The former him is a good manner man. He is so polite and very honest doing anything. But, the life he gone through only suffocation because of his kindness. So, he given the second chance, to start his new life, as a typical VILLAIN in every novel story, a young heir of powerful family?!
Name : Wu Tian ( 5 years old )
Race : Human
Level : 1
HP : 40000/40000
MP : 9007000/9007000 ( action with Almeria )
Job : Student
Strength : 5600 (Additional 450 from skill)
Dexterity : 2150
Wisdom : 2150
Agility : 3150
(All status increasing plus 100 because the effect of Yan Illustration Strengthen Pill) (x3)
(All status increasing plus 50 because the effect of special trait; The Miko Partner)
The other-world martial arts Lv. Max
Mana Manipulation (Qi Control)
Art of Strengthened Body
Life of Philanderer Lv 9 (up)
(Passive skill)
Inner Chi Defense
Warp Step
Well of Wisdom
Chi (Mana) Supplant
(Special trait)
Dark Yan Enhancement
Yan Illustration Strengthen Pill (cool-down in 25 days)
Seventh Elementary Talent
The Miko Partner (new)
Fairy Bless (new)
(Meridian Acupuncture Point)
First Star ( 2 points )
Other world knowledge
Language Comprehension
Appraisal skill
Nanotechnology Compatible Level 7 (cool-down in 26 days) (up)
Finally, the first semester of my first year in the school is nearing to close it's curtain. It's already almost six months I ended up entering the compulsory primary school, Royal Prestige Fiery Academy before I allowed to learn the cultivation martial arts. In other word, its already near past three months after the 'deflowering Silvia and Reki event', which happened on the Red Moon time. Nothing great happened after that, but let me explain about the other things that when through on these days.
Firstly, for you who doesn't understand the system of school, we have two semester in every years, and as you know, a five years education level. Like I have told you before, one week contains six days, and the Lightday is the weekend for the week. One year has 12 months, which divide by 4 season. The first 3 months named as the First Winter, Middle Winter and End Winter. After that, the First Spring, Middle Spring and End Spring. It's same as the next, for Summer and Fall. My school period started at the First Spring month, in the second week. I have born in third day on First Spring month, so after my birthday, I immediately send to the school. That's why, for my case, I am the youngest student entered the school for first years, as I just 5 years and four days old, not like the other students. Even though the legal age for entering the school are 5 years old, but normally for the person who born in First Spring month will have to wait a year before entering the school.
The first semester ended at second week in End Summer month, and the students will allow to have break time about two weeks. The school started at fifth week of End Summer month for the second semester. Before the school holidays begin, the students must participate in education festival, as known as the mid term examination, and the students will require to pass all the paper that been sit or prepare to lose your vacation time for make up class. All the students fanatically studying and revising the subjects that have been taught to prepare for the exam, for the sake of holiday.
Even though I have been exempted from the exam, I still sitting for the papers. The papers that I taken are all subjects, from the first year until the final year syllabus, all the seven subjects that been offered to the students. While only five subjects are compulsory for graduation, I taking all the subjects without any exception. Don't ask what the results, of course, all of it full marks, and I even topped the best students, Yue Er, who manages to get 497 over 500 marks in her exam. I have become the first student to get full marks on Mathematics, in this school. You know, the question itself is easy peasy, I mean the modern people with formal education like me will never has problem to answer it right.
However, all my results except for the first year one have not been posted on the board. All my achievement will become confidential as to hide myself from the public. Me, myself actually been seek by others recently, well thanks to Sasha. Since I, the co-author of the most popular book in these days, which arranged by Sasha, "The Secret of Child Crippled Wonder Pill", there are many intellectuals around the world tried to discover me, which stated as "Sage", to either become my disciple or hired me to become their researcher. Thank God, the school has made such effort to hide me from others, because of my very talents which much to envy.
By the way, the results have been sent to my parents also consist only on junior year but as you expected, my parents become more cocky and annoying. The most tragic thing happen to me are their bragging becoming much worsened. Very party that we attend together, they will show off my achievement transcripts, which they covered it in golden frame with special ornament, to others. The nobles that meeting my parent only can singing the fake praise and try to fan their favor by highly praise my achievement. I really wish that someone will kill me now. For the god sake, I really want to bury myself in the hole!
