
I, Superman's Younger Brother, got the Thanos Template

This is a translation!! I liked this mtl so thought about translating it for webnovel so it has a bit more reach!! _____________________ MTL Synopsis: Batman: "You can't deny that your brother Superman attracted Zod, and the battle between the two almost destroyed half of the metropolis, and countless people died in that disaster-you have to look at the death list that is enough to drown people Is it?" David: "He was adopted." The Flash: "Why don't you stand up like your brother and lead the heroes to rush to the front line to protect the world." David: "I don't have his power." Wonder Woman: "You mean Superman was punched flying by Darkseid, you go up and beat the Dark Lord in a military style?"... Traveling through the DC world, David found himself the newborn child of Superman's adoptive parents The next son, he was born to get the Thanos template. And as long as it affects the emotions of the characters in the plot, can it accelerate the integration of templates and open new ones? Hyperion Template - Loading, Million Star Sentinel Template - Loading! Celestial Judge Alitham Template, Complete Phoenix Force Template, Golden Planet Devourer Template... _________________ OP MC,STRONG TO STRONGER,DC,TRANSMIGRATION,NO ROMANCE _______________ This fanfic doesn't belong to me. Author: Purple Potato Can Fly mtl link: https://www.69shuba.com/book/49959.htm

TheBoredWriter69 · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs

'Redemption' & Transformation Phrase



Africa, a small country named Nyasir.

In the solemn and sacred church, devout people gather.

A young, tall man dressed in blue and white cloak armor kneels before the priest, a 'z' symbol on his chest. With hands clasped together, he earnestly prays. When he finishes, he stands up, his face resembling an angel descended to earth, radiating a divine determination as if ready to save the world.

"Father, I'm ready to depart."

The elderly priest, with white hair and thin stature, presiding over the Mass, smiles kindly and encourages, "Go, Jarod, and see how this once faith-rejecting small country has gained the right for people to choose their beliefs, bathed in the glory of the Lord through your efforts."

"You are the best proof of the existence of the Lord!"

"Now, several countries in the Middle East are engulfed in war, and even the Justice League cannot save them. 

They are waiting for you to rescue them. You are more powerful than anyone in this world; you represent the Lord, just like your name 'Redemption.' You will bring the Lord's redemption to wherever you go, spreading His gospel to more places."

"I will, Father!"

The young man with brown hair nods earnestly, turns around, and walks past rows of devout worshipers praying for him. He soars into the sky, tearing through the atmosphere like a streak of light, heading swiftly toward the Middle East.


"Off-limits for the Justice League? 

Although I'm not a permanent member of the League, does this also include me?"

Black Adam suddenly turned his head to the sky.

Thunderclouds gather, thunder roars, and a figure surrounded by lightning breaks through the clouds like a meteor, giving people a huge oppression.


From his characteristic purple glow, Black Adam recognized David.

"The last one among you has also arrived."

Diana's eyes lit up, but Black Adam remained indifferent, soaring into the air, wanting to forcefully bring down David, who represented their hope for victory. He wants to show them that even their strongest member is not his match.

"But do you think he can change anything?"

Lying at the bottom of a huge pit, Clark opened his slightly swollen eyes, looking at David, who came with thunder, in astonishment.

'When did David gain the ability to control lightning? But then again, this isn't the first time David has shown new powers! Still, did he gather so much lightning just to make an entrance...'

The people of the capital of Khandaq looked up. There seemed to be giants fighting in the direction of the ancient royal palace. The whole city can feel the shock from the fight. Now, there is even lightning piercing the sky.

"It's the Justice League! 

They have come to our country!"

"Beyonder? Is he here to deal with the hero Adam?"

People on the streets looked up and talked about it.

"Hero Adam? Is he really the hero Adam who liberated slaves from the tyrant a thousand years ago? Why did he start a war?"

After Black Adam took control of Khandaq, there were rumors that he was the hero Adam who sacrificed himself a thousand years ago to free the people from the oppression of Akton, the prototype of the giant statue erected in the center of the capital. People expected this chosen legend to bring happiness and stability to Khandaq.

But things didn't go as planned. As soon as Black Adam took power, he declared war on several countries to reclaim the lost lands of Khandaq and restore its former glory.

"A thousand years ago is too long ago. 

Now is not ancient times; the strength and dignity of a country are no longer measured by the size of its territory. 

If he uses his power to improve our livelihoods, then I would acknowledge him as Hero Adam!"

Many citizens cannot empathize with him.

Who wouldn't want to live in a powerful country, making other countries pay for past humiliations and invasions of their homeland? However, the events of a thousand years ago seem too distant, and during that time, Khandaq experienced numerous changes in dynasties.

The people of Khandaq, who have suffered from the ravages of war, now just want stability.


Black Adam took off, ready to charge at David. David pressed down from a distance, and a powerful gravitational force, like a mountain, descended upon Black Adam. He felt a tremendous effort as if flying with the weight of a mountain on his shoulders, causing his flight speed to suddenly decrease.


