
I See Love In You (Average word length of the chapters)

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. My patreon acount for extra chapters: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Anime & Comics
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234 Chs


Both girls chased the albino, which was made even more difficult for Lisa, who was not the best athlete in the family after Lincoln's physical improvement.

The two sisters reach a pedestrian-free area of the city, where they see their brother with his back to them.

Leni slowly approached Lincoln. "Lincoln?...Linky?" Leni took Lincoln's shoulder, and when he felt his sister's hand, he turned around. Lincoln was pulling his hair and exposing his fangs. Leni got scared.

Lincoln had a look of hate. "I'm going to break him into pieces!"

-While at Loud's house-

Lori was happy to see her bobo bear again. Although they studied at the same university, they separated during the holidays to be with their families.

While Lori was looking at pictures of Bobby on her cell phone, the phone rang in the living room because she was the only person in the house unoccupied, half of her family was getting ready for a Christmas party in Great Lakes City. The other half fixes the hole in the ceiling. Lori had to respond.


"Lori? It's me, Leni."

"Leni? What's going on?"

"I wanted to tell you that I'm going to be in the park with Lincoln for a while."

"It's all right, Leni. But remember, in the afternoon we have to go to Bobby's house."

"Don't worry, we'll be home in an hour at the latest."

"Well, have fun"

-call ended-

Meanwhile, in a neglected apartment complex, someone with headphones is listening in on the call between the Loud sisters. The person removed the headphones and leaned against the door.

"So Lincoln, huh?"

-in Royal Woods Park-

Leni walked in, hugging Lincoln's arm, her head resting on her brother's shoulder. The people who saw them pass by looked at them tenderly as they thought of the beautiful couple they were, especially when they saw Lincoln with his cane and saw the pretty blonde girl like a saint helping her helpless love.

Lincoln led Leni to a beautiful wooden bridge. The frozen water and snow made for a beautiful visual spectacle worthy of being photographed. Leni felt a little sad that she was the only one who could enjoy this scene, but it was enough for her to be with Lincoln. She tightened her embrace, feeling that it was a date with her boyfriend. That word made her very happy, even more so when she saw Lincoln. There was silence in that quiet place, and Leni felt she could open her heart at that moment, now or ever.

"Lincoln...do you...do you love me?" Leni demanded, hugging Lincoln more tightly.

Lincoln put his hand in Leni's He knew what she wanted to hear, and he wanted to say it too. "Leni...i...I too..." Suddenly, a sound caught Lincoln's ear. "BELOW!" Lincoln pushes Leni as he falls to the ground and stands over his sister. At the same time, a gunshot reverberates through the garden.

"Leni? Are you okay?" Lincoln caresses Leni's face. The girl put her hand on Lincoln.

"Yes. Thank you. I'm fine."

More shots were heard. Lincoln stayed with Leni until everything was quiet again.

Leni helped Lincoln up when they suddenly heard someone scream.

"Get away from Leni!"

An adult man in a white long-sleeved shirt and black pants emerged from the trees. Long, fluffy hair with glasses.

The person was holding a gun that he was trying to hit Lincoln with, but he was faster and grabbed it in a submission hold on the arm, which caused him to drop the weapon, but the pursuer took out a knife with which he cut Lincoln, who caused him to drop him before the lunatic plunged him into his thigh.

Lincoln stood, holding his wound, and stopped the bleeding as the pursuer lunged at him and stabbed him in the stomach.

"Lincoln!" Leni cried after seeing the terrible scene. Her expression was pure horror as she saw the blood running down the knife on the wood of the bridge. But she wasn't the only one; the man looked shocked too.

"What the hell is this?" He started pushing the knife with both hands, but he didn't move. "It only went through some skin and flesh, but..." He started to put all his weight forward, but the knife didn't seem to be digging. "I can't get over him; it's like he's got a bulletproof vest under his skin." The man looked down to discover that Lincoln had tightened his stomach muscles and stopped the blade with his right hand, injuring him in the process.

Lincoln jabbed with his shoulder and broke the enemy's collarbone, causing him to drop the knife. He then kicked and dislocated his leg, followed by a left hook to the jaw and ending with an uppercut that knocked him out.

Slowly, the man awoke and realized he was handcuffed and inside a patrol car while a police officer took Leni's statement and a doctor stitched up Lincoln's hand, which contained gauze, where the knife had hit it.

"So, this is the man who sent you those letters? Do you know him?"

"No, I've never seen him in my life," announced Leni.

The man who heard it started slamming into the window of the patrol car. "Leni! Leni! Why did you do this? Why did you tell someone else about us? We had such a beautiful thing."

"I've never seen you in my life." Leni said this as she was hiding behind the officer.

"Please don't do this to me! Don't pretend you don't know me. You hurt me!" The pursuer started to cry.

"Seriously, I've never seen you."

The person started banging on the window with his fists. "I'm Robert. Robert Patrickson."

Leni remembered this name. "Professor of history?"

One of the officers is surprised when he learns that he is a professor. "How old are you and him, girl?"

"I am twenty, and he is thirty-nine."

"You entered the age of majority two years ago, but he will be held accountable for the threatening messages and their sexual nature. And for the attempted murder, plus the fact that he is a teacher and you are a student, it adds to the severity of the charges."

Robert started crying. "Why Leni? Why did you do this to me? He doesn't deserve you!" Pointing at Lincoln.