
I See Love In You (Average word length of the chapters)

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. My patreon acount for extra chapters: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Anime & Comics
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211 Chs


This caused the youngest of his sisters to hide behind her mother.

"What happened, dear?" asked Rita when she saw her daughter. Lincoln was afraid he had scared her, it was only natural, it was the first time they had seen each other in years, for she was still a baby when he left. You can tell that technically Lincoln was on his way to his mom, when Lily saw him arrive she hid even more until she was right behind her mom, Lincoln didn't like the idea that his little sister was afraid of him, Rita noticed and took her daughter's hand, Lily looked at her mom suspiciously Somewhat, but Rita's smile was a sign that everything was going to be okay. Mrs. Loud pointed her daughter at Lincoln, and bent down to be the height of the girl. At first Lily was shy until Lincoln spoke.

"Hi Lily, you may not remember me but I remember you, when I left you were just a baby"

"I-I wanted to meet you when I grew up..." said Lily, her voice broken with embarrassment, "and what were we?" she said "were we united?"

"Hehehe, yeah, I even called you my little Lilly," Lincoln smiled. "There was a time you beat me up in a video game."

"Is that true?" Laila asked.

"Yes, you even fell asleep while i read one of my Ace Savy comics to you."

Lily's eyes lit up when she heard that "Do you like Ace Savy too?" she asked, by then all traces of shame seemed to be gone.

Lincoln, even though a good portion of his hair covers half his face, you can see he's making a nostalgic gesture. "Yeah...well, I loved it. I even used to read it in my underwear."

"Cool. Do you also do that when you read?" Lilly asked

"also?" Lincoln asked when Lori spoke.

"Yeah, I guess we haven't quite made up your mind, Lily does exactly what you did."

It made sense that a four-year-old girl in a house inhabited mostly by women, the sole inhabitant of which was her father who worked hard on his restaurant business, could walk around the house in her underwear without any shame.

"Hahaha, so you don't have rest from my stuff, even when I'm not here."

"And you still do it?" Lily asked.

This question popped into Luna's mind 'I'd like to see how my little bro has matured...' The rock star imagined the boy with his tight black boxer pointing at a huge bulge at his crotch, causing her to blush and drool a bit.

While Lincoln answered his little sister's question, "Well, not really, it's very cold in Canada and we live in a snowy area, so it wasn't a good idea to walk around the house in your underwear even with the heater on. But you don't have to stop if you don't want to. I won't see you anyway." Lincoln said, touching her nose as a sign of understanding

Lily laughed a little at the joke "Hehe, like I'd stop even if you could see" The girl realized what she had said and all the shame that had vanished from her fell on her again three times stronger than before 😂😂😂😂 so she became redder than a tomato and ran to shut herself in Her room, which was once Lincoln's room.

Lincoln "I'll go see how she is, if my hearing doesn't fail me, she've gone to my old room, right?"

"Do you want us to help you?" asked Rita.

"It is not necessary, Mom" Lincoln replied carefully and with the help of his cane, he climbed the stairs until he came to the corridor, as he was walking, he heard a little voice muttering something and the clear sound of chalk on the blackboard. Toke Lincoln no time to find out who she is over because she was the only one he didn't greet. He entered the room, and in front of the blackboard was Lisa, when she heard someone enter, she pulled out a weapon with a strange blue light from her robe, but she stopped attacking when she saw who it was.

"Lincoln" lisa said, then ran to hug her brother, but stopped midway.

Lincoln couldn't hear her step anymore and decided to speak "Hey Lisa. What's going on? Aren't you glad to see me?"

Lisa put the gun she still had in her hand, and was grateful that the boy could not see the danger he faced if she fired, but then she remembered that the reason he could not see was her own reckless need to get ahead by ignoring the morals of every scientist.

"No Lincoln, it's not...it's just..." Since her brother's leaving, Lisa has been more open to emotions, but ironically, her family no longer cares about her feelings, except for her parents and Lily who doesn't know why her sisters reject the little scientist, and based on Her parents request, it had to stay that way. Lily must not know the dark secret her sister has been hiding, and why her brother has left home.

Lincoln walked over to where he heard Lisa breathing, the boy leaned over and hugged the girl. "I miss you, Lisa" Lincoln said in a whisper.

Lisa could not believe what was happening, in the three years since that day she had never received hugs more than her parents, and Lily was strictly forbidden to go near her. Three years of rejection and emotional isolation, three years of her sisters reminding her of her worst mistake and now the person she hurt the most and has the biggest reason to hate her is right there, hugging her and telling her he misses her.

"I'm sorry, Lincoln" the girl thought, closing her eyes, hugging him, and smiling warmly.

Meanwhile, Lynn watched them from the door. "She doesn't deserve your forgiveness."