Dazzling lightning gathers, and David, like a god ready to administer punishment, released a thunderbolt, hitting Black Adam hard.

Suffering a powerful attack, Black Adam emitted black smoke as if a crashing airplane, falling from the sky and creating a large crater upon impact.


He shouted angrily as if seeing an enemy, his eyes emitting dazzling lightning, and he released lightning from his palms towards David.

On the lightning unleashed by David, he sensed a familiar yet unfamiliar aura. That lightning is of the same origin as his power.

"You are the new chosen guardian of the wizard!"

Sealed and imprisoned for a thousand years, Black Adam was fierce and aggressive. Like a mighty bull embodying the GodKing Zeus, he charged toward David, fists swinging violently towards his head as if wanting to vent the millennia of accumulated resentment by shattering David's skull.

He and David now harbor hatred. Waking up after a thousand years of being sealed is like entering a strange world.

"Black Adam, the wizard mentioned you before his death."


David effortlessly withstood Black Adam's attack. His airborne body didn't even sway, and his indomitable fist, carrying formidable and ferocious strength, counters with a powerful blow to Black Adam's chest. It felt like being hit by a heavy hammer; his eyes bulged, and his throat felt a pang.


The air burst and Black Adam's robust figure was once again knocked back to the ground. For a moment, the earth shook, and the ground cracked like shattered ice, with chunks of soil thrown into the sky.

"Coincidentally, just a few days ago, I read international news related to you. As long as you don't go crazy and destroy the world, I wasn't planning to pay attention to you. 

But since I've accepted this power, I must do something."

David's figure slowly descended, exuding a strong and confident demeanor in every gesture.

"Moreover... you're a bit too arrogant."

He glanced at Clark, who was climbing out of the pit with a bloodied face, and his tone became colder.

"Do you really think you can arbitrarily declare a restricted zone on this planet!"

"The wizard is dead?"

Accompanied by intense pain as if his internal organs were torn apart, David's punch seemed to have awakened Black Adam from his anger. The somewhat panicked Black Adam's face changed, a lightning bolt struck him from the sky, and his injuries rapidly healed in the lightning. Like a projectile, he roared and threw a punch towards David.

"Did he instruct you to reseal me before he died? You can forget about it!"

The power of the Six Gods gives him the ability to heal rapidly using lightning.

Green Lantern, holding his chest with a severe injury, and Arthur, look at each other, not quite understanding what the two are talking about. What wizard?

There was a surprise in Diana's eyes.

She also sensed the Divine aura from David. What's going on?

And... that thunderous divine power gave her an inexplicable sense of familiarity, more similar to the lightning of the god of war Ares, but purer and more powerful?

"Seal you? It's not necessary at all."

The two engaged in fierce aerial combat. Black Adam was not as composed and arrogant as when facing Clark and others. His attacks were somewhat manic, full of openings. However, facing David, who surpassed him significantly in both strength and speed, he can't harm a single hair on him.

David's punches and kicks created shockwaves in the air, easily pushing Black Adam to retreat continuously.

Boom! Boom! Boom! 

The overwhelming force comes crashing down, causing intense pain in Black Adam's arms. He was reminded of the days when he was beaten with sticks as a slave, His bones made sounds of unbearable strain, as if the surging power, reminiscent of a raging sea about to overwhelm his body.

"Black Adam seems a bit anxious?"

Opening the mech cockpit, Batman frowned as he watched the terrifying battle in the sky, accompanied by lightning clashes and splashes.

As a master of combat, he could easily tell that Black Adam's state of mind was unstable. The constant attacks, like a rampaging bull, revealed his lack of confidence.

"Facing David, he is not as confident as before."

Clark coughs, holding his chest, and wiping blood from the corner of his mouth. 

In fact, others also notice this. Before David arrived, Black Adam was cold and confident, like an invincible god overlooking the tiny humans. Even when facing their joint efforts, he maintained an aura of invincibility, easily defeating them.

However, when David arrived, especially after David demonstrated that lightning power and nearly made him spit blood with a single punch, Black Adam became panicked and less confident.

Two figures moved and collided among the clouds.

Boom! Boom! Boom! 

Each clash was accompanied by dazzling lightning, covering the entire sky with a dense and blinding display. The thunder was deafening, instilling a fear of Divine Wrath.

David's fist, carrying the weight of ten thousand bolts of lightning, struck Black Adam's chest. His nearly god-like steel body was damaged, and Black Adam groaned with blood at the corners of his mouth. He was sent flying into the sky, a hint of fear appearing in his eyes.

David is too powerful, almost twice as strong as him.

Even with the ability to rapidly heal in the lightning, he couldn't see any hope of defeating David.

Before gaining the power of the six gods, Black Adam was just a slave subject to the whips of his masters. It was the power of the six gods that made him the strongest mortal in the world, and all his confidence stemmed from that power.

Seeing someone with the same power of the six gods as him, especially someone who was already considered the strongest superhero on Earth before accepting the power, Black Adam couldn't help but feel a hint of fear.

