
I Smash the Horror games

Wang Haoran transmigrated to blue star where Horror games are rampant, ghosts and monsters have come to reality, Obtaining a system, Wang Haoran became invincible after training and waiting for the horror games for 10 years. When the horror game finally came, seeing Wang Haoran's data it was scared to cry. 【 Name: Wang Haoran Race: Human Physical fitness: 999 Strength: 999 Speed: 999 Spirit: 999 】 Horror Game: Big brother Are you really Human?? Who is the Boss here??? -----------------------/-/----------------------------- Mc is super op and will keep getting stronger.MC is straight.

Makotosenpai · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 11.

Chapter 11 You're really well versed in Human Psychology

"We are your saviors."

Wang Haoran said loudly: "We promise to solve this matter in three days."

"By then, your lives will not only return to normal."

"And I can leave the village and see the outside world."

He said seriously: "I tell you, the world outside is so fascinating, with bright lights, feasting and bustling."

"The aroma of the food and wine in Piao xiang Pavilion can spread thirty miles away!"

"Every girl in Dragon Kingdom is beautiful, gentle and kind."

"Don't you want to go and take a look?"

Hearing these words, several villagers couldn't help but start fantasizing.

The world outside must be very beautiful.

"We want to get out."

They knelt down in front of Wang Haoran excitedly and said, "Please save us."

Several people standing next to Wang Haoran.

The audience in the live broadcast room.

Now everyone is bamboozled.

"WHAT THE FUCK????!!????..."

"Those few people who were full of murderous intent just now are now kneeling before Wang Haoran and begging him for help?"

"This mf is too awesome. He made the other party kneel down with just three sentences without any action."

Wang Haoran smiled slightly.


"Of course."

"I came here to save you."

Several villagers were so moved that they were almost crying.

"If you need any help, just tell us and we will definitely help," said a villager.

Wang Haoran curled his lips and said immediately: "We just came here last night. We have nothing to eat, nothing to wear, and even not enough places to sleep."

He pointed at Zhu Tian.

"To see him."

"We need food and clothes."

When the villagers saw Zhu Tian wearing only a pair of large trousers, they patted their chests and said, "Don't worry, brother. We will send you food and clothes right away."

Zhu Tian and the others gradually widened their eyes.

No, is this okay?

They looked at Wang Haoran in shock. What kind of incredible operation was this?

Zhu Tian almost knelt down and cried.

"How can I be worthy of being on the same team with such a big guy?"

The live broadcast room also exploded.

"This operation is simply amazing."

"My mother asked me why I was kneeling to watch the live broadcast."

"I can't learn it. I can't learn it."

"Wang Haoran not only wanted to dig up their fields, but also asked them to send me food and drink. I don't understand, but I was shocked."

Wang Haoran nodded with satisfaction.

Then he continued: "There's no rush to get food now, you guys help dig a hole."

He pointed to the ground in front of him.

This is where the scarecrow just stood.

I had originally been planning to dig it myself, but now that I have free labor, I might as well use it.

Several villagers came over with shovels and hoes, really ready to help.

But the first shovel has just been put in.

"What are you doing!?"

A scolding voice suddenly came from the entrance of the village.

Several villagers shuddered suddenly and stopped what they were doing.

Wang Haoran looked in the direction where the sound came from.

He saw a young man in his twenties standing in front of the village entrance with an angry look on his face.

The young man strode towards this side.

"Deputy village chief."

The villagers bowed their heads and addressed the young man respectfully.

The deputy village chief nodded, then his eyes fell on Wang Haoran and the others, examining them constantly.

"who are you?"

He asked in a cold voice.

"We came from the Tang Dynasty in the East and are here to exorcise demons and monsters." Wang Haoran lied seriously.


The deputy village chief scolded: "There are no monsters here."

"No matter where you guys are from, leave immediately. Our village does not welcome outsiders."

Wang Haoran narrowed his eyes and scanned the man's information using the system.

[Name: Zheng Li

Race: demon

Physical fitness: 13

Strength: 16

Speed: 8

Spirit: 156

Much higher data than normal people.

It is no exaggeration to say that he can fight on par with a scarecrow.


Wang Haoran smiled faintly and said, "I encountered this twice last night."

The deputy village chief had a gloomy face and said in a cold voice: "I said no, that's it."

"Leave this village now."

Then he looked at a few villagers and said, "You guys were helping him dig the ground just now?"


Several villagers were so frightened that they trembled and said, "We have something else to do. We'll leave first."

After saying this, they turned and ran.

The place suddenly became quiet. Zhu Tian, ​​Xiao Qing and the others all shrank their necks, not daring to speak.

This deputy village chief doesn't seem to be easy to talk to.

Only Wang Haoran.

He also looked at the deputy village chief with a smile.

"Are you hiding something?"


Wang Haoran looked at him and said, "You are the ghost."

The deputy village chief's expression changed slightly, but soon became indifferent again: "Nonsense."

"Today, I am here, so don't even think about touching this rice field."

He stood in the field with a sullen face.

Zhu Tian whispered beside him: "Brother Wang Haoran, let's go."

Xiaoqing nodded frantically beside her.

Wang Haoran thought about it and said, "That's fine."

This man stood here, afraid that he would not be able to continue digging the field this morning.

Several people walked out for a long distance.

"This guy is so fierce." Zhu Tian cursed: "He's just a deputy village chief, why are you so arrogant?"

"We helped him so much, but we were scolded. It's like our kindness was ignored and we got rejected."

Wang Haoran was amused by Zhu Tian's reaction.

"Why weren't you so brave in front of him just now?"

"Aren't you afraid that he will hear you saying so much now?"

Zhu Tian snorted, "He can't hear it from this far away."

"Maybe he can hear it?"

Wang Haoran smiled and said, "He may not be a human."


Zhu Tian was shocked: "It's not a human!"

"The Scarecrow has the ability to transform into someone else."

Wang Haoran said: "You were just fooled, and you have forgotten it?"


Zhu Tian was so frightened that his face turned pale.

Wang Haoran laughed even louder and said, "I lied to you."

"Although I don't know whether this deputy village chief is a human being, he is definitely problematic."

When the villagers heard that they could rescue them, they all knelt down excitedly.

Clearly there is something seriously wrong with this village.

As a result, the deputy village chief insisted that there was no problem with the village.

The problem with this deputy village chief is very serious.

"What should we do now?"

Xiao Qing was beside him and asked quietly, "After the deputy village chief leaves, shall we go back to dig the ground?"

"of course not."

Wang Haoran said: "Let's go to the back mountain and find a cave."

Xiao Qing was so frightened that her face turned pale and she said, "Didn't the village chief say that the back mountain is very dangerous?"

"Especially that cave. No one who went in came out alive."

Wang Haoran smiled and said, "Do you believe what he says?"

"If you are afraid, you can stay in the village and I will go by myself."

Xiaoqing quickly shook her head and said, "Let's just follow you."

Wang Haoran said: "Since you want to follow me, just listen to me later."

"Then remember our secret code: Onii-chan daisukii~ ."

Zhu tian : "...."

Xiaoqing: "...."

Other 4 people: "...."

Everyone in live broadcast: "....."