
I, Superman's Younger Brother, got the Thanos Template

This is a translation!! I liked this mtl so thought about translating it for webnovel so it has a bit more reach!! _____________________ MTL Synopsis: Batman: "You can't deny that your brother Superman attracted Zod, and the battle between the two almost destroyed half of the metropolis, and countless people died in that disaster-you have to look at the death list that is enough to drown people Is it?" David: "He was adopted." The Flash: "Why don't you stand up like your brother and lead the heroes to rush to the front line to protect the world." David: "I don't have his power." Wonder Woman: "You mean Superman was punched flying by Darkseid, you go up and beat the Dark Lord in a military style?"... Traveling through the DC world, David found himself the newborn child of Superman's adoptive parents The next son, he was born to get the Thanos template. And as long as it affects the emotions of the characters in the plot, can it accelerate the integration of templates and open new ones? Hyperion Template - Loading, Million Star Sentinel Template - Loading! Celestial Judge Alitham Template, Complete Phoenix Force Template, Golden Planet Devourer Template... _________________ OP MC,STRONG TO STRONGER,DC,TRANSMIGRATION,NO ROMANCE _______________ This fanfic doesn't belong to me. Author: Purple Potato Can Fly mtl link: https://www.69shuba.com/book/49959.htm

TheBoredWriter69 · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs

How can you be The Beyonder!?



"The gods lending their power to mortals can be seen as a glorious bestowal, but they won't allow another god or anyone related with them to casually use their own power.

The wizard had sensed this earlier, prompting him to refrain from passing the power of the six gods to David.

"You carry the blood of the gods. According to my estimation, in as little as ten years or as much as a dozen, the two will mutually reject each other. It's like two fierce beasts in a zoo living side by side at first without friction, but over time, problems will inevitably arise."

David remained silent, his expression thoughtful.

Thanos is the grandson of Kronos, the god of time. Kronos was originally the leader of the Eternals and lost his physical form in a terrible explosion during an experiment. His soul merged with the rules of the universe, becoming the abstract god of time.

At that time, Thanos' father, A'lars, had been born early, so theoretically he would not be able to have the divine blood.

However, in that catastrophic explosion, not only did Kronos benefit, but other surviving Eternals also gained powerful abilities.

'Is it also a fusion of rules? Becoming a divine being?'

David chose not to dwell on this question.

The Eternals can also be known as the Eternal Gods. They are responsible for creating many parts of Greek mythology in the Marvel world, and it is not an exaggeration to call them gods.

The wizard mentioned a short period of ten years, which was already quite a long time for him.

'In ten years, at the current rate of fusion, I'm afraid I won't need the power of the six gods to enhance my strength anymore.'

"Well, I'm ready to enter a deep sleep. 

I can finally get some rest."

The wizard decided not to resist any longer, allowing his elderly body, already on the verge of being overwhelmed by the power of the six gods, to naturally disperse.

David showed no reaction because he knew the wizard would not die. Instead, he would effortlessly free himself from a thousand years of waiting and searching. 

After a period of soul dormancy, he would transform into a powerful spirit, no longer easily stepping into the mortal world, freely traversing between dimensions. Marvel's Ancient One had done the same and started following Eternity after her death at the hands of her student.


From then onward, the heavy burden of guarding humanity fell on David's shoulders.

Between them, the wizard had to thank David. While David didn't need the power of the six gods as much, the wizard couldn't find anyone else to relieve him of his burden.


A door suddenly opened within the Rock of Eternity.

Sivana cast his magic again, returning to the Rock of Eternity. The wizard's power was transferred, and he could no longer resist Sivana's use of the seven demonic powers to return here.

Tap, tap, tap. 

The crisp sound of leather shoes echoed as a figure in a fur-lined jacket and sunglasses, like strolling into a backyard, entered this magical gathering place.

"Is this the guardian you've chosen, wizard?"

He first removed his sunglasses, glanced at David, and then turned his disdainful gaze toward the throne. Cracks appeared on the wizard's body like a mud statue on the verge of crumbling. He glared at the culprit who had allowed the Seven Deadly Sins and other demons to escape, unable to contain his anger.