As for my progress, if you really looking at my status at the first page on this chapter, my stat increasing quite good, especially because the effect of Yan Illustration Strengthen Pill. When the first pill have been taken, the consumer must engaging the sexual intercourse with three different females. As the number of the pill added, the number of female will added one too. For the sixth and seventh time, I have to do it with eight and nine girls, so Ana, Maria, Yue, Hakua, Sasha, Nancy and Noir doesn't meet the criteria at first. I have to exempt Silvia because it's hard to copulate with her outside the Red Moon phenomena. Her libido peak on that time, but remain zero for other time. Same case with Reki, the sacred wolf miko that only can invoke the sexual intercourse with the bless of the Red Moon. I can't force her or I will lose her special trait benefit, the increasing of my stat. But heaven doesn't forsake me.
Lin Er, my first girl, which popped my cherry, came to the academy for the inspection as the secretary of the feudal lord. I ask her to help and she willing to do it. She is one of my father secret mistress, but I let her cheating my father. Well, I and my father did engage 3P with her, so she available to me. So, when I took the pill for the sixth time, I ravished these eight girl until they losing their mind. For the seventh time, Lan Er brings another secret mistress of my father to join us, Ranran, with mature body and well, she in the middle of 30's. Lin Er and Ranran actually complaint to me that my father rarely making love with them, and they said my father quite fast in ejaculate too. Damn my father, you embarrassing your son! They say even my little brother size now already comparable to my father.
With combination of Yan Illustration Strengthen Pill and The Miko Partner special trait, my strength already almost the 600 normal adult. I want to gain strength like my grandfather, so it's not to long before I achieve it. Well, not forget about the 7 virgins that became my strength too. I will buy another virgin as soon as possible after visiting my cousin mansion and stay there for few days! Fairy Bless, also my new special trait, thanks to Silvia, is a good benefit for me too. Well, it's still useless for now, but it will be a big advantage for me in the future. To become more proficient in the cultivation, the practitioner not just mastering the martial arts, but also having the fairy contract as the catalyst of the chi element. The one who mastered in the wind arts, must contracted with wind spirit, or they will never reach the peak of perfect stage in the cultivation. Other than spirit, the practitioner can also contracted with divine beast, such as dragon, unicorn and phoenix. They are others but most popular are these beast. My father have Black Phoenix, while my mother have Blue Unicorn. Only my grandfather have spirit, the Darkness element one. But, he can't summon him freely and only take action if my grandfather in danger.
Today, I will travel to my cousin mansion, and stay with Eliza for my vacation. My mother and father will left the country for special occasion in one of the country in the Western Continent. The country itself quite far and actually the next destination for me after graduate, United States of Iron Machine. My parent using the teleport gates, that been provide by United State as courtesy and the prove of friendship within both country. The funny thing is, the teleport gates itself need lots of monster core for them to use it, but for us, the cultivator, we just using our chi (mana) as the energy source. Actually, my parents want to bring me too, but I said to them, it will ruin my fun and excitement if I go there now.
The travel to Eliza place taking a short time, and I arrived there more early than I expected. Eliza with full of excited, welcoming me to her mansion with the hug. As expected 15 years old girl, she got some asset there as the small mountain covered by clothes, touching and been rubbed on my face while she hugging me. Unlike all my women except Nancy, which win a large margin because of her oppai but having small figure, her body is the right track, with her boob and body cutting. Speak of my women, only Yue and Sasha doesn't available today, to join me visit my cousin. Sasha has lots of job as the professor and Yue visiting her family for the holidays.
"Follow me, little Tian, let us have some snack and tea...." Eliza said after releasing her hug. She brings me to the guest room, where the foods already prepared for me.
"Thanks, sister Eliza. I very honored to spend my time with you..." I send my appreciate to her, while she response it with another hug.
"Oh, how cute and polite...." We having snack time together while my attendants, the girls bringing my belongings to my designed room. I also ask Eliza to prepare foods for my attendants and let them stay in my room. Eliza, with such innocent mind, thinks that the girls as my nanny and helping me for daily activities, let the girls stay next to my room.
