
I Sign In Every day With Luck Close To Infinite

I Love Watch And Read Novel,Anime,Manga,Manhua,Manhwa Then Something Come To my mind Its Called Sign In Ever Day. First Sign In ( Reward Basic Knowlage Of All Skill) Host Got A System Pack Luck Close To Infinite

DaoistQVCa2B · Action
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30 Chs


As the hero engages in intense battles against his grandfather's enemies, there are moments of unexpected humor that arise, providing brief respite from the chaos. Despite the levity, the hero's skills and prowess in combat remain unmatched.

In the midst of a fierce duel with the cunning sorceress, the hero finds himself momentarily disarmed, his weapon flung to the edge of the battleground. Unfazed, he improvises, grabbing nearby objects and unleashing a flurry of attacks. With a comically determined expression, he wields a banana as if it were a deadly weapon, surprising both the sorceress and his allies. His opponents' initial amusement quickly turns to shock as the hero's makeshift weapon proves unexpectedly effective, knocking the sorceress off balance and enabling the hero to retrieve his true weapon, ready to finish the battle.

During his encounter with the hulking brute, the hero demonstrates both quick wit and formidable strength. As the brute charges towards him with earth-shattering force, the hero swiftly sidesteps, causing the brute to crash into a nearby tree. Seizing the opportunity, the hero teasingly pats the confused brute on the back, uttering a lighthearted comment about the importance of watching where one is going. The brute, initially stunned, responds with an involuntary chuckle before attempting another attack. In the end, the hero's agility and well-timed quips prove victorious, leaving the brute momentarily bewildered and defeated.

Facing off against the shadowy assassin, the hero enters into a thrilling game of hide-and-seek. As the assassin darts in and out of the shadows, the hero matches their movements with a mischievous grin. However, before the assassin can make their move, the hero playfully shouts, "Tag, you're it!" Disarmed by the hero's unexpected banter, the assassin momentarily loses focus, allowing the hero to strike with precision. The hero's joyful spirit and sharp instincts guide him to victory, as he revels in the triumph of light-heartedness amidst the darkness.

In a duel with the master swordsman, the hero finds himself in a lighthearted exchange of compliments and jests. With each clash of their blades, the hero graciously compliments his opponent's impeccable technique, even performing an exaggerated bow mid-battle to show his admiration. The swordsman, begrudgingly amused, reciprocates with laughter and light banter. Despite the humorous interludes, the hero's skills remain unmatched, maneuvering through each attack with ease and delivering precise counterstrikes that impress even his opponent.

As the final confrontation with the leader of his grandfather's enemies approaches, the tension in the air is palpable. Yet, even in this critical moment, the hero manages to infuse a touch of humor. With a sly smile, he unleashes an unexpected move, mimicking his opponent's menacing stance in an exaggerated manner. The leader, momentarily taken aback, breaks into a surprised laugh, momentarily forgetting his malicious intentions. Seizing the opportunity, the hero quickly channels his immense power, striking with precision and bringing the battle to its conclusion.

Despite the,,,,,,,

I can only add 2 chapter sorry guys i cannot make the 3 chapter today because i still need to baby set my cousins