
I, Son of Tiamat

Those are the tears of the Goddess of Creation. The tears floating up from the deep sea became the last son of Tiamat. And, after seven days and seven nights of incubation—he was born... He will be connected to the earth—get the wisdom of the sky and the eyes, body, soul, and spirit of the Gods, the trinity will never corrupt him! In the end, with the hope of his mother on his back, he lived happily and freely.

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32 Chs

Chapter 8: Two Goddesses

The real Goddess, Derceto, looked at the woman whose face was covered by a veil with terrified and angry eyes, she wanted to scold this mysterious woman loudly.

But the Goddess Derceto, couldn't do it. Her delicate and enchanting body had been bound by chains, and she couldn't even speak as she was bound by these damnable chains.

The chain is obviously not a chain made of steel, but a chain made of earth soil. It looks very slender and fragile as if it will break immediately with just small struggles.

But it is able to firmly bind the goddess.

"Decto, hurry up and solve the last problem." The black-haired and black-eyed little loli said to Decto, who was disguised as the Goddess Derceto.

"Ok, don't rush, anyway, we have plenty of time now." The goddess named Decto held the chain formed by the earth with one hand and took off the veil covering her face with the other hand.

As the Goddess Decto took off her veil, her dark brown hair and graceful figure all changed. She was the goddess who handed her clothes to Qiye when he was naked.

Goddess Derceto looked angrily at the girl in front of her. The girl stepped on the body of Goddess Derceto with her slender snowy feet. She faced the bound goddess showing off her face as she smiles.

The girl's smile is like a coquettish flower-like grin, but in the amorous smile, there is an incomparably deadly color, just like a poisonous flower in full bloom.

"Although you can be regarded as a family member, you are not worthy of my respect. In order to completely return the history to its original track, I have to sabotage you next."

She showed a sweet and vicious smile as she holds the chain of the earth, and rode the One-Eyed Golden Lion heroically.

The little loli with black hair and black eyes turned back into a Golden Snake. It wrapped around the snow-white ankle of the Goddess Decto, followed her legs, and climbed up to her waist.

The Golden Snake coiled herself in the waist of the Goddess Decto, as the One-Eyed Lion stood up, the white dove landed quickly firmly grasping the lion's hair.

"Come on, let's go to the sea."

Goddess Decto drove the golden lion, and as the golden lion ran, it made the earth tremble. Goddess Derceto who is bound by the chains of the earth—was still bound, goddess Decto did not let go of her but chose to drag her away.


Goddess Decto didn't hear or care about the mournful cries coming from behind her.

After the swift wind and lightning, the two goddesses came to the edge of the sea, and the goddess Derceto, who was dragged away by the chains of the earth has now fainted.

It seems that when she was dragged by the chains of the earth, she was seriously injured.

Goddess Decto had no mercy for Goddess Derceto. She raised her snow-white wrist and waved it toward the sea in front of her. The chains of the earth that had been commanded, waved the bound Derceto as she was thrown into the sea.

With a plop, the Goddess Derceto was submerged in the sea, and the earth chains that bound her body gradually collapsed after being disconnected from the earth.

The Goddess Decto looked at the Goddess Derceto, her legs were already foaming as it began to transform into a scaly fishtail.

Seeing this scene, the goddess Decto smiled contentedly. She turned her head and looked at the white dove, "Go, go and spread the story of the goddess Derceto. She fell in love with an ordinary shepherd, then she abandoned the child, and finally threw herself into the sea because of shame, and turned into a half-human, half-fish goddess."

"Well, leave this matter to me." the white dove promised, "I will definitely spread this story."

"I hope you don't forget..." Goddess Decto seemed to be doubting the dove's promise, but she had finished the last thing and didn't want to worry about what would happen next.

Goddess Decto stroked the golden lion's mane, it let it carry her, and walked toward the distance. Then, she became engrossed and couldn't help singing ancient songs in a low voice.

This ballad was woven by the ancient people based on the deeds of the sage, and it is a beautiful poem praising the sage.

You are the last son of the Goddess of Creation.

You come with a female companion, like a god who loves the world.

You solve problems with wisdom and wit and are praised and recognized by everyone.

Who changed the tyrannical king?

It's you.

Who made the weapons of the gods open their minds?

It's you.

It was you who changed the king and the kingdom, made him generous and loved, and made it prosperous and rich.

You walked with the king in the wilderness that devoured all, subdued the man-eating wild lions, and thus sheltered the people.

You walked with the goddess and brought white bulls from the spiritual peak, Mount Abif, this made Mount Abif desperate, thereby enriching the kingdom.

(TL/N: This was from the raws dunno what mountain Mount Abif is I've been searching about it but I can't seem to find its origin, do tell me what that is.)

You take the material from the hands of the goddesses to make musical instruments that enrich the human spirit.

You stepped into the underworld and made a contract with the goddess of the underworld to build a bridge of peace between the underworld and the human world.

You have enriched the kingdom and filled the kingdom with laughter every day and night. They all praised the name of the sage. The sage who enriched the kingdom and the people are not idle.

You went to Cedar Forest with your friends, killed towering beasts, and obtained precious wood.

You rejected the goddess' courtship, which made the goddess angry and threatened to land a disaster, but you refused again for the sake of your wife and daughter.

Although the disaster was resolved, the disaster took their life.

You and the king were distraught, and you left your homeland to help the king find the grass of immortality...

You and the king came to the beautiful garden and learned the secret of immortality.

You and the king have crossed the sea of ​​death and found the only survivor of the great flood.

You and the king obtained the elixir of immortality at the bottom of the abyss and under the nine springs.

But... the immortal grass that you worked so hard to obtain was stolen and eaten.

Hearing this, the Golden Snake entwined around the waist of the goddess Decto raised its head and glanced at the goddess who was immersed in the singing slowly lowered its eyes.

You have many identities...

You are a servant of the goddess.

You are the lover of the goddess.

You are the Goddess' father.

You are the king's guide.

You are the protector of mankind, repairing the ark of the flood and saving the last of mankind.

You... in the end, you gave up these identities and became a child looking for a mother.

The ballads of the goddess Decto echoed in the forest by the sea, and the things that responded to her were only the singing birds and beasts, and the swaying lush forests.