
I See Love In You (Average word length of the chapters)

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. My patreon acount for extra chapters: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Anime & Comics
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211 Chs


"But Christina, Clyde calls him Lincoln, plus he has white hair too; you don't think that's a coincidence?" Molly asked.

"Please Molly. Loud isn't the only albino in the world. Besides, we may not have heard him right. His name may be Leon or Nico, and we've been talking about Loud; we hear Lincoln. We studied it at school in psychology class, and it's a classic case of induced auditory hallucinations. subjectively and is a collective suggestion." Christina finished crossing her arms and was very satisfied with her clever explanation.

"You're right, Christy." Cici said. "Besides, what would Lincoln Loud do here if we hadn't seen him for nearly three years?"

"Yes, perhaps that is it." Molly said, placing her hand on her chin. "But Christina, what about what you said a moment ago? That thing about Lincoln Loud coming back to town—don't you think that's just a coincidence?"

Christina rubbed her eyes with one hand and sighed. Well, how about this? Let's go follow this guy and see if he's really Lincoln Loud or not."

"Follow him? Why don't we just ask him?" Molly wondered.

"Because he can tell us he's not Lincoln Loud; if that's true and he finds out that everyone knows about him and what he did, he can lie to us," said Cici, backing Christina's plan to follow the white-haired boy.

Christina patted Cici on the head like a pet. Exactly Cici. "Do you see Molly? Cici Got it."

"Okay, so we follow him and see where he takes us; we'll be spies like that movie my little brother sees." Cici said excitedly.

Molly also looked through the open bathroom door to the outside. "Well, we'd better hurry, because they've obviously been long gone."

"What?" Christina and Cici asked at the same time.

The girls left the bathroom and saw that the table where Clyde and his friend were sitting before was empty, so they quickly left the coffee money on the table and went to look for the boys. Fortunately for them, Clyde and Lincoln weren't too far away, and they could only see them a few blocks away, which was ideal, so they could follow them and at the same time keep a safe distance so they wouldn't be noticed.

The girls walked quickly after the boys, sometimes hiding behind a nearby tree, a car, a billboard, or whatever so that Clyde and Lincoln wouldn't see them every time they turned.

"What's up, Clyde?" Lincoln asked his friend.

"Nothing; I just feel like we're being followed." Clyde replied, looking towards a dumpster that had Christina, Cici, and Molly hidden behind it, the three of them trying not to make a fuss because they had come so close. " Clyde walked over to the bin, and a cat came out of it. "Oh, it was just a kitten."

"Poor thing, he must be hungry. You know? Mom and Dad told me the truth about why Cliff didn't come home often," Lincoln said, lifting the snoring cat.

"What do you think happened to Cliff?" Cici asked softly, and her friends quickly covered her mouth.

"What happened?" Clyde asked.

"One day when the girls were at school, he was run over by a truck. The cat that came into the basement and was making noises must have been another cat. They didn't tell Lana the truth because she was still grieving over Walt and Gio's deaths." Lincoln responded while lowering the cat so it could continue on its way.

Hearing that name, Molly remembered something. "Lana? I've heard that name before. It's the name of one of the softball captain's sisters." She told her friends that they could talk more quietly because the boys were distracted.

"The possibility that he is Lincoln Loud increases." Christina thought, still skeptical.

Molly shrugs Christina and Cici's shoulders with her finger. "Girls, they're moving away again."

The girls hurriedly followed the boys. The spying continued until Clyde and Lincoln came to an abrupt halt. The girls hid behind a tree.

"What are they doing now, Molly?" Christina asked who was in the center because they couldn't see anything.

Molly described everything the boys did. "They seem to be talking; the white-haired man seems rather sad, and now the McBride boy takes him by the shoulders; perhaps they will kiss each other."

"Let me see, let me see." She had a certain fetish with the Yaoi novels, said Cici, desperate to be able to think of that kiss, but the kisses didn't come because she saw how the white-haired boy suddenly separated Clyde from him and started walking briskly. "Woah, they didn't kiss," Cici said disappointedly.

And they kept chasing them until they saw them stop again, and this time the girls hid behind a bush. "Oh, how often do they plan to stop?" Christina said she was annoyed.

"Again," it was Molly who described it all. "They're talking again, and the boy looks angry. No, it's sad; now it seems doubtful. My God, what kind of life is he leading?"

"What? What happened?" Christina and Cici asked in unison.

"The white-haired guy hit McBride; oh my God, he hit him. They're fighting." The girls poked their heads to see how the boys lost rolling between the punches on the ground and then moved again to follow the boys' trail, sitting on a bench talking.

"What is happening now?" Cici asked.

"They're just talking." Molly answered. "They are leaving. Hand in hand?"

Cici craned her neck to see how the white-haired boy was walking next to Clyde, holding one hand and his shoulder with the other. "Oh my God. He's so cute, but at the same time, it means that." Cici's face turned from a blush to a sad expression. "It's out of my league," she thought as her eyes twinkled and tears started to run down her cheeks as Molly comforted her.

From one moment to the next, the boys were already lost, as was the trail the girls were following.