
I See Love In You (Average word length of the chapters)

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. My patreon acount for extra chapters: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Anime & Comics
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234 Chs


Chapter 8: Changes Part 2

-It is not change that produces pain, but resistance to it-


He felt the good shower water, the smoothness of polished bathroom tiles on his fingertips, and steam that turned to water on contact, sliding his hand down the wall with his knees pressed to the floor of the room. His muscles relaxed at all these sensations. He was alone in his mind, in a storm of thoughts. Big waves. It strikes it in different directions, sinking it and bringing it to the surface to sink it again.

All he could think about in that storm was Lynn. He couldn't think of anything else. An erection suddenly appeared as he remembered Lynn's touch. That rough and bold touch of his sister on his genitals The heat she masturbated to him, her aggressive kiss entering his mouth, the moist warmth discovering his mouth, and feeling his teeth digging around his mouth

Sensations that might be unpleasant to many, for the white-haired man, were exciting. The smoothness of her complexion, which, though tanned by so many strokes of her sport, was to Lincoln like the touch of a statue of polished marble, and the firmness of her broad hips and gentle breasts That natural scent of her sweat was intoxicating.

He was remembering in his mind every second of that abuse.

Abuse?. This word was repeated in his head. Lynn literally abused him. But was it really abuse if he loved it? Despite not being able to see, the mental image he had of his sister, where he felt her entire body, was enough to get started.

Lincoln brought his hand to his penis and began to masturbate. Remembers smell and touch. The taste and sound of that moment filled Lincoln's head, and after a while, his ejaculatory system was finally stimulated.

If his tear ducts hadn't been damaged by the accident, Lincoln would now weep with guilt from masturbating with the memory of his sister, who sexually abused him, and the worst thing was that he loved it.

Meanwhile, there were spectators at the vents. It was Lucy, who had been there since Lincoln entered the bathroom. Although her brother's hearing has become sharper, he still has a lot to learn about the Gothic.

Lucy's cheeks were burning, and her heart was beating so fast that she was afraid Lincoln would hear her. But he was evidently too deep in thought to notice any noises other than the noise of the water and his own thoughts. For which Lucy was grateful, for it was thanks to this carelessness on Lincoln's part that she could see her brother in all his glory and please herself.

Her pants were as wet as her hands, which betrayed what she had done. After all, Lucy had just entered puberty, her sexual alertness was on the rise, and she had always believed that her lover Edwin would always be the object of her love fantasies. After talking to her mother when she was ten years old, added to the fact that sex education lessons would be carried out at her school, she thought the vampire would be the object of her sexual fantasies.

She never imagined that she would indulge in a mere mortal, Not to mention that he is mortal as he is her older brother. This white-haired angel has a perfect body and sharp senses, and just like that, he lives immersed in a world of darkness.

Lucy pressed her cheek into the holes that allowed her to watch her brother dry himself and get dressed. She felt the wetness and tingling in her crotch again when she saw how Lincoln had dried his hair, revealing those dead eyes that made her lose control of herself. She put one hand over the ventilation shaft as if trying to reach her brother, who, when he had finished getting dressed, came out of the shower.

My beloved brother, You made this sacrilegious feeling of love arise in me, with so many desires to be fulfilled. I long for you to turn me into your girl.

When Lincoln emerged from the bathroom, Lucy put her plan into action. A very simple goal with a simpler but very important goal for the Gothic

Lucy had to make the most of every second. So when she descended from the vents, she searched for and identified her target, a goal she shared with her older sisters, Lynn and Luna. Dirty laundry basket. More specifically, what they contain is Lincoln's shirt.

Lucy searched inside until she found the precious piece of cloth. Once she had it in her hands, Lucy folded the shirt and tucked it under her jacket. She later left the bathroom and entered her room quite normally. Luckily for her, Lynn had not yet returned from her morning jog, and Lincoln was the only one awake who was on the porch. Lucy quickly closed the door and began undressing, leaving only her underwear. Then she put on Lincoln's shirt that she had pulled out of the laundry basket and lay down on her bed, sniffing the garment.

"Hmm. Dear brother. I can't stop thinking about you and your beautiful eyes. Those eyes that see only darkness, those dead eyes, captivated me. I wish those eyes were in a jar so they could be the last thing I see every night and the first thing I see every morning."

Lucy hugged a pillow and began to rub her crotch on it as she greedily sniffed Lincoln's shirt.

"But I don't just want your eyes. I want your lips, your hands, your essence, pouring into me and on me and wrapping me around and making me yours as I make you mine."

"I love you all. I swear to the underworld that I will be with you."