"You... you actually dare to come back!"

"Pure heart? 

What were you before the wizard chose you? A missionary in the Middle East, a monk practicing in the snow-capped mountains, or a mountain dweller who can't even count to three?"

Sivana sneered. 

He did not believe that there were people with genuinely pure hearts in the world.

"Did you release the Seven Deadly Sins?"

Looking at David, who remained indifferent and unsurprised at his appearance, Sivana raised an eyebrow.

"It seems you have some courage, but that doesn't matter anymore.

To prevent you from causing me trouble once you become familiar with your powers, I will deal with you right here!"

David's current appearance would be unrecognizable even to Clark, who had grown up with him. Moreover, David had never revealed his true face to others before. 

The public's impression of the Beyonder was shrouded in a mysterious and powerful image bathed in intense purple light.

As one of the few people to have seen David's true face, Sivana didn't recognize him as the Beyonder.

"Wizard, take a good look at how your chosen one dies by my hands!"


He laughed maniacally, summoning a barrage of lightning bolts and fiercely striking David. He didn't notice the weird expression on the wizard's face on the stone throne after hearing these arrogant and ruthless words.

Standing still, the powerful lightning seemed to strike into an endless abyss, flashing over David and leaving without a trace. The lightning, capable of melting steel, didn't even stir up a wave.


He possessed a power similar to that of the six gods. Logically, his attack should not have been ignored like this. Sivana's smile froze, and before he could react, David raised his hand and unleashed a lightning strike. A dazzling thunder, as thick as a water bucket, illuminated the hall, blasting Sivana away.

Flying several tens of meters, emitting smoke from being struck by lightning, Sivana got up, covering his burnt chest, his face distorted.

"Didn't you say he hasn't familiarized himself with the power yet?"

To inflict such damage on him without mastering the power—if he did master it, he could easily beat him to death.

The power of the seven demons was not inferior to that of the six gods. He now began to wonder if these demons were deceiving him?

"There's something off about this mortal!"

Smoke condensed into the head of the Seven Deadly Sins' Pride on his shoulder, displaying an air of arrogance as if facing a formidable enemy.

"Familiarity with power?"

Electricity manifested between David's palms, obediently flowing like a serpent at his will.

Although he had recently gained the power of the six gods, does he still need to familiarize himself with the ability to manipulate energy? Moreover, even without using the power of the six gods, this guy wouldn't be his match.

"Impossible! Turn him into ashes!" roared Wrath of the Seven Deadly Sins.


Sivana shouted with murderous intent, unleashing lightning that seemed almost like thick plasma toward David. David raised his hand, releasing cosmic energy from within, accompanied by divine lightning. The intertwining of purple and white colors resonated with the thunderous sound as they collided!

Two powerful and terrifying forces clashed, creating a fierce wind, and lightning and energy splattered. The stone pillars on either side of the stone hall were scorched, melting into dripping molten rock.

If it weren't for the magical fortress collectively constructed by members of the Eternal Council, everything here would have long been shattered.


Maintaining for less than a second, Sivana's torrent of lightning was like water from a hose meeting a high-pressure water gun, instantly overwhelmed and pierced through. It fiercely struck him, leaving a charred and torn surface. He was once again sent flying, directly crashing through the door, and was thrown back into reality.

Flying through the meeting room, shattering the sturdy wooden conference table into pieces, wood fragments scattered everywhere.

Hovering in the air above the tall building, he stabilized his body. Beneath him, the streets were in disarray. Looking through the door at the figure emitting a purple glow, Sivana's face changed dramatically, disbelief and shock evident, and looked as if witnessing the most outrageous and terrifying spectacle, his throat tightening.

This purple light reminded him of a person.

" Beyonder!"

"Indeed, choosing you was the right decision."

On the stone throne, the wizard's voice was extremely weak but filled with relief.

If he hadn't chosen David, what would have happened? The newly appointed Guardian, inheriting the power of the six gods, would be killed before becoming familiar with the power.

After uttering his final words, the wizard nodded towards David, completely letting go of his worries. His body turned into a burst of ashes, disappearing on the throne.

