
I Shall Become The Strongest Dragoness!

What if your fictional character became you? What if after you became your fictional character, you were thrown in a world where there is no civilization? ..What if said fictional character isnt as strong as you thought it was? Or what if it is even stronger? It was the year 2097, August 23th when it happened, a change happened. Every human that had a powerfull imagination became their fictional characters, while those that lacked creativity succumbed in the new world. After the change, every living being were transported to a mysterious place, a world where everyone need to adapt to survive, a world that is way bigger than their past home land, a world with unthinkable dangers and a universe that is even more so. You will be acompaning Emilia, someone who loved action packed fantasy stories, comics and drawing. Though of the hundreds of fictional characters she created, she didnt expected to become this one.. "Ugh, why have i becommed Chronos? She was just supposed to be a stepping stone! A classic boo-hoo evil dragon for the protagonist to kill!" "But this body is also way smaller than it should have been! I am barely 140 centimeters! Chronos was supposed to be mountain-sized!" "Agh! If it has come to this, i might aswell become the strongest! I will never allow myself to be eaten by mere ogres!" =-=-=-= Expect grammar mistakes B) Though this is not my first book im still new to this whole thing, so be patient yes? I try to atleast post 3 chaps a week Try.

Egg_Lover · Fantasy
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45 Chs

[Dragons Anatomy & Mana Circuit.]

Emilia rolled around the wet stone ground, hoping that the pain would end as she holded her muzzle with her two shaking paws trying to muffle her screams but the pain was getting stronger by the second and she didn't know how long she could last this torture. Minutes were like years, seconds like months but eventually in a hour Emilia head splitting pain started to lessen, she was slowly regaining her ability to think.

Emilia wiped out her tears and struggled to get up, the sun was going to rise sometime soon and she had to get away from there least she wanted to be surrounded by some fanatics, Emilia gritted her teeth as the pain was lessening but it was still there, she then took a deep breath and readied her paws to launch herself upwards and gave a quick look around in the air, besides some few dragonfolk guards there was no one there. Emilia launched herself through the air like a bullet, in a few seconds she went from the ground to 400 meters in the air, the castle wasn't that big BUT she had to be sure that no one saw her so she went as high as she could at the moment. Why would she do that since people were very likely help her? Pride, a dragon can't be a dragon without that.

Emilia opened her wings and flapped them through the air, once she was close enought to ignore the effect of the castle she dive in close to the window she jumped off and once she was close enough she opened her wings once again to slow down her fall. Emilia gracefully stepped into the window and went inside, grabbed the nearest pillow and pushed her muzzle against it before letting out a loud scream to let out her frustration.

*Step* *Step* *Step*

Emilia heard the steps from far away and from the noise they made she guessed it was Dawn, she probably heard her, 'Ugh my head-' But Emilia didn't care about that because right now the most important thing for her was to survive this pain.


Emilia woke hugging a kobold, she didn't remember what happened last night as she was too busy screaming hoping that it would lessen the pain but she that eventually so much screaming put her to sleep, 'Well, the plan threat Chrono to make her stop annoying me on my sleep worked atleast.' Of course, with some simple threats of forgetting her, she managed to silence Chrono for now. Carefully moving away from the sleeping Dawn, she got out of her round fancy bed.

"It's quite a poor room for a castle, i just got some fancy paintings here and there, a desk, bed, and window. Oh and the door." Emilia mumbled as she stealthy made her way through the room while being unaware how much each of these paintings and decoration cost.


Emilia stepped on a small wooden plank..? 'Why would something like that be here?!' But thankfully, Dawn is a heavy sleeper. Not that there would be any problem if she woke up but she prefer to study alone. Making her way towards one of the many scrolls she had throwed at the corner of the room, she picked a random one and read the title, "Basic Theory on Ocultism, huh? Nice title.." Emilia passed her eyes over all words then throwed it away, since she had a perfect memory she only needed to look at it and would be able to recall the information later, "Let's see, this one is about artificial absorption of Mana?" Once again she just looked all over the words then throwed it away, the process repeated itself until she found something interesting, a book amongst the scrolls.

