
I Signed in at Naruto in Konoha for Ten Years

I traveled to the Naruto World and became a member of the Uchiha clan. I thought that waiting for Uchiha Ryujin was an ordinary life, but I didn’t expect to activate the god-level sign-in system. Sign-in anywhere, there is a chance to get rewards. Sign in at the Uchiha clan and get rewards [Template of Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors]. Sign in at Hokage Rock and get the reward [Sage Body]. Sign in at the Naruto office and get rewards [Composite Ninja·Dragon Flame Flow]. ……….. Uchiha Ryujin insisted on signing in at Konoha Village for ten years with the idea of ​​not revealing his strength without being invincible. Until ten years later, when Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Obito, Danzo, Third Hokage wanted to destroy Uchiha, Uchiha Ryujin finally had to take action.

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Chapter 18

laugh! !Since Uchiha Ryujin didn't want to play anymore, Uchiha Shisui could only move his mind even though he still had some hole cards, and his eyes quickly withdrew from Mangekyō Sharingan's state..."Did you bleed?"At the moment when he quit Mangekyō Sharingan, Uchiha Shisui's eyes were like tears, with wisps of blood flowing out, and many ninjas watching the scene were terrified.Quack! ! Quack! ! !next moment,Accompanied by the crows of crows,In full view, crows flew from a distance and circled Uchiha Shisui, and within a few seconds, they cleaned the blood from Uchiha Shisui's eyes."I actually used my own blood to feed the crow..."Seeing this scene, Uchiha Ryujin frowned and shook his head unconsciously.Shisui is still that Shisui,Unfortunately,Thoughts have been brainwashed,This may be the sorrow of the so-called strongest phantom ninja!I think illusion is very strong, but... in front of Konoha Village's strongest brainwashing illusion-Will of Fire, I can only be brainwashed respectfully! !"It looks like the assessment is over.""Uchiha Shisui is great, but...this Uchiha Ryujin's physical skills are also quite abnormal!!""The Uchiha clan is worthy of being the number one family in Konoha Village. There are endless geniuses, and they even practice physical skills so awesome...""Eleven-year-old physical skill Jōnin, Uchiha Ryujin is still great!!""......"And the whole scene,After the initial silence, it suddenly boiled;joke,Today's assessment,They not only saw the terrible Susanoo of Shisui,It was an eye-opener to see Uchiha Ryujin, who has always been invisible."Haha, youth is passionate, I'm going to run ten laps around Konoha Village!!"At this time, after watching such a wonderful battle, the blood-boiled Might Guy laughed loudly, put a po very excitedly, and revealed his big white teeth."Kakashi, I'm going to train first..."Huh! !Accompanied by a sound of breaking through the air,Before Kakashi hadn't reacted,The stimulated Might Guy has already gone to training enthusiastically.no way,(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)As a friend of Uchiha Ryujin,He knew that Uchiha Ryujin's physical skills were very strong,But... I didn't expect that Uchiha Ryujin's physical skills would be so strong! !"Ah...good, good!!"Looking at the enthusiastic Might Guy, Kakashi's eyes showed a look of pain. After taking a deep look at Uchiha Ryujin, he seemed to have made some decision and turned away.It's time to get out of the fetters in his heart. He can only be worthy of Rin Nohara and Uchiha Obito if he lives hard.In an instant,Konoha Village seems to have light, shining into Kakashi's heart."The assessment passed!!""Let Uchiha Ryujin invite us to eat grilled fish tonight..."Not far away, Uzuki Yuyan and Yurihong each clenched their small fists, and the two pairs of beautiful eyes looked straight at Uchiha Ryujin.What else can I say,Uchiha Ryujin did not disappoint them, he was a treasure boy."Damn!!"Sarutobi Asuma dropped the cigarette butt in his hand fiercely, especially after seeing Yurihong's eyes staying on Uchiha Ryujin from beginning to end, he was even more angry from one place."Let's go!!""It's time to go back and report, the Uchiha clan has another physical genius.""..."Now that the assessment has ended,There is no need for some ninjas to stay here.Whether it is the ninja of Anbu, the ninja of the root, the ninja of the Konoha garrison, and the ninjas sent by families of all sizes, they all retreat in an orderly manner.Everyone knows very well,Uchiha Ryujin's physical skills will soon become famous in Konoha Village...at the same time,Naruto's office;"Uchiha Ryujin's physical skills are so strong!!"Looking at the crystal ball, Third Hokage- Sarutobi Hiruzen put down the pipe in his hand, his expression fluctuated, and muttered to himself, "It's a pity, a genius who practices physical skills, is actually a ninja of the Uchiha clan, who has not yet practiced Chakra and Shinobi Surgery.""Ha ha....."Shimura Danzō still showed a look of disdain as before, and said coldly, "Uchiha Shisui's true ability has not been used yet, otherwise, Uchiha Ryujin can only be crushed.""Yup!!"Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded thoughtfully, and said, "A ninja who doesn't practice ninjutsu and Chakra, no matter how strong his physical skills, what good is it?""As long as it is Uchiha who does not open our eyes, we can accept it..."A greedy color flashed in Shimura Danzō's eyes, and said, "The Uchiha clan is the most dangerous only Sharingan. No matter how strong the physical ninja, there is no threat.""Yes..."Sarutobi Hiruzen narrowed his eyes, picked up his pipe, and said, "Since Uchiha Ryujin has passed Uchiha Shisui's Jōnin exam, I will make a simple statement!""can...."Shimura Danzō added indifferently, "The statement stated that Uchiha Ryujin is the first ninja of the Uchiha clan. I hope that people from the Uchiha clan will learn from Uchiha Ryujin.""No..."Upon hearing this sentence,Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned, and subconsciously refused.F*ck said that Uchiha Ryujin is the first ninja of the Uchiha clan, and let the Uchiha clan ninjas learn physique. Isn't that a secret satire and disgusting Uchiha clan?After all, everyone knows that the Uchiha clan is proud of Sharingan."up to you...."Shimura Danzō shrugged and said quietly, "Anyway, I think it's time for the Uchiha clan to beat him.""gone!!"After saying this,Shimura Danzō left the office without looking back. Today, he has seen what he dreams of wanting. Next, it's time to make arrangements slowly.Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha clan, he can eat it, no one can save! !"Hit the Uchiha clan?" Looking at Shimura Danzō's leaving back, Sarutobi Hiruzen exhaled a few puffs of white smoke, his expression fluctuating.