David withdrew his gaze, calmly traversing through the door and returning to reality.

In the unique dimension of the Rock of Eternity, inheriting the power of the six gods also meant inheriting control over the magical fortress. As long as he wished, he could freely bring people and objects in and out.

"It's the Beyonder!"

"My God, the Beyonder appeared in Fawcett City!"

"Is something happening here that threatens the world?"

"How could it be you!"

In the sky, the two confronted each other. David's appearance drew the attention and exclamations of the crowd below. Sivana's voice sounded panicked, almost ready to turn and flee.

"He's just a mortal. What's there to fear? Tear him apart!" Lust of the Seven Deadly Sins had the hideous face of a female demon, screaming hoarsely.

The others also urged loudly. The seven demons felt fear and retreat in Sivana's heart, making them feel humiliated together!

"No, he's not an ordinary mortal!"

Sivana's face turned ugly. He unleashed another lightning bolt, attempting to slow down David's steps, then turned to escape, moving as fast as a shooting star across the sky.

"Where do you think you're going? Weren't you here to kill me?"

Ignoring the lightning bolt, David extended his palm. His voice, carried by the raging winds, clearly reached Sivana's ears. A powerful gravitational field seized him.

Sivana, who had been chasing light and electricity, now resembled a swordfish suddenly entering a muddy swamp. His speed plummeted, and every step became difficult.

"If I had known it was you, I would never have said those things."

Purple energy, coupled with control over the force field, undeniably proved that David was indeed the Beyonder. Sivana, now feeling cornered like a wild dog, turned to look back with sharp and fearful tones in his voice.

"Let me go, and I promise I won't oppose you again!"

Sivana couldn't believe his luck. The person the wizard had chosen turned out to be the Beyonder and regret overwhelmed him.

If he had known it was Beyonder, he would never have used magic to return to the Rock of Eternity and take the initiative to hand himself over at the door!

He thought it would be a lion cub that he would be stroking, but instead, he encountered a man-eating tyrannosaurus!

"Unfortunately, you've seen my face."

David's eyes were indifferent.

"I won't allow you to continue living in this world. I need you to keep the secret forever."

The only way to permanently keep a secret was death. Unlike the wizard, who had already left reality, allowing Sivana to leave might cause future problems.

Bang, bang!

He swiftly caught up with the now-slowed Sivana and delivered a powerful punch to his head. Shockwaves rolled, creating a thunderous explosion in the atmosphere, resembling the roar of a missile detonation.

Sivana felt as if his face had been hit by a nuclear bomb, his head buzzing, and the world spinning before his eyes.

Crack, crack!

He even heard the sound of his own facial bones shattering.

Overwhelming force, one punch nearly knocked Sivana unconscious. 

He flew into the sky, and just as he reached a few hundred meters, David broke through the air, catching up in the blink of an eye. Another punch followed but was intercepted by a large demon that emerged from Sivana's body, struggling to catch it with both hands.

"Don't even think about it, mortal! 

He is the vessel of our power!"

Roaring in 'Wrath,' his body emitted a luminous flow resembling molten lava, like a super volcano about to erupt. His robust body seemed to contain the power to destroy the world.

"For a long time to come, aside from the cold and silent stone hall, all you could see will be me, a mortal."

But the next moment, facing the arrogant and ferocious demon, David swung his arm, and the 'wrath,' embodied in the demon-like puppet, was thrown away like a ragdoll. David continued his pursuit through the air.

As long as Sivana was dealt with, without a host, the Seven Deadly Sins would be drawn back into the lightning ball seal.


Next was 'Pride' drilling out. His thin and tall figure was surrounded by dazzling lightning. With a wave of his arms, powerful thunder pierced the sky, but it was once again shattered by David, who was radiating lightning.

Sloth, Greed, Lust...

One by one, the demons futilely appeared, only to be sent flying by David's gestures. Aside from 'Wrath' and 'Pride,' the rest of the demons were effortlessly dealt with, as if adults bullying children, with David easily flipping them in the air.

The power of the six gods was inherently superior to the power of the seven demons, and with David's own strength, he surpassed Sivana by more than double.

