
I stuck in the anime world by the infinity loop time skill

our mc lion die by truck-kun like any other mcs but to his bad luck his soul met with evil being in the void so he give our mc an endless loop time skill and the power to travel across anime worlds and it activate if he was near escape with system has 3 inventory and more so how he'll escape to his freedom or not (I don't own anything except my mc bla bla bla)

thethousand · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

chapter 5: getting a job

*third person view*

in the street you can see a man in the 25 year of his life with black hairstyle and black eyes either with a normal clothes and white skin sitting and that's our mc lion writing the list of the exercises he'll do in the daily


<list of exercises>

>100 push up

>running for 10km add to it 5km every week

>walk for 5 hours

>100 squats


before this page you can see a list of things he need quickly and now


>finding a house to live in to decrease the resets

>getting some money from a work until the skill do her job or her effect

>getting some food

> getting a new clothes

[ the most important] be stronger to live

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~that's the notes he wrote

*returning to lion P.o.v*

ohhh I forget to check my body uhhh why i'm in a body look like it got make just a few minutes ago . so this is my new face I like it ok now , I see the night is close , I have to find a safe place now or else I'll be dead again wait this is a chance for me to kill a monster from wolf class because I don't want to get catch by the people who do an exams on the heroes or the evolve house or even worst the monster organizations but the issue is where the place a weak monster can hide in and how I will kill him without a knife or sword do I steal from weak heros from C rank hmmm yes this a good idea this is all given to the weak level i'm in right now . ok let's think about this later now I have to sleep in a safe place where you say in front of saitama house the most protected place hahahah and if you say its most dangerous place no your wrong Z city still in this time a place full of people before even they call it the ghost city and I exploit that the time will not be the same as the last reset for example i'm in check point A , when the meteor was falling but now i'm in check point C , before the meteor was even exist ok i have to stop thinking for now .the next day, thankfully I lived some how and wake up early than saitama so I run away fast I don't want him to see me yet . ok now I have two choices No°1 do my workout to be stronger and get a work in a random shop for money until the skill effect work or No°2 be a hero in the hero station and get a B rank then fight monsters and after i do one of this choices i'll make a plan to escape the loop hmmmm the two good but even if I get a house it will reset with the money ok who care just screwed I choose choice No°1 it comforts me better and give me a place I belongs to . now step 1 get a work in one of all this stores in front of you

so I go to one of this shops

" hello I come here to work is there by any chance a free space "

the employer " welco- ohhhh your the one from yesterday who standing in front of our store please wait I'll tell the manager"

the manager " I heard about you from the employer , so you come to get a job here can you tell me why ?"

lion" I have to get money then I plan to find new place to live in "

the manager" hmmmm really ok now tell me what's your name and your age"

lion" i'm lion 25-years old "

"ok welcome lion to our store you will

work for me from now on I foget your role is to delivery our customers orders and you'll work from 2 p.m to 4 p.m with out breaks every day you'll start tomorrow don't come late "

"boss can you lend me some money to buy a smartphone"

why is this happening to me all the mcs have all the beginning resources except me ahhhh and I have to work fu@#!

"ok I will deduct it from your salary"

"thank you"

Yessssss I did it I have a job wait why i'm happy now I have to find a Rented apartments and buy a smartphone and food i'm hungry


{ Time Skip }

finally I finished that was hard ok now i have to begin my training and nothing will stop me

___________________________to be continued

( from me the author so guys if you question why i'm not skipping this part because I hate the mc who get everything from nowhere he have to suffer and when the action begin just wait this is just the beginning chapters and you'll see )