"I already asked my butler to prepare for you, little Tian..."
"Thanks, sister Eliza. By the way, I have a business proposal for you." I change my kid face to serious one.
"Eh, mind to tell your sister..."
"Here..." I brings out the prototype of the board game called Othello from my magic ring. I always read the novel and found that this board game will let you generates the money.
"What is this?" She surprise after I brought out the Othello. Well, not because my spatial storage ring, she has one too.
"Let's play. I will show you how it's work...." After that we spend quite a few hours before the butler called us for dinner. She whining a lots like brat after keep losing until the end. I entertain her, well, like a brat, never let her won, even once.
"Brilliant! This is a excellent creation!" She praise me while we having our dinner.
"I will let you make it and sell it, as an official distributor. Of course, let me have 50% of the profit." I said to her, making her speechless for awhile.
"You right, we can sell it!" Ooy, do you really a merchant? I heard you already opened a store here.
"But, I have tight budget right now...." She hesitatingly bring out her problem to me.
"How much do you want for the fund...." I ask.
"About 100 golds. We need to open a workshop and hired the artisan for the job."
"Here, take it..." I brings out 500 golds to her. The amount actually doesn't hurt me at all. I still have more than 2000 golds, the pocket money that provided by my parents. Not to mention my share on Sasha book, reaching about half a million gold.
"What? Ah, I forget your status, after all you are the rich young master!"
After finishing our meals, we return back to our room for good night sleep. Well, I having few coitus with Ana (Almeria), the reason why my chi (mana) increasing day by day. When I ravishing my high elf, I aware that someone peeked me from the hole on the door, but I let it pass, as my Ana is more important. I fill her hole about five times as I excited having those coitus in new place, importantly, at my cousin house.
Next morning, I and Eliza having quite awkward breakfast, as she only keep silence and sometime look at me with blushing face. After eating, she said that she will having busy day for the Othello production, so she will not be available until the dinner. I went out to the market place for hunting the virgins. I travel there and only escorted by Ana, as my strongest slave and women. I arrive there in ten minutes, and went straight to find slaves. My luck good today as I informed that the fresh batch of slaves have entered the market. I feel like scumbag, profiting from other suffering, hence the war. There are war in Northern Continent, and the populations there mostly the demons tribe. The most popular and dangerous demon tribe in slave market is Succubus. While known as beauty and sexy, they suck their partner vitality and the worse thing is they can cause the sudden death.
When I entered the Heavenly Parade Hall, the same place that I brought Hakua, Reki, Noir and Silvia.
The boss who entertain me in the past, welcome me with his business smile. I asked him about the virgins, so he brings me to his special room. There are onifolk, dwarf, dark elf, succubus and demonkin been placed there. Onifolk and demonkin are differentiate by their horns and wings. While most onifolk have one horn in the middle of their forehead, the demonkins have double, each side of their head. The dwarfs figure quite small, and the dark elf skin darker that normal one. The succubus, well, just quite typical sexy one-san.
Most succubus that been shown to me are non-virgin, except one, but she is quite pettanko. I brought her, two dark elf, three onifolk, one demonkin and two dwarf which cost me a whooping 1500 golds after discount. I make slave contract with them and ask the slave merchant to send them to my house in five days later. I give them some money to feed them and let them have new clothes.
After a big spending that I make, it didn't stop at that, as my money splashing continued. I went to several medicine shop in search of Yan Illustration Strengthen Pill. The amount left is only three so I need to find it before my stock diminishing. I found the pill, but only two. I brought it for 100 golds, 50 each, which quite a bargain. I got plenty of rare pills that I never tell you all, but it's useless for me, as for my level. I eat my late lunch, well, snacking on the stall, before returning to Eliza house.
At the dinner time, Eliza told me about her progress, and thanks me for the opportunity. She admit that her store in red and almost bankrupt, but the new product will let her store fortunate. I not really paying attention on her report, as I really excited for tonight event, Red Moon phenomena. In the last Red Moon, I shame myself after been fainted after humping Silvia like the beast. I won't lose today and make sure to win this night war. I want all my women fainted first before me in pleasure.
"Are you listening to me, little Tian...." Eliza voice bring me back to reality.
