
I Shall Save The World

In the beginning, before time even existed, God created the world and its inhabitants. He created humans to live in harmony with nature and with each other and gave them the gift of free will. However, there were also dark forces at work, led by the demonic entity Azazel, who sought to corrupt and destroy God's creations. God chose a select few, known as the Chosen Ones, to combat the forces of darkness and protect the world from destruction. Elizabeth was one of the Chosen Ones, though she was unaware of her destiny. She grew up in a small village, living a peaceful and unassuming life. However, she always felt like there was something more out there for her, a greater purpose waiting to be fulfilled. One day, her life changed when she was visited by an angel who revealed her true identity as a Chosen One. The angel explained that she was gifted with incredible magical powers and was destined to fight the forces of darkness alongside other Chosen Ones. Elizabeth was taken under the wing of the other Chosen Ones, including Umbra, a skilled warrior with a mysterious past. Together, they trained and honed their skills, preparing for the fight against Azazel and his minions. As they journeyed through the land, they encountered various creatures and obstacles, including dragons, trolls, and ancient guardians. With each challenge, Elizabeth grew in strength and confidence, discovering new depths of her magical abilities. Finally, they reached Azazel's stronghold, a dark and foreboding place filled with traps and minions. The Chosen Ones launched a fierce attack, drawing on their skills and abilities to overcome the forces of darkness.

Cordel_Lawrence · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Setting Out

Chapter 2: Setting Out

Elizabeth spent the following days processing the startling revelation that she was one of the Chosen Ones. She kept to herself and continued with her daily chores, but her mind was now preoccupied with thoughts of her destiny and the powers that she was destined to wield.

However, her quiet contemplation was interrupted one day by the sudden appearance of a hooded figure. The figure emerged from the nearby woods, silently observing her for a moment before approaching.

"Are you Elizabeth?" the figure asked in a voice that sounded familiar.

Elizabeth was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the figure and was momentarily at a loss for words. She slowly nodded as a response.

"I'm Umbra. I received word that you were one of the Chosen Ones and have been tasked with guiding you on your journey," the figure, who had introduced himself as Umbra, said.

Elizabeth was relieved to have someone else in her journey, especially someone who seemed to know what he was talking about. She listened intently as he told her about his own journey to becoming a Chosen One, and of the abilities he had been gifted with.

The two set out on a journey to find the other Chosen Ones. They travelled to various cities and towns, asking for information and seeking out any signs of the others.

They met other people along the way, some of whom were wary of them, while others were more welcoming. But the going was tough. The other Chosen Ones seemed to be in hiding and no one was willing to divulge any information about them.

As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, Elizabeth and Umbra persevered in their search. They honed their skills and abilities, learning to fend off the dark creatures that lurked in the shadows, and that was when they encountered Yuki.

Yuki was a loyal ice dragon, whom Umbra had befriended during his travels. The three of them became an inseparable team, fighting together and taking on any challenges that came their way.

Elizabeth was surprised by the strength of the team, and was grateful to have Umbra's guidance and leadership in her quest. With each passing day, she grew stronger and more confident, knowing that she was fulfilling her destiny as one of the Chosen Ones.