

She gave him a minute to relax, but that was not enough. "Dad! Calm Down. It was late and I would have told you everything in the morning."

"Have you lost your mind?" shouted William.

"No," she replied. "Dad! Daddy! It was a simple murder case," said Journee.

"You went to that hotel today too, didn't you?" he shouted.

"That is part of my investigation, I told you. And yes, I was there when I received the call that Zion's girlfriend was killed," replied Journee with determination. Everyone was afraid of William but not her. She knew how soft her father was from the inside.

"What???" screamed William.

"You really need to…" she sighed. "Okay, yes, I was there and as Zion was with me for so many days now, I know for a fact that he didn't kill her. But I know who did."

"Who? If you know, why haven't you arrested him?" asked William.

"Because he is a ghost," sighed Journee.