"Yes, just make sure you pay my share after the business success..." I just randomly say, with nonchalant word.
"Yeah, sure. I promise..."
When we get separated after the dinner, she stopped me and try to relay some word but failed. Without any sentence, she left with blushing face went back to her room. Well, I guess she will told it this night, if I not mistaken. I returned to my room and see my miko, Reki and the fairy, Silvia, waiting for me fidgety. My appetizer will be Reki, the easiest to fall, so I start kiss her and caress her body. Her ears and tail are the biggest weakness that make her cum severally. I plug my socket on her hub, begun humping her and make her cum more and more. Finally, I ejaculate on her and make her fainted, losing her strength over the pleasure.
The next one, is the field boss, demi-fairy Silvia, the sensitive and sexual body. I begun my foreplay and let her cum as much as possible. She aggressively guided my little brother on her sacred hole, but this time I play her body with wholeheartedly first, before entering her with rough force. She still not down after cumming so much, so I tried not to offload my juice even though the squeezing too much for me to handle. After she begun to show weakness, I ended up shooting my millions of army inside her and finally make her lose consciousness. The winner, and the only, me the villain. By the way, those two shoot won't enough for today, as I waiting for my main dish today, a virgin.
"Hi, Eliza. Care to tell me why are you peeking?" Ask me, looking at her, being caught by Ana and Nancy, after peeking me doing the action with Silvia and Reki.
"You shouldn't do that. You are only five years old!" Said Eliza. I came near to her, still naked. I put my hand inside her pants and panties to touch her secret garden.
"Oho, how wet you are...." She couldn't stop me as her hand locked by my both servant. She blushed so cute, so I kiss her gently.
"Please, I have fiance.... You can't do this to me. I am your cousin and sister..." I hug her and start moving my hand. I rub my little brother on her thigh and beg her.
"Please let me do you, my lovely sister. You are so beautiful and I can't stand it. Do you sure that you love your fiance, but not me?" With innocent kid voice, I whisper on her ears.
"But... No...." Little by little her pajamas leaving her body and only left her the underwear. I pull her down to the bed, helped by my both servants. I lift off her bra and start sucking her breast.
"Stop... stop... We.... Ah, I hate my fiance, but we... Uuuu..." I ignore her plea as I start exploring her body. Her panties also removed by me with much of obstruction from her.
"I love you sister, and let me stop the marriage that you didn't like....."
"Really..." She become excited, listening to my word.
"For now...." I penetrate her suddenly and making her moaning loudly, being in pain while in pleasure, but those hurt feeling faded immediately. I start humping her and attack her womb making her crying for more pleasure. I let her cum few time before let her faint by pumping my load.
Name : Wu Tian ( 5 years old )
Race : Human
Level : 1
HP : 40000/40000
MP : 9007200/9007200 ( action with Almeria )
Job : Student
Strength : 5700 (Additional 500 from skill)
Dexterity : 2200
Wisdom : 2200
Agility : 3200
(All status increasing plus 50 because the effect of special trait; The Miko Partner)
The other-world martial arts Lv. Max
Mana Manipulation (Qi Control)
Art of Strengthened Body
Life of Philanderer Lv 10 (up)
(Passive skill)
Inner Chi Defense
Warp Step
Well of Wisdom
Chi (Mana) Supplant
(Special trait)
Dark Yan Enhancement
Yan Illustration Strengthen Pill (cool-down in 24 days)
Seventh Elementary Talent
The Miko Partner
Fairy Bless +1 (new)
(Meridian Acupuncture Point)
First Star ( 2 points )
Other world knowledge
Language Comprehension
Appraisal skill
Nanotechnology Compatible Level 7 (cool-down in 25 days)
Nice, Fairy Bless +1 and Miko effect! Hahaha, I feel so good, NTR-ing my cousin fiance and robbing her virginity. Got benefit along the way. The evil way are so delicious. My little brother still not showing any sign to calm down, so I having Nancy and Ana as the desert for my night meal.
The villain done the evil deed, nice huh? Any suggestions will appreciate.
P/S : No Tia in this novel. Well, there will be a M character, but not that black dragon.
In other hand, I will present you other kind of dragon in the future.
Thanks for comments too, but can you all review this novel?!