But after fear came a deep-seated anger that erupted like flames.

He is no longer the slave whose life and death could be decided by any guard. He is Adam, the hero who overthrew a tyrant. No one can make him afraid!

"You can't defeat me, Beyonder!"

Black Adam attacked crazily with all his strength with frenzied attacks, lightning emanating from every pore. Rapidly healing his injuries with this relentless and ferocious momentum, he momentarily stopped retreating and struggled to withstand David's onslaught.

"You will all be expelled, Khandaq is my country!"

"Futile resistance!"

Although his injuries recover in the blink of an eye, Black Adam's divine power is not infinite. David, however, doesn't plan to waste more time and waits for his divine power to be depleted. His eyes glowed with a fierce purple light, and the lightning on his hands began to absorb cosmic energy as if it cost nothing.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! 

A destructive torrent of purple and white interweaves, impacting Black Adam. His battle-worn attire burns away, revealing his muscular physique. His flesh quickly turned red and scorched, blood sprayed from his mouth. The powerful gravity made him feel like he was stuck in a swamp, unable to evade, almost becoming a living target.

Two God-like figures seem to be battling in the sky, and the earth-shattering momentum makes the people of Khandaq stop their work and look in the direction of the royal palace.

The splashing of lightning and energy carried a terrifying sense of destruction.

"If they hadn't chosen the sky as the battlefield, half the city might have been destroyed by now!"

The Flash's face slightly paled as the lightning illuminated half the sky.

And he, unable to fly, would probably have long been reduced to ashes in the lightning.

"Thanks to the Beyonder. 

Otherwise, our first joint action might have ended in failure."

Arthur's expression was solemn.


Another deafening thunderclap that shook the heavens and the earth.

Black Adam finally couldn't bear it anymore, falling from the sky. His body, charred by the lightning, crashed into the ground like a meteor, creating a deep crater with a radius of several dozen meters. He lay at the bottom of the pit, the injuries severe, almost unrecognizable.

Silver electric serpents slithered across his body, repairing his physique, and healing his wounds.

But as his gruesome injuries healed, his divine power was also depleted. Just as he struggled to stand, David descended from the sky.


"Let go of me!"

David descended and grabbed Black Adam by the neck, lifting him. Black Adam attempted to resist, but David's grip was like iron, unyielding. Weakened lightning struck David's body, but it seemed feeble.

"A thousand years ago, it wasn't my fault at all. The wizard never told me that getting emotional would cause a loss of control over my powers!"

Black Adam roared in resentment and defiance.

[Anger from Black Adam +530...]

"What you did a thousand years ago has nothing to do with me."

David shakes his head, unfazed.

It was true that Black Adam almost destroyed the capital of Khandaq, causing countless deaths in a storm of lightning. However, it was considered an accident. Black Adam didn't intentionally commit slaughter, but it was irrelevant to David.

"Even if you defeat me, don't think you can seal me, Beyonder!"

Black Adam continued to struggle, attempting to attack David, refusing to give up.

"You just inherited the wizard's power. I'm afraid you haven't mastered his magic. How do you plan to seal me?"

"Aren't you afraid I'll just kill you?"

"Kill me? So what? My wife and children died at the hands of the tyrant's soldiers a thousand years ago. Waking up a thousand years later, almost everything familiar to me is gone. Do you think I fear death?" Black Adam roared.

David could tell that he is not afraid of death. The fear earlier was probably about being sealed into silence and darkness for another thousand years – a feeling worse than death.

"I won't use magic to seal you, and I won't kill you. I'll just strip away your powers, then seal you in a different way."

The emotional points provided by Black Adam are worthy of comparison with Parallax; he doesn't want to kill a significant source of emotional points.

"Strip away my powers? 

That's something even the wizard couldn't do!"

Upon hearing David's words, Black Adam burst into loud laughter as if hearing a joke.

If the wizard could have done it back then, he wouldn't have sealed him.

"Do you still remember your transformation phrase?"

"Do you think I'm stupid enough to say that phrase myself!"

Black Adam sneered.

The power of Shazam grants Shazam and Black Adam the ability to tap into the power of the Six gods by uttering the word "Shazam." Uttering the word again transforms them back into ordinary humans. It is the source of their powers and also a deadly weakness.

"You will say it."

David looked at Diana.


Diana followed his gaze looking at her waist, immediately understanding his intention and threw the Lasso of Truth to him.

The Lasso of Truth bound Black Adam's body. The powerful lightning coursing through left him powerless, writhing in pain as he knelt on the ground. David let go of him, holding the lasso and slowly asking,

"Black Adam, what is your transformation word?"

"Sha... no... no..."

Black Adam's eyes widen in terror. He finds himself unable to control his mouth, compelled to answer this fatal question.

"How can this be!"


(~˘▾˘)~Don't forget to send your power-stones!~(˘▾˘~)

(~˘▾˘)~I've got around 6 unedited chapters, will post in a few days~(˘▾˘~)

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