
I summoned a dragon girl

Hooder, a young student that can't use magic is bullied in the academy because of the fact. One day, he goes into a old library, finding a summoning spell book, that summons a female dragon hybrid. She gifts him her powers, and we follow Hooder and Delphyne as a old enemy comes to gain revenge on Delphyne.. [DROPPED]

Hooder_Man · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

"A-Are you... Delphyne?" I asked the girl. She hesitated, but nodded. "Y-Yes.." I stood, "Thank you. For healing me." I said as she stood aswell nodding. She bent down and grabbed the book, "Are, you the one that summoned me?" I nodded, "I figured there would be no harm in summoning you, so I did." I looked at my hands, the green electricity still sparking around my hands. Only difference is, it doesn't hurt. "Could you um, explain this?" I asked, showing her my hands.

She looked at them, "Oh." She walked up, and grabbed my hands. She rose them to her mouth and planted a kiss on them. "Um.." I then felt a surch of power flow through me. My hair began to float gaining a green tint. Green electricity coated me in aura. "Whoa!" I said looking around me. "This is my power. " Soon, the aura faded and hair went back to normal, "That's amazing!" She smiled. "Whats your name?" I looked at her, "Names Hooder."

"Nice to meet you Hooder. I'm at your every command." She said, bowing to me. "Um? Why?" She rose up, "Well, you summoned me right? I'm required to follow your commands." She said, putting her arms behind her. I blinked at her, "I'm not really... okay with that. I really don't like to give commands." I said, looking back. "But, I do need a friend. So all I ask of you is for you to stay by my side." She blinked at me, "Okay!" She walked up and hugged my arm.

I looked around, "We best.. shit." She looked at me curiously, "What's wrong?" I rubbed my head, "I forgot I'm basically locked in here. The door I came in from closed and I saw no way to open it." She looked towards the stairs. She then pulled me, causing me to follow in behind her. "What are you doing?" She ignored as we began to go up the stairs. Okay then. We soon reached the area I came in from. I leaned to the side to see what she was gonna try. "?"

She rose her hand, as it morphed into a red dragons claw. My eyes widened. She brought it to her mouth as she began to breath on it. "Um..?" After taking a big breath, she blew fire onto the claw. "Whoa." She then aimed it at the door. She slash at it. It seemed as if nothing happened, but then the door broke into pieces, then burned away. "Wow! That's awesome!" Delphyne smiled and stepped out. I followed. "You know seeing that, I wanted to question that dragon horn on your head." She looked at me. "Oh, well. I'm sort a dragon hybrid." I looked at her with amazement. I looked back at the hole in the door.

"Um, how do we hide that?" I asked, pointing to the door. Delphyne looked back, blinking. "Heh, I-I don't know.." She said, rubbing the back of her head. I looked back at the book that acted as a lever. I pushed it back up, as I looked back and poster covered the hole. "Oh, there must've been a poster there the entire time." I shrugged, "Come on Delphyne." I said as I began to walk out of the library. "O-Oh okay! Coming!"

We were walking through the empty halls. Everyone must be in their dorms or training. I looked at my hand, green electricity sparking around it. But... I can use magic... Even if it was gifted to me. "I hope you enjoy your new abilities." Delphyne said smiling cutely at me. I nodded, "You don't know how much I appreciate this." She looked at me. "I'm afraid I don't." I looked down. "Before I met you, I was unable to use magic. I got bullied for it." She blinked at me, patting my arm. "I'm sorry. I can't believe people would bully someone else just because they're stronger." I nodded. "But now I have magic. And I own you everything." I said smiling.

She blushed a bit, "Oh no, it was my pleasure." I looked at her. "I just need to know. Are there any added Perks to green electricity? Or is it just like normal blue or yellow electricity?" She shook her head. "Oh definitely not. With this kind of electricity, you can do a number of things. The list is long, so I can't go over it all, but know, the capabilities are endless." I blinked at my hand, wow. "For example, you could manipulate the electromagnetism around you or inside others to make this magnetic like force. So, think of it as electric telekinesis." My eyes widened, "Wait for real!?" She smiled and nodded. "You can even heal yourself and others. That's what I did with you. It works by simulating molecules, renewing damaged cells." Wow... This is amazing and so unreal. "Like I said, the list is almost endless." I smiled, I'll show them.

"Oh shoot. I have to find a place for you to stay. I don't know if I can keep you in my dorm.." I grabbed her arm and began to speed walk to the dormitories. "I-I could enroll as a student!" I looked back. "Are even old enough to be in this academy? You have to 13 or above." She nodded, "I'm sixteen!" I blinked... "What you thought just because I was short and small that I wasn't as old as you?" Yes... I did at one point kinda think she was as old as me. "Alright, if that's what you want to do."

"I mean, it's better than just sneaking around with you!"

"Okay Okay! Just, go." She looked at me, with a sad expression almost. "I'll be back Hooder.." She said walking off. I watched, as I slowly walked off to my dorm... Maybe I'm not fit to have any friends... I'm not used to it.


It was a new day. Now, I have to find Delphyne. I wondered if she was on the route to my class. And, I was right... But not for a good reason. It was my bullies, and they seemed to be messing with Delphyne. Dammit... I walked up to them. Delphyne noticed me, "Hooder!" She shouted. Once I was close she walked behind me.

"Leave her alone." I said, as they laughed. "And what are you gonna do? Protect her with your none existing magic?!" The guy in middle said, laughing harder. I clenched my first with angry expression on my face. "Aw look at him Markus! You got him angry!" The one off to the side said. My eyes then glowed green. Markus then stopped laughing, as his body slammed to the side. The entire squad stopped laughing. I glanced down, as green electricity coated my hands. I moved my fingers up, as he hit the ceiling. I smirked as I slammed him to the ground. "Markus?! What's going on?!" I then snapped my fingers, as his body was filled with green electricity. He screamed out in pain, as my smile grew bigger. "Hooder stop!" I jumped as I snapped out of it.

I looked at Markus and shook the electricity off my hands, which caused the electricity around Markus to fade. The other two looked at me as they lifted Markus up and ran towards the nurse I assume. I-I.. "I don't know what gotten into me.."

"Yeah I don't either. But you need to get it under control. You could've killed him!"

"I'm sorry! I was just... angry.."


Man stood on the top of a mountain, staring down at the town. He took a breath and smirked, "So she's back? It's about time." The man said, as two firey wings spreaded out from his back. He jumped off the mountain and began to free fall. He began flap his firey wings and flew into the air, "I'm coming, Delphyne. The Phoenix."