
I shall do anything for power

Damien was 15 when he stumbled upon the mysterious diary, at first it seemed like the rambling of a madman but when startling coincidence began to occur just like the diary said, Damien immediately realized a path to change his destiny. Join me as we find out what extent Damien shall go for his goals.

Golden_Wolf_ · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Money makes this world move II

"Well, I think I have got everything I need here." Damien nodded to himself as he looked at his cart satisfied.

He had spent a while going through the store and getting anything he wanted and now he began heading to the billing counter,

Aria was still walking with him and currently, things were looking okay between them as they both kept chatting.

Using his great talking skill Damien threw some jokes at Aria, keeping a blush on her sweet face constantly.

'Heh.' Damien scoffed in his mind after seeing Rachel who was sitting on her counter and using her phone.

"Well hello there." Damien greeted sarcastically to her and pushed the cart that was full of many clothes, dresses, shoes, belts, and some accessories.

"Hah, you just added a lot more stuff to the cart. Looking forward to my punishment that much, eh?" Rachel looked over to the one that called her and saw the same poor beggar that was destroying the image of her beloved store.

"Well, just bill it and get on your knees already. I am busy." Damien shot back to Rachel with a smirk, but then he remembered Aria, she was standing a bit far away with a complex look on her face.

She didn't want this bet to happen no matter who won or lost, after all, Damien had a likable personality and he already became friends with her while Rachel was her own staff, no matter how harsh although she still had to punish her, humiliating her was not the answer .

Damien read her emotions from her face but didn't bother to address them. He looked at Rachel who was busy scanning the clothes' barcodes.

Her smirk grew with the addition of every dollar to the bill as if she could already anticipate her victory.

"The total is, Hah! $97,700. Have you even seen that much money in your life?" Rachel commented in ridicule after announcing the bill loudly.

Some of the other cashiers and staff also got curious about the ongoing scene and gathered over, making Aria's frown deepen, not liking the situation one bit.

"Bank transfer please." Damien ignored her ridicule and just asked politely, but as they say, silence speaks louder than words.

Rachel's laughs paused, unable to process his demand she scoffed, "Why don't you drop your act huh? Everyone here knows you can't afford this, so just drop it."

"Why don't you do the job you are sitting there for? Bank transfer." Damien imitated her scoff and asked flatly, his black eyes peering into Rachel's eyes without losing the confidence.

"Hmph, keep up your lie then." Rachel's self-confidence began to crack, and she began feeling some threat from this young man in front of her, But still unwilling to give up, she humped and gave him the account number.

~$97,700 Received to the bank account.~

A speaker beeped, shocking the whole room. But Damien didn't care, he kept eyeing Rachel with a faint smirk, saying no words. Not like they were needed anyways, actions speak louder than words.

"You remember the bet, right Ms. Rachel?" Damien asked coldly.

"I-I..." Rachel had many things left to say, that Damien might have taken a loan or he might have been using all his life savings... but under his cold serious eyes... she couldn't say a thing.

"I-I am sorry for my earlier actions, I was wrong." gritting her teeth she admitted.

"Hmm? I think there was something like kneeling mentioned too. Just saying." Damien placed his hand on his chin and smiled.

'This motherf**!' Rachel cursed in her mind upon hearing his words and gritted her teeth strongly.

She felt pathetic and ashamed of losing the bet and didn't want to kneel, but alas, Damien wasn't going to let her go... or will he?

"... fine," With a very pitiful look on her face, she said fine and slowly got up from her seat looking at Damien with puppy eyes.

After all, Rachel although with her nasty personality was quite hot and gave kind of sexy vibes, but her puppy look wasn't enough to move Damien.

Seeing that her charm wasn't working on him she accepted he fate and was about to kneel when Damien stopped her.

"Wait wait, I didn't ask you to kneel though. I just said that kneeling was mentioned." Damien smiled at Rachel, actually, he wasn't going to let her go and her planned to humiliate the b*tch that dared to demean him.

But he decided against it, in order to earn brownie points from Aria, which he indeed did.

One thing that stuck in his mind though was the treatment he received afterward. Every single person treated him different and even did unsolicited favours just to get on his good side even Rachel herself.

Even then this wasn't the main reason but one of the many.

As Damien was about to go further down the memory lane, Claudia robotic voice sounded.

'Master, it is almost time.'

Hearing this Damien immediately rushed his shower as he thought, 'We can definitely do this at our free time.'


*A few minutes later.*


[System Online]

Hearing the male mechanical voice, Damien smiled as he was finally going to play it...

"Start Mechanical check." He said smoothly


[Mechanical check, in progress…]

[1%... 2%...3%...7%...10%...15%...21%...30%...50%...80%...90%...95%...96%...97%...98%...99%...100%]

[Mechanical check has been completed, no abnormalities detected]

Following this, Damien checked several more systems and eventually booted the machine…

With a slight smile he opened the pod, got in, looked around before saying,

"Take care Claudia" As the pod shut.