
I sit on the Dragon Throne

PS: ORIGINAL Don't Steal Please ^^ [Warning: the story might have romance but even so FL wont fall in love nor be in a relathionship but if she does it will be a slowburn] Word Limit: 1200 - 2500 Bad Grammar mistakes(early chapters) [I'm gonna use Chinese slangs so please don't be confuse if you see random things like '555' as it's Chinese slang] Random Quantities a week at random quantities a day between 0 -3 Sorry for slow story and writing Some Mistakes: Zheng Li = Lin Lanfen Song Jiao transmigrated into a Reverse Harem that was also a Mary Sue novel where Women are superior then Men with the Female Lead Lin Lanfen in the original novel stealing the fate of the original Female Lead of the so called true Novel Zheng Xue after Transmigrating and her Harem even if Zheng Xue wasn't problematic and not naive and does not frame people Lin Lanfen casted Zheng Xue as a Cannon Fodder and tortured and disfigured her face just incase she might steal her harem and for entertainment and because she was the only person that has a close enough beauty to her Zheng Xue was the original Female Lead destined to be Emperor and gets her fate stolen by Lin Lanfen as a forgotten Prince of the Palace with only Crown Prince in name as she was mocked by society woman and men alike Song Jiao thought she would transmigrate as a Villainess atleast like most cliches but instead as the Useless Abandoned Female Lead ?! Song Jiao: So Pitiful! after transmigrating I'll soon be tortured?! I want to leave!! Song Jiao said in a temper as she pulls her hair in anger the System sighed before speaking Emperor Faceslapping System: [Host if you become Emperor and gain 1 Billion Karma Points from the Female Lead I will send you back to your world] Song Jiao body went numb and fainted as she heard that Emperor Faceslapping System: [Host?!]

Bai_JieJie250 · History
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14 Chs

Sleepy Head Prince: who's under the Sheets?

'Ah, I need a Re-Energizing Pill'

Taking out a Pill from the Re-Energizing Pill Bottle and ate it as she put the bottle back in the Inventory soon enough another Crimson Wolverine came out of nowhere as blood still leaked out of her wrist as Song Jiao jumped back hastily

'Ah, fuck I'm such a 250'

Holding her Sword tightly she felt as if her Vitality was quickly leaving ah, ah, she just transmigrated and now about to die all over again? as the 4 Crimson Wolverines surrounded her

Song Jiao: Amitabha Buddha. Having a Yandere Fairy Immortal cutting my Dog to Red Braised Beef is 777 Times better, then dying the unruly Dogs itself

Emperor Faceslapping System: Hah, I'm just eating Watermelon

But for EXP she'll do anything to survive taking her Sword she focused as the Crimson Wolverines attacked her at all direction as she manage to Squat quickly as she stood up and held her sword firmly one of them dashed at her as she manage to dodge and slice its stomach as it was fatally losing blood after a few seconds she finally heard the Notification

[EXP 10K+]

Backing up all of them either dashed to her as their Claws were out and tried to jump at her Song Jiao was Cornered as she could only think of


Using the Qi Energy surrounding her, she Jumped so High that she estimated that she could reach the 3rd Floor from doing so as she felt Qi energy surrounding her as her eyes glimmered

Taking her Sword she quickly fell as the she used the Qi Energy to enhanced her Weight crushing a Crimson two crimson wolverines as one was trying to jump at her while one was beneath it

['Combo!; 2x' EXP 40K+]

'Combos, double the EXP. I need a way to make more Combos'

Taking her Sword the world seemed to have slowed down for her as she sliced them all singlehandedly. Blood spurted Violently everywhere, the scene was Beautiful yet Horrific that even she was in a daze

['Combo!; 2x' EXP 40K+]

As she got back to her senses again she analyzed the scene. The Grass was bloody and the Trees were also covered with crimson just like a War battle as a screen was showed to her


['Common' Crimson Wolf; Grade 1]

Do you wish to loot?


Crimson Wolf Head 4x

Crimson Wolf Legs 16x

Crimson Wolf Meat 20x

Crimson Wolf Teethes 168x



[Yes] or [Cancel]



Tapping on yes on them she suddenly heard the System as a sound of Watermelon munching could be Heard

[Host, Ah, this System wants to Compliment. So violent yet beautiful this System thinks, a Beauty that could make Flower look down. a beauty which would obscure the moon and make flowers blush. such Elegance, that the Fish sink, and the Geese Fall-]

Song Jiao: Cut! Stop, stop! no wonder you were so quiet, you were reading Idioms ah, do you want me to call you Slagbag Snowflake?, do you read the Three Hundred Tang Poems?

[Hua, hua, Host is so mean. If I'm a Slagbag then at least I'm not a Virgin]

Song Jiao: Your Mom is a Prostitute

She was basically calling the System a Motherfucker and Slut as the same time as the System logged off. Song Jiao sighed she thought the System only came when she called it seems like she was wrong, now. Where's her reward?

[Kill a Crimson Wolverine from the Fifth Level of Qi Condensation: 5/5 Reward: 500 Star Petals + 1,000 Petals + 50K EXP]

'Slagbag. I'll give you 167 Cotton Plants next Lunar New Year, and a Scissor next Spring Festival..'

