
I see your heart!

hello everyone, my name is Martina and I am the female lead of the book 'I SEE YOUR HEART' firstly I want to thank all those who are interested in knowing my story because you are the reason I am born. secondly I want to address a few things about my book. The first thing being that unlike other books I will not be introduced properly at the first chapter but later on around the fourth and fifth chapter which automatically means that my partner will be introduced later on but needless to say I can assure you that you will not be bored because the story leading up to my introduction will be quite interesting. The second thing is that the description of people and things might not be extremely detailed to the core so you can open your mind and let your imagination run as wild as it possibly can. The third things is that for a girl like me the romance is going to be like a wild ROLLERCOASTER RIDE

alexa18 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

CH3: Walker Hospital

Inside the ambulance

"take us to the walker hospital" Amanda spoke to the rescue team as soon as she sat down "and also inject this drugs to my dad" amanda added giving the list that martina gave her to the doctor

"are you sure..I mean it will take roughly three hours for us to get there" the emergency doctor spoke after looking at the patient "and he doesn't look too well"

"don't worry about it as long as you give him the drugs on the list, he will be fine until we get to the hospital and besides if anything happens, I'll take responsibility" Amanda replied as she relaxed on her seat, her father's condition wasn't critical so she could at least breath now.

however the doctor looked at Amanda with doubt, how could she so easily say that she will take responsibility, didn't she know how the walker hospital was and what was her relationship with the patient, and besides what if the family of the man chose to chase her with responsibility, how would she handle it she was just a simple doctor and didn't have much money.

Amanda opened her eyes as she could no longer handle the intense gaze on her so she replied "he is my father and the director of walker hospital" she then closed her eyes back and slept "wake me up when we reach the hospital or if anything changes with my dad's condition, ok?"

"ok" the doctor replied as they continued the journey

luckily nothing happened and they finally arrived at the hospital.

"call Dr. chris!" Amanda screamed at the nurse before she rushed in to the emergency room with her father.

in less than three minutes, all the top class doctors of this prestigious hospital arrived after hearing that the director is in a critical condition, Amanda reported her father's situation to the doctors and also told them that she performed basic first aid 'she had decided not to talk about martina unless necessary, she didn't know anything about her and didn't want to implicate her unnecessarily', after she was done explaining all the doctors rushed into the room to check on the director's condition.

Amanda sat down as she watched them all go in, all the while watching the door as she waited for Dr. chris.

Chris Tamie, a young professional doctor that already possessed three medical degrees at just the age of 28 and a close friend of Amanda's brother, or maybe best friend..aman da couldn't really tell since her brother wasn't especially close with anyone anyway. and as though he was aware of her thoughts he arrived just then dragging Amanda back from her wonderland

"how is he" chris asked gently as he walked in, he knew she was tensed with the way she subconsciously continued to rub her hands together every now and then.

coincidentally the nurses walked straight in with all of Jamie's reports, chris immediately looked at the reports thoroughly before letting out a sigh of relief

"everyone was saying you did first aid on the patient but I couldn't help wondering about it, however seeing the reports now although I'm a bit surprised, it goes to show that your internship has been going great or where you perhaps hiding your talent to begin with" chris teased amanda with a smile.

however someone else heard about this and started rushing to go report it, meanwhile chris entered the emergency room and in less than an hour he came back out to address Amanda

"turns out we weren't really needed, your 'first aid' was very effective, and judging from the look of things as long as he doesn't dive into a coma your father should wake up soon" chris addressed the situation for amanda but by deliberately putting stress on the word 'first aid' he was also asking Amanda why she kept her talent secret because to the rest of the world she was the weak link in the medically established walker family.

Amanda wanted to explain but before she could say anything she received a call from home, turns out the eavesdropper had already revealed everything to the family so she had to go home first to clarify the entire situation and also think about what to do now.

Amanda spent the whole ride thinking of what to say to the family when she arrived in the walker estate, she hadn't even noticed until the bodyguard stepped up and knocked on her window to greet her

"welcome home, young miss"
