
I, Son of Tiamat

Those are the tears of the Goddess of Creation. The tears floating up from the deep sea became the last son of Tiamat. And, after seven days and seven nights of incubation—he was born... He will be connected to the earth—get the wisdom of the sky and the eyes, body, soul, and spirit of the Gods, the trinity will never corrupt him! In the end, with the hope of his mother on his back, he lived happily and freely.

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32 Chs

Chapter 21: The Discovery of Laziness

In Uruk Square, people gathered on stone benches, by the fountain, and on the balconies and floors of nearby mansions. Semiramis noticed that all these people were elegantly dressed, especially the young girls who seemed to be waiting for something, their expressions filled with anticipation. It reminded Semiramis of her own behavior when she waited for Qiye to come down from the temple.

"What are they doing?" Semiramis asked Qiye, frowning in suspicion.

"Don't you think they look like young girls waiting for someone they like?" Qiye smiled and pointed at the girls, causing Semiramis to blush suddenly.

"N-No, that's not it. They're not stretching their necks to wait for someone they like," Semiramis replied, flustered.

Qiye looked at Semiramis with a strange expression. He didn't expect her to be so innocent and shy when it came to discussing other girls' love affairs. But now, Semiramis turned her head away, leaving Qiye staring at the back of her head, with his mind filled with her pitch-black hair.

"In fact, they are young girls waiting for someone they like. You'll see if you keep watching," Qiye explained.

As Qiye finished speaking, a large group of soldiers entered the square, and among them was Gilgamesh, the king of the city.

Dressed in a lapis lazuli crown and a gold-rimmed white robe, Gilgamesh strode through the crowd, exposing his chest and shoulders, which drew the attention of the young girls. They stared wide-eyed at his well-defined muscles, captivated by his appearance.

It was like a scene of hungry wolves encountering delicious prey.

Gilgamesh walked among the girls, and they waved their slender arms, the golden scarves they held swaying in response. They enthusiastically called out Gilgamesh's name and some even threw their golden scarves at him.

"Why is that tyrant, who steals other people's wives, so popular with the girls?" Semiramis asked, astonished by the scene.

Semiramis couldn't help but feel that this was another planned event by Gilgamesh, similar to the public trial a month ago. However, the girls' enthusiasm and genuine affection didn't seem like acting at all.

Semiramis had learned about the inside story of the public trial from Qiye.

"Why isn't Gilgamesh popular? As the king of Uruk, his position alone is enough to make girls fall in love with him," Qiye said, looking at Gilgamesh surrounded by beautiful girls.

"Really," Semiramis muttered, not fully convinced. She didn't find the position of a king attractive and didn't feel as happy as Qiye praised her.

"Moreover, Gilgamesh is very handsome, which appeals to the girls' aesthetic preferences."

"I don't think he's handsome. Qiye, you are much more handsome than him," Semiramis said.

"Huh?" Qiye looked at Semiramis sideways and smiled happily. "Thank you for the compliment."

Semiramis turned her head slightly and touched her flushed face. What did she say subconsciously just now? It was so embarrassing.

Qiye stopped looking at Semiramis and focused on Gilgamesh below. He smiled and said, "Besides being the king, Gilgamesh has another identity."

"He is two-thirds god and one-third human, possessing the blood of a god. If someone becomes his partner and bears his child, the child will be a demigod and may inherit the throne in the future."

As they say, a mother is more precious than a child. Having a child with the blood of a demigod would increase the status of the child's mother or father accordingly.

That's why there are so many people who aspire to become priests serving the gods. Whether it's a priestess serving a male god or a male priest serving a goddess, they all desire to have intimate relations with the gods and bear their children.

In this era, serving the gods as a priest is considered the highest honor, as the gods are revered as supreme beings that bring prosperity and contentment.

"To better understand Gilgamesh's nature, I asked the chief priest, Siduri, about him. It turns out that he is not as bad as we thought, although he has taken other men's wives and daughters. But instead of taking them to the palace, he has them help with work," Qiye explained, observing Gilgamesh below.

"And Gilgamesh's palace is already filled with maids. These maids are the daughters of nobles and commoners who voluntarily serve him."

So Gilgamesh didn't need to snatch ordinary women in broad daylight. If he walked down the street, he would be lucky if he wasn't mobbed by those enthusiastic women.

Gilgamesh, surrounded by the girls, removed their hands from his abdominal muscles and raised his eyebrows, looking towards the Temple of Inanna.

Gilgamesh's sharp gaze met Qiye's calm gaze once again. Seeing Qiye eating leisurely with Semiramis, Gilgamesh immediately frowned, removed his hand from his abdomen, and touched his abdominal muscles again.

"Let's go to the Temple of Inanna with this king," Gilgamesh declared.

"Huh?" Qiye, who was on top of the temple, looked at the scene below. When he saw Gilgamesh walking towards them with his guard soldiers, he sighed helplessly.

"I got caught being lazy, and now the boss is coming to settle the score... I just happened to meet your eyes. Was it necessary?" Qiye muttered.

Semiramis looked at Gilgamesh approaching the temple, blinked her golden eyes, and said, "That's great. Let the grumpy tyrant strip you of your priesthood, so you'll have more time to be with me."

"Little Pigeon... Are you gloating or something..."

"Hmph, not at all~ Since Gilgamesh came to look for you, I'll go home first and wait for you there." Semiramis snorted at Qiye and abruptly stood up, pulling her hood over her head and drifting away.

Qiye was left alone in the temple, sighing helplessly.