
I shall do anything for power

Damien was 15 when he stumbled upon the mysterious diary, at first it seemed like the rambling of a madman but when startling coincidence began to occur just like the diary said, Damien immediately realized a path to change his destiny. Join me as we find out what extent Damien shall go for his goals.

Golden_Wolf_ · Fantasy
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7 Chs

I shall do anything for power.

*Splish splash*

As Damien took a shower, he thought about his plans… although it wasn't solid.

He didn't have much of a plan though, Joe's diary stopped at this moment... When Origin is released.

Except for a few more information about the game only a few advice was given and one of the advices given is...

Be the first to form a magic core, although the reason wasn't given, Joe did mention that it was very important and would give a massive advantage in the early game that if used well would serve him well.

Another thing was pouring all his time and money into Origin, everything.

Except for this house, his important companies and his Star orphanages, all other properties were sold except for a few cars and a few other important things.

'I am really going all in, hopefully you keep up your records of never failing me.'

Without realizing it, he started to reminisce about his motivations and why he was doing this in the first place…

"Haa…" He breathed in as he felt the warm water fall on his face

'... I still can't believe Origin is finally here to reap…'

The words he had read so many times before in the diary naturally came to his lips…

"Origin is inevitable."

The history of Virtual reality goes back several decades into the early 21st century and Origin's plans goes just as far or even further.

You can say Virtual reality was created for this very moment and has been around for a long time although it only started to take over the world around 35 years ago when the first full dive gear was released to the public at an affordable price although till now nobody was sure who completed the technology.

Being able to feel the wind on your skin, touch objects with your hands inside a game… It took the world by storm and so the issue of the source was mostly ignored.

And that was when 'Origin's hands' (The company) made its first appearance, taking the first step and releasing the first Full dive RPG.

Because at that time, virtual reality was still in it development stage the feelings felt artificial, and many people compared it to the feeling you have when you are sleeping.

You could feel the dream but you could also feel your bed… It was a rather bad experience.

Nevertheless, this technology was still highly sought after, especially in the movie industry which had a revitalization due to it.

At the time, movies and such forms of media were completely dwarfed by the ever-growing gaming industry, but now, movies could make you feel as if you were truly there…

This era lasted years and many iterations of the Full dive gear were made for all kinds of things and niche practices, but they weren't that much more advanced and were simply slight evolutions of past models or specializations for a specific purpose.

But this was the time when 'Origin's hands' showed its superiority as a company for the first time and introduced the Pod technology, allowing someone to fully immerse themselves into the game without outside interference.

No more dual feelings, now, you are fully inside the virtual reality. All senses were augmented, and some even said this was the pinnacle of this technology, that there was no way to improve upon it… They were very wrong.

Not only that, this new technology allowed people to play while sleeping without any consequences.

If that wasn't enough, this technology allowed for time dilation, meaning, you could experience 2-3 days in-game, but only one day would pass in real-time…

For the people of the time, they felt like they were watching aliens impart them with their technology due to how much of a gap there was between them and everything else at the market…

They just didn't know how close they were to the truth.

'Although Joe referred to Origin as a being capable of thought, Origin didn't seem... I don't know the word to use... alive... no not that either I still haven't found the word after so long.'

'I can't believe how much I believe this diary.' Damien couldn't help but sigh.

But since he was going all in he was going to make it matter what and he would make sure he stood on top of the world.

'No matter, I have lived a life of poverty and a live of wealth and power and I shall do anything for this power to remain in my hand. ' Damien's eyes hardened as he vowed as his mind drifted to an important moment in his past.