
I shall save my love even if I turn into a monster

Hey guys, this book is meant for me to practice my writing so please do not be harsh as I do not claim to be J.K Rowling or Shakespeare. Synopsis: A woman sets out on a journey to save her husband who has been kidnapped by a tyrant vampire queen. For the first time in 5 years she picks up her swords and makes sure that the blood of the one who stands in front of her and her love is drenched in it. This is story is going to be set in a fantasy world so expect demons, vampires, dragons and dwarves. Also I plan on carrying this story until chapter 30 but hopefully less.

sensei_24 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

A hooded figure walked into the Fallen Dragon's pub. The Fallen Dragon's pub was not just your average pub. It was where the scum of the earth came to gather.

In the Fallen Dragon's pub you could find everything. Slaves, rare minerals, drugs, exotic animals and even stolen goods from nobles.

The pub became eerily quiet as the hooded figure was quite a tall person and drew everyone's attention. Even the blind man turned in the hooded figures direction.

The hooded figure walked for quite a small distance before sitting down at one of the tables. The table was dirty and sticky from the food and alchol that had been spilled on it but the hooded figure did not mind.

The people in the pub went back to their business as they lost interest in the hooded figure. "Oys... Whas cans I's gets ya?" a man asked the hooded figure. The man stood on wooden leg like he was a pirate. Truth be told he did look like a pirate. Maybe it was because of his dry skin that the sun had sucked the life out of or whether it was his creepy toothy grin no one could tell.

"Meat and a drink, non alcoholic." the hooded figure replied. The voice was strong and powerful and cut through everything. It cut through the heavy music and loud noises made by the other customers.

Although the voice was strong and powerful everyone could tell it was a woman's voice. The hooded figure removed the hood from their face to reveal a mask that covered the bottom half of the body.

The mask with red and blue with fangs and blood drawn on it. The mask was scary and struck fear into the heart of all the men who were looking at the person. Even the woman who were dancing for the man felt the fear in their hearts as they were accustomed to being intimidated but this was just too much for them.

Only the top of the person's face could be seen but everyone could see the beauty of the woman. She had bright red eyes and coarse but clear skin. She had long red hair that was tied into a bun.

But her beauty was only expanded even further when she took of her mask. Every man and woman swore that day that they had seen the most beautiful woman in the entirety of history. Her lips were small, succulent and rosy red. It was like her beauty was natural and not a single piece of makeup had been worn. But no one would believe that.

"Are you going to get me my order?" she said as she glared at the one legged waiter menacingly.

"Yesss, rights awys maamz." the waiter said as he hobbled of.

The woman tapped her finger on the table and started counting. After every seven seconds she would restart and glance over her shoulder. She waited for quite a while hoping that her order would hurry up.

"Look what we have here boys, we got ours-" a man shouted as he stood up. His words were cut short as the woman's hands flew to her hips touching the hilt of her sheathed sword. Within the blink of an eye her sword passed through the air and sliced the drunk man's lips of.

She looked at the man who was writhing on the ground in pain before slowly looking across the room making sure she made eye contact with everyone especially the thugs who were sitting next to the drunken fool.

"The next person who tries something stupid will lose more than their lifes, they will lose their dignity, their pride, their honour and most importantly their life. Try something stupid if you are suicidal I dare you to motherfuckers!" her voice was chilling to the bone to the point where it felt like the entire pub's temperature lowered. No one could dare to make eye contact with her.

Everyone went back to doing what they were doing except for the drunkard whose lips were cut of. He was laying on the ground bleeding to the death. No one came to help him as this was the fallen dragon's pub. If anything he would be robbed of any belongings he had after he died.

The woman waited for a while and finally the one legged man brought her the food she had ordered. He placed the food down and looked at the man who was bleeding on the floor.

"Youse is gonna have to cleans thats up." he said. The woman glared at him as he pointed to a sign that was on the billboard.

The sign read. "CREATE A MESS, CLEAN IT UP!"

The woman glared even more menacingly at the waiter who gulped. "Or not!"

The man hurriedly skiddadled away leaving the woman to enjoy her food in peace. Had it not been for her otherworldly features then everyone would have guessed that she was a man. She grunted every once in a while and took a large gulp of her drink as if she was a viking.

After she finished eating she just sat there. She sat until the sun had set and the moon came out. People passed the beautiful weird woman who stared into empty space and muttered to herself every once in a while. Occasionally she would laugh making people not want to go near her.

"Ahh... my back hurts!" a short man said as he sat down next to the woman carrying a heavy case on his back. The woman looked at him for quite a while before grunting.

"Hello Mara, it's been quite some time. I mean not really, you came to me 7 days ago and ordered me to make you a sword that can kill immortals otherwise you were going to stab me seven times every minute for the rest of eternity and then feed my corpse to the rats in the sewers below because I quote vultures would be to sym-" the man spoke fast and energetically in a childish manner. It was like he drank coffee and snorted cocaine for the first time in his life.

"Did you make it?" the woman asked. That single question alone made the dwarves lose his nerves. His heart sank as he stared at the woman who did not even bother looking at him as she seemed too disinterested.

"Wel... well yes... but as I... i explained to you before..." the man managed to stammer out before Mara raised her finger making him stop.

"Do not worry about the dragon's blood, as long as you have made me the sword then I will set of right now. So I ask again, have you made it?"

The man wiped sweat of his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief. "Yes, oh you have no idea just how much work I put in. I have not eaten or slept in 7 days. I spent all my time in the Poshul Crystal cave hammering away, and you know 1 day here is 1 year over there so technically I have not eaten or slept for 7 years. I had to forge it in the depths of the cave, you know where the heat reaches over 1,000 degrees but it's no biggy dwarves are known for the immunity to he-"

"Show it to me."

"Yes maam." the dwarve took the heavy case of his back and put it in front of him on the table. He unwrapped the cloth covering for several tens of seconds as it was a lot to reveal what was underneath all of it.

Everyone in the pubs attention was drawn to the object on the table. How could they not? The light shining of the metal cross gaurd and the casing of the sheath was just beckoning for everyone to look at. It was covered slightly in gold and wood creating an aesthetic sight to behold. The thief's in the pub gulped as they stared at it, their fingers itched as they had just seen the biggest payday of their life.

Mara touched the sheath of the sword. It felt rough and coarse to touch. The blade was emanating a heat that could be felt through the sheath. She placed her hand on the hilt of it to feel the cold coming from it. It was as cold as death's icy grip.

'Interesting, the blade is hot yet the hilt is extremely cold as one part was in a blizzard while the other in a volcano.'

"I'll take it," she said.


Mara placed 2 copper coins on the table and threw a fat pouch that seemed like it was about to vomit out coins at the dwarve.

She stood up and placed the sword on her hip next to her other other one. "Do you not want to know it's name?" the dwarve asked. Mara shook her head. "I'll rename it now, I shall call it The Hell Bringer." having said that she put on her mask and did not listen to the dwarve who was trying to tell her it's true name.

"No, it's called Ologsundar! In the dwarven tongue it refers to the state of complete neutrality between the winter season and summer. You don't like it, Okay at least call it The Ragnarok Blade. That was the first name I was going to give it."

His words fell on deaf ears as Mara pulled her hood up. "I'll be back here in four days time make sure the fire in your forge does not die down." She then left through the door.