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Harris was angry yet scared when Journee came to his house early in the morning. She only punched him once, yet he was terrified of her, or maybe her skills and how competent she was. She was saying sorry to him and that put him at ease but the last question that she asked him sent a chill down his spine. Every single hair on his body stood up with fear.

"What!?" mumbled Harris.

"The bag, Harris, the bag. The bag you exchanged from ADA India," smiled Journee.

"I don't… don't know… what… what you are talking about," stammered Harris.

"You very well know what I am talking about. So, where is your disguise? In your bedroom or out here in the open," she made a move to walk inside his bedroom but immediately he stood in her path. "So, it's in the bedroom," she tilted her head and smiled at him.

"Please leave, now! Or else I will call the security," snapped Harris.