
I should be the one for you

Ken is heartless, arrogant, narcissistic, immature man ,obsessed ,ill mannered person while Yezi is calm, kind, cold but sensitive girl. This two people with different mindset met each other and end up in arrange marriage without knowing each other.

Zuiyu_ · Action
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38 Chs

Our First date

Advin wake up !

Rosella; wake up and go to your Home.

Advin; what happened why did you not letting me sleep .

mom call you for breakfast come and eat and go .

Advin; okay..

Rosella mom; you wake up how was your sleep.

Advin; it was Good mom .

Heikan was also on the table.

Heikan ; Who is this guy ? mom .

Mom; He Is your brother in law.

Heikan; huhh... he.. I only take Maddie as my brother in law. not him .

I'm going school mom .

Mom ; don't mind Advin . He just want Meddie as his brother in law . Actually in childhood. He told me that he wanted a brother. so I told him . Maddie is your brother.

then I told him . that your sister is closed to him . if they ever Fall in love. he will be your brother. that's way . so he likes him as his brother in law.

Advin; but mom .. now I'm her husband. it's okey he is just a child . I don't mind

Rosella;you may go Advin we having marriage the next day .

go home.

Advin; I'm leaving mom I had take breakfast.

Rosella take care of yourself and our child .

Rosella feel fluttered .

Advin go to his home.

I'm stuck between a girl . I don't wanna share my things and I'm sharing my child with her. wow ... also his brother don't like me ... huhh she was doing this because of compromise but she said she wants this relationship rest of life .. tomorrow is wedding. how to accept her. I guess love is not matter sometimes. "compromise matter most in relationship. I'm doing this compromise and she is doing again this compromise.

but I didn't like that thing she was about to share my child with meddie If she don't tell me I don't know about my child. she is so stubborn..

Ken go to the office and Yezi take a break because they are also going in the marriage of Advin .

Ken called her ; yezi what's going on ? Yezi ; I didn't have anything to do. what are you doing?

Ken ; shall we go for date tonight.

Yezi;yes ... I'm busy she was shy .

Ken : she say yes.

it's night ...now .

Ken come early from office.

Yezi was ready to go .

Ken we are going to date right?

Yezi ; where are we going ..

Ken; Yezi just go with me .. I wanted to tell you something today.

Yezi ; okey ... lets go

They go to the ocean where there is this two... it's was moonlight.

Ken ; the moon is beautiful isn't. Yezi .

Yezi: yeah it's beautiful.

Ken looked at her .. yeah not much as you're.

Yezi ; what ?

Ken : just what you listened. you're very beautiful.i have something to share with you .

Yezi ; what ?

Ken; I'm started liking you . Yezi not as a friend but as a lover .

Yezi: we are friends why this ?

Ken; don't forget we are legally husband and wife . I have right to like you ...

Yezi ; but how fast you are .. I'm taking you as my friend as husband. but I'm keeping this marriage as compromise My dad wanted

Ken; humh.. your dad wants... can't you just understand my feelings. we are so close deal that I started liking you . we have kissed many time don't you feel anything? you play with me .

Yezi ; I didn't play with you ..

Ken forcefully kissed her ..

" now you don't find anything"

yezi blushed.. Ken just go home . stop using me for your fun .. you everytime touch me without my permission.

Ken become sad okey I will not touch you . just go home now . tomorrow is their wedding we wanna go there too .

Yezi ; okay .. ( I guess he felt a bit because of me.. I was so harsh with him.. he started liking me .. because he feels alone.. why I'm feeling bad because he is sad .. what to do . he will take again depressed because of this . oh no no I don't want to be widow this age )

Ken was sliently sit in car .. He was very sad . He confessed his feeling that he again love a wrong person who don't wanna give him love back .

Yezi after I droping you home I wanna go somewhere.

Yezi ; Are you okay ? Ken ! you're not alright.

Ken; it's not your problem now ..