, too bad they're expensive." 

Now it's time to call my son to eat.

I walked to the window to see what he was up to. While uttering a magical spell, the child attacked a tree. 

I let out a sigh.

I shouldn't have bought him that spell book; he wasn't born with mana, but that kid is so thick-headed that he just wouldn't listen to me.

"Kari, it's time to eat!"

"Oh yeah mom, just a second!"

In his dictionary, a second means 1 or 3 hours more. "Come on now, Kari, your food will get cold by the time you get here!!"

"That's alright, I'm fine with that!"

I let out another sigh. What a shame! The food tastes best when it is still fresh, but if I forced him, he would end up eating with a grumpy face. That kid—what even is the right choice when it comes to him?

From behind, someone hugged me. "If the kid doesn't want to accompany you while you eat, you should have just asked me," a rough voice spoke next to my ear. He kissed my cheek and whispered, "Good morning."

"Actually, it's a good midday now."

"Oh, I see, I must've slept a long time," he laughed nervously.

"You slept like a bear in hibernation; anyway, can you do me a favour and bring him here? I don't want him to get sick because he skips food." This way, Kari wouldn't get upset at me because it's his father who's forcing him.

Since his father has been on annual leave since he completed his knight duties, housework and childcare aren't as difficult as they used to be. Kari, thankfully, looks up to his father and aspires to be a knight.

That is why he listened to his father, whom he considered not only as a parent but also as a mentor.

His father ran up to him and easily lifted him up. While his father sneers, the child has a dejected expression on his face. When I imagine the child growing up, my heart breaks. I'm sure that youngster, like his father, will end up looking quite charming.

I can only pray for your safety and God's blessing so that you find your true happiness.

What's your favorite dessert? I like strawberry cheesecake.

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