"Dragon Anatomy & Initial Stages?" This one peaked her interest and she decided to read right away, "A dragon's body is perfect in every way, even without mana they are naturally incredibly powerfull. Their horns are catalists and receptors, they constantly send information to their brain about the mana density, quality and quantity of an area, the scales that grow out of their spine is used to adjustment as if the mana in the area is too dense or too bad in quality, it helps the dragon subconsiously take less or more mana. Although their wings is good for flight, their other usage would be to gather mana, that mana gathering usually keeps them into the air wich is also why they can fly independently of their size, that mana gathered on their wings can counter gravity of a planet as long as it doesn't have a gravity of 70m/s². Their endoskeleton is extremely strong, it can hold itself on space without being crushed by the pressure and- WAIT SPACE?!"

Emilia quickly started to look at the autor of this book, there was no way a civilization that can't even create a proper sewer system can travel to space. Well, quickly looking at the old book cover Emilia had not only found his name but also found his 'title' aswell, "Junior Intergalactic Searcher, Guardian Zek'ran.. This isn't just a high fantasy world? It's sci-fi too?! That would be hell to write if this was a novel!" After a few moments of silence she also noticed something else terryfing, it was all written in draconic! Perfect draconic! 'Was that the common lenguage then? Well, by what i was told simply knowing draconic would allow someone to somewhat use mana, so there is benefit to learning it.' Emilia took a deep breath and reprimand her own thoughts and got back into reading the book enthusiastically as she had definetely found a gold mine!

Emilia flipped the page with her claw and began to read once again, "Besides the endoskeleton being incredibly strong, their organs, veins and particles, all of them are unthinkable strong and durable, at the soul expansion stage wich usually happens when they are 100 years old wich is still a child to dragon standards, they are able to completely deny gravity if they are talented enough to manipulate their mana circuit, their vocal cords are also incredibly resistent and powerfull, an adult dragon was able to shatter all glasses in a 7km² radius with a roar. Dragons have also an extra organ inside themselfes, besides their normal heart there is also a Dragon Hearth, it is the condensation of mana when they are born and it is also were their elemental flame is kept. The Dracon Heart or Draconic heart if you will stay side by side of the heart as it helps to put mana into their cells, this process cause full cell regeneration and perfect cell replication wich in other words, they wont die of old age ever, even without any mana a dragon should be able to live 600 thousands years." Emilia quickly read through the pages and stopped at some sketches of species of dragon.

"A common dragon, two tails, two horns, two wings, durable scales and sharp eyes. Their color usually tell wich element they are. Natural Elementalist, born at the Elemental Increase stage, incredibly rare, still distinguishable by their color and no physical change, Superior Dragon, Born at Soul Stabilization, those are usually dropped at a random world to grow stronger wich causes them to never learn how to create a mana circuit until they achieve the major stage Body Strenghtening, The tail divide itself into two near the end, four wings, three horns and incredibly sharp teeth, they can tear through Nandorium created by a High Aether stage easily. Emperor Dragon, mythical race, starts at Body Strenghtening, there is no physical sights on this type of dragon, Divine Dragon, even for dragons this is just folktale but it is said they are born at Mana Refining, Omni-God Dragon, i found the register of this species at a deathworld, ancient scrolls depicts them as to never grow and have 'all of creation' on their body but by studying the omni-god dragon religion and tales, it should have atleast Multi-Galaxy level in destructive power- WHAT?!" Emilia was getting exited over the book and started to read it faster, in a few seconds she finished the anatomy part she finally reached the part she was the most intrested, the mana part.

"Divided in 4 lesser stages and 3 known major stages, Elemental Gift is as said, the gift of the element when the dragon is born, at this stage the dragon figures out how to create a mana circuit, a mana circuit is another unique characteristic a dragon have, it allows the versatile use of mana such as using their element to make themselfes invisible, major telekinesis and psychokinesis, a Mana Refining dragon was once able to drag a FRICKING WHOLE SOLAR SYSTEM?!" Emilia quickly put her paws on her mouth and looked at Dawn but sadly, Emilia has run out of luck as Dawn had woken up.

revealing my tools beyond the planet.

Not going outside the planet any time soon though. Also i plan to pace the story faster from here forward to end the first volume.

Emi let Dawn read the books too >:

[Your wisdom has increased!]

[You have now learned about the existence of <Mana Circuit>]

[Quest Received! Build a Mana Circuit!]

<Rewards: Increase 500% in all physical stats and 750% in mana regeneration.>

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