Sivana, who posed a threat to Shazam when he had just inherited the power, couldn't even resist David's force.

Soon, only the last of the seven demons, the weakest and most timid one—Envy—remained.


Without giving Envy a chance to emerge, David's hand, like iron pincers, grabbed Sivana by the neck. A burst of divine lightning emerged, sending 'Envy' back.

Sivana, beaten and bruised, finally returned from the verge of unconsciousness to witness a scene that made his soul tremble.

Electricity emanated from David's eyes, exuding an unshakable murderous intent, as if a divine judge sentencing the demons. The formidable and terrifying lightning power was building up in his hands.

"No, Beyonder, I'm willing to give up the power!"

No matter how hard he struggled, Sivana couldn't break free from the hand gripping his neck. In fear, he shouted, hoping to preserve his life by renouncing the power of the Seven Deadly Sins.

"It's too late!"

Facing Sivana's plea, David remained unmoved, squeezing hard. The dazzling and terrifying divine lightning thunderously erupted.

The lightning tore through and pierced Sivana's body.

Only 'Envy' was left to protect Sivana, who was now desperate and terrified. In an instant, the lightning turned him into ashes, disappearing in the majestic radiance of the thunder!

"No, I don't want to go back. I don't want to be trapped in a statue like an immobile prisoner for another five thousand years!"

Pride, once the demon king of hell, couldn't accept his fate. He screamed desperately and turned around to flee, and the other demons, frightened, flew in all directions as if trying to save their lives.

But without a host, their destroyed forms rendered them powerless. David eliminated Sivana's physical body, and the lightning sphere that appeared after the destruction emitted a strong suction force, like a powerful range hood, and the demons turned into smoke and were drawn into the ball.

Gently plucking the lightning ball from the air, David tossed it in his palm.

The most urgent question left behind by the wizard had been solved.

And he hadn't even spent half a day on it.

"However, it's still thanks to that guy actively coming to me; otherwise, finding him wouldn't have been an easy task."

He looked at the ashes drifting away from Sivana's body.

"That monster has been dealt with!"

"Long live the Beyonder!"

Cheers from the crowd and applause from the police below reached his ears. The people celebrated him for eliminating a new super-criminal.

Sivana had previously blown up a police car, resulting in casualties and injuries during the explosion. With David taking down Sivana, the public was relieved and jubilant.

Not interested in staying to receive the adoration and cheers, David prepared to leave.

"Send the Seven Deadly Sins back to the Eternal Rock, and then I need to go grocery shopping in town."

He hadn't forgotten the tasks he had prepared to do before being pulled into the Eternal Rock by the wizard. His mother, Martha, was still waiting for him to bring back the dishcloth.

However, suddenly, on the large screen in the city center square where the crowd had gathered, an international news flash interrupted.

"The Justice League, composed of various heroes, seems to be facing difficulties on their first joint operation. 

After preventing the war between the Kandak army and several neighboring countries, they allegedly headed to the ancient Kandak palace to talk to Black Adam, who was ruling Kandak with violence, in an attempt to persuade him to abandon thoughts of continued war. 

However, a major battle broke out between the two sides, and the Justice League seems to be at a disadvantage."

On the large screen, a live image showed flashes of lightning shining towards the sky from the ancient palace. Clark, wearing an expression of pain, was thrown into the air. A man in a black combat suit, exuding a domineering aura, lifted Hal Jordan and the Flash into the sky with ease, tossing them aside like ragdolls.

Underneath the palace, Diana, Batman, and Arthur looked up with solemn expressions at the muscular figure casting a shadow over them, as if facing a formidable enemy.

"Superman, I've been hearing about you since I broke the seal. 

The Justice League? You've all come today, but where's that Beyonder?" He scanned the entire scene, sneering disdainfully.

"This is my country that I rule, and it's not your turn to intervene with things here!"

David squinted his eyes.

As the League's strongest force, Clark, with a relatively low resistance to magic and not yet at his peak, met the magic superman who restrained him the most.

"It seems the grocery shopping will have to be postponed a bit longer."


(~˘▾˘)~Don't forget to send your power-stones!~(˘▾˘~)

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