The seemingly Loving relationship of Host and System seems to fall bit by bit as Song Jiao only took out a Re-energizing pill and put the Pill bottle back in the inventory as she used a Cleansing Technique as the Blood on her Sprayed off her and fell on the already bloodied grass

Cleaning her sword too a she put it in her inventory, she wished she could buy more food as energy rather then the Pills but ran out of Taels since she used all of it for the Top-Grade sword and Tanghulu

ah, no more money what to do? she was too lazy to run back to the Imperial Palace slowly with her Legs like an Ox, she forgot that the rest of the money was for a Carriage ride not Tanghulu

to go there with barefoot takes one hour Song Jiao sighed in misery, just like a 5354 as she remembers the Modern Tec. Car, Bus, Jet oh so many transportation she took granted

Whatever cant she just use her long sword to fly back to her Imperial Palace? But. it will arouse Lin Lanfen's suspicion as a Transmigrator, the work is brainless but the Author made the Female Lead Heaven and Earth Defying with an Intelligence and Wisdom of Kui Xing and Wen chang combined

well maybe not exactly but definitely a High IQ but whatever, she needs to go back there's 3 hours left probably from her estimation when she arrives she'll still have 2 hours if she just walks so it's good

walking back home to the route she sneaked away from after 1 hour she managed to find the route and snuck back in the hole and made it out at her garden as she untied her veil and took her Oil-Paper Umbrella coughing she brushed off the dust from the hole as it was dusty

there is 2 hours left she hasn't pack her bags yet as she enters the Pavilion in her Garden tons of servants rushed to her out of nowhere especially Chen Mei tugging at her as one of the Servants say

"Your Highness! This Servant and Fellow Servants were looking for Your Highness everywhere, the Young Master of the Tang Family is increasing the time limit to 1 hour and 10 minutes, Your Highness the Bag is Ready and, they're exactly new Hanfus that Senior Chen has told"

'Is it. Lunar New Years already?'

With so many people Parading and making noises she wondered to herself if she Time Travelled to the Lunar New Years Festival. Chen Mei smiled smugly as she whispered in Song Jiao's ear while Song Jiao is still petrified

"Dont you think I'm cool commanding the Servants, but I think I should prepare you now. The Young Master of the Tang Family is threatening the Emperor and Empress that he will make a Rebellion if you don't come quickly, sounds like a Big Sister Obsession becausr the sister rea wants you and you know how the Young Master will do anything to grant her wishes"

"Ah, En lead me to the Carriage is the Bag ready?"she didn't feel anything as she plainly replied and asked Chen Mei to lead her to the Carriage

"Yes your Highness, the Bag is ready does your Highness wants to add something?"

'Considering it'll be 2 days at most I guess I don't need anything else'

"Nothing, this Prince just wants to get things done"

"Alright Your Highness"

with her answer she deducted it wasn't far off from Zheng Xue's character setting so for now. No one would suspect her, following Chen Mei the Servants wanted to hep Song Jiao up but Song Jiao wanted to get things done and sleep soundly as she just wished them a goodbye

Riding in the Carriage she felt so sleepy as she kept closing her eyes but try to hold on just incase there's some assassination even when she ate a Re-Energizing Pill, but what could she expect? With such a Low Vitality this was definitely expected she was surprised she could still hold on this far with such a weak Vitality she might as well faint

'I feel at loss ever since I transmigrated, no Phone, no TV, no Manhuas not even a Third Rated Soap Opera. Life is so sad there's also no Action, Fantasy, Romance Novels and Yaoi at least..'

Emperor Faceslapping System: But you can buy Novels and Manhuas at the Shop for 1 Petals each?

Song Jiao: Slagbag. I'm calling you that for the day

The System came out of nowhere as it munched on Melon Seeds while Song Jiao felt bored, this Slagbag it knew she was someone who gets bored easily, especially in ancient sets she only dreamed of marrying and tasting handsome Men in Ancient-Era Dramas not actually live in it!

'Heng. too tired, slagbag set an Alarm and wake me up when we reach the Tang Manor, or if we're in danger'

[555, someone help me. I'm a slave who only gets punished Cruelly]

Song Jiao: Slagbag, shut up I'm sleeping

Song Jiao was seriously tired as she slept on the hard wooden sit as the System comply munching its Melon Seeds, to who knows where. as The System looked down at the other scene


Qiao Xu's face was as redder then a Raddish and more redder then a Tomato, he Gasped for air from the kiss as petals covered the sheets.looking up he saw Lin Lanfen who was on top of him, they were under the sheets as she licked her lips while whispering through through his ears like a Wolf Tasting its Prey

"A'Xu, did you know? You taste so, sweet~"


'[Too bad Host is as Hard Rock, that says no in Romance but rather use it for fun or take advantage of it, But. Lin Lanfen really is a Harlot and a Snake with a Scorpion heart at the same time, just after her Transmigration she quickly took Qiao Xu under the sheets to 'Papa, pa']'

The System who really doesn't care how many Body Count a person has, even saw how much of a Thick Face and Shameless person Lin Lanfen was, so quick to take one under the Sheets? What are you thinking. Not even a good relationship yet? Just straight 'Papa, pa'