
I Started My Second Life as a Skeleton

The story follows the journey of, Skel, who wakes up in a dark cave, unaware of his true identity. He soon realizes that he is nothing but a skeleton, but has no recollection of how he died or ended up in the cave. Determined to uncover the truth, he sets out to explore the world beyond the cave and discovers a futuristic earth that is vastly different from the world he knew. As he navigates this new world, he learns that his skeleton has the ability to absorb certain substances and begins to rebuild his body. Along the way, he also discovers that he has a natural talent for detective work, which he uses to investigate his own death and the mystery surrounding his arrival in the future.

Blibbert · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Where Am I?

I woke up with a start, my senses overwhelmed by the oppressive darkness that surrounded me. I couldn't see a thing, not even my own hand in front of my face.

Panic gripped me as I fumbled around blindly, tripping over unseen obstacles and banging into rough, jagged walls.

The tunnel I found seemed to stretch on forever, and as I stumbled through the pitch-black darkness, my mind raced with terrifying possibilities.

What if I was trapped down here forever? What if there was no way out?

The only sound was the pounding of my heart and the scrape of my shoes against the rocky ground. My throat was dry, and I couldn't tell if it was from thirst or fear.

The only thing I knew for sure was that I had to keep moving forward, no matter what horrors lay ahead.

With each step, I felt as though I was descending deeper and deeper into a foreboding abyss.

My footsteps echoed hauntingly, bouncing off the walls of the tunnel and filling my ears with an eerie resonance.

I wondered how far I had come, how deep into the earth I had traveled.

The darkness was unrelenting, and I began to feel as though I was losing my mind. Was this all some kind of elaborate nightmare? Or was it real? I couldn't tell.

All I knew was that I had to keep moving, had to keep searching for a way out of this suffocating darkness.

As I stumbled along, my hunger intensified, gnawing at my gut like a feral beast. The thought of food filled my mind, making it hard to focus on anything else.

I wondered how long I had been down here, how many days had passed without sustenance. I tried to push the hunger aside and focus on the task at hand, but it was a constant reminder of my dire situation.

The tunnel seemed to go on forever, with no end in sight. The only thing that kept me going was the hope that I would eventually find a way out, that I would see the light of day once more.

Finally, I saw a glimmer of light up ahead. Hopeful, I quickened my pace and soon emerged from the tunnel into the moonlit night.

I looked up and gasped in shock. The moon was just as I remembered it, but the city before me was something out of a science fiction novel.

I stood there, awestruck, and a cold shiver ran down my spine. The futuristic city before me was completely alien, utterly unlike anything I had ever seen before.

It was as though I had been transported to a different world entirely. For a moment, I forgot about my hunger and my thirst, forgot about the tunnel and the darkness that had plagued me for so long.

I was consumed by the strangeness of my surroundings, the surreal quality of this new reality.

As I began to take in my surroundings, I noticed something else that sent chills down my spine. Looking down at my hands, I saw nothing but bones.

I was a skeleton, stripped of flesh and muscle, yet still able to see, think, and feel. It was a terrifying realization, one that left me reeling.

How had this happened? Was it some kind of sick joke? Or was there something deeper, something more sinister at play?

As I stared out at the futuristic city, a feeling of unease settled in my bones. My memories were foggy, but even if I didn't know my name, I knew that I was a great detective.

I needed to use all of my skills and experience to solve my own personal mystery. But how could I do that without revealing myself to the humans?

How would they react to a skeleton walking around their city?

I knew that I couldn't stay hidden forever, and my hunger was growing stronger with each passing moment.

I needed to come up with a plan. I decided that the best course of action was to find a secluded place where I could observe the people of this time without being seen.

As I walked through the city, I felt the eyes of everyone I passed upon me.

But to my surprise, no one seemed to be afraid or even curious about my skeletal appearance. It was as if they had seen creatures like me before.

This realization only fueled my curiosity and my desire to find out more about this strange new world.

Eventually, I found a deserted alleyway where I could observe the people without being seen.

As I watched the bustling crowd, a thought occurred to me: maybe the people of the future could help me solve the mystery of my own past.

But how could I approach them without causing a commotion? I needed to come up with a plan, and fast.

As I continued to ponder my situation, I suddenly felt a strange sensation in my mind. It was as if two voices were speaking to me at once.

One was dark and sinister, with a disregard for others and a willingness to create chaos and even kill if it meant their freedom.

The other was calm and rational, trying to find the safest and most effective way to move forward. It was as if there were three of me inside my own head, the skeleton, the evil spirit, and the good spirit.

I tried to ignore the voices, but they continued to grow stronger, making it harder for me to focus on my plan.

The evil spirit's words were tempting, but I knew that following them would only lead to trouble. I needed to find a way to silence the voice and focus on my mission.

But how could I do that when I didn't even know who I was or how I ended up in this futuristic world? The thought of revealing myself to the humans terrified me.

How would they react to a talking skeleton? Would they be curious, or would they fear me and try to harm me?

I knew I needed help to solve my own personal mystery, but I also knew that I couldn't trust just anyone.

I needed to be careful and find someone who could help me without turning me into a spectacle.

As I continued to weigh my options, the voices in my head continued to argue, making it hard to